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Heritage of Geneva County Alabama


Sample Heritage Story
Information For Family Article Work Sheet
50 Years of Marriage
Geneva County Topical Stories
Geneva County Family Stories
Military Service
Surnames To Appear In Heritage Book

Geneva County Heritage Book Committee
Heritage of Alabama Series
c/o Rhonda Stone
1569 Westmont
Geneva, Alabama 36340
Gerald Hidle - Ph: 334-288-6039 or
Rhonda Stone - Ph: 334-684-6725 or

Who is eligible to participate?
County Residents.
Past county residents.
Those with roots in the county.

How much may I submit, and what is the cost?
A. Each household is encouraged to send in 500 words of family history and one photograph.
B. These amounts will be published free.
C. In additon, if your ancestors were in the county previous to 1890, you may submit 500 words of pioneer history and another photograph per household. Only one pioneer story is permitted at not extra cost per family grouping or genalogy. You may combine these words and the 500 words of II. A. into one article. A one Column-wide photograph may replace the two single photographs allowed.
D. Additional words are 15 cents per word. Each additonal regular photograph, each full column width photo, or each double deep photo is $15.00 per photo. A two-column wide, double-deep photograph may be purchased for an extra $45.00.

III. What will I write?
A. About your ancestors.
1. Why and when they came to the county.
2. Births, marriages, and death dates.
B. Yourself and your family.
1. Childhood, school days,and death dates.
2. Jobs, residences, and pastimes.
C. Details of ancestory for future generations.

IV. Article directions.
A. Double-spaced type or word processing on bond paper.
B. Include at end of article.
1. Word count and sources.
2. Your name and address.
3. Typed photo caption (s).

V. Photo Directions.
A. Kinds and sizes.
1. We cannot be responsible for your original and valuable photographs. PLEASE, submit DUPLICATES of your photographs.
2. We will accept 35 mm color, black & white or studio quality prints.
3. No photocopies of faded Polaroid prints willbe accepted for use. Laser prints must be on photographic paper.
4. Any size up to 8" x 10".
5. All will be reduced to 2 1/2 x 1 3/4 size, unless you pay the extra amount described in II. D., or it qualifies as pioneer status.
B. Identification.
1. Place a return address label with telephone number on the back of each photo, or print information lighly on photo back with a felt tip pen.
C. Captions.
1. Limited to 10 words.
2. Type captions at the end of the article.

VI. Additional articles.
A. Histories of churches, clubs and organizations, married 50 years or more, veterans, any person that has lived in three centuries, etc.
1. Each allowed 250 words and one photograph free.
B. Communities and major topics allowed 600-750 words and one photo at committee discretion.
C. Tribute, memorial, and business advertisement section.
1. The only pages with a cost to a submitter
2. Contact committee members.

Prepublication Order Form: Please Print And Mail Form.

______Copy(ies) of the Heritage of Geneva County, AL @ $60.00, plus $4.00 tax...... _____ copy(ies) x $64.00 = $________.

______Copy(ies) of The Heritage of Geneva County, AL @ $50.00, plus $4.80 tax and $5.00 S&H. ...... _____copy(ies) x $64.80 = $_______.
I wish my copy(ies) to be shipped to the address below.

_____Additional words.
(My number of words _____ minus my 500 words = extra words _____)......._____ extra words x 15 cents = $______.

(Please print legibly)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... = $___________.
Credit card orders will be processed through Heritage Publishing Consultants call 1-800-568-1611 to place your order.

Street Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Send check, money order or MasterCard/Visa to: Geneva County Heritage Book Committee ,c/o Rhonda Stone, 807, 1569 Westmont St., Geneva, AL 36340

Check Out These Other Web Sites:
Geneva County Reaper, Samson Ledger Hartford News-Herald
Geneva High School Alumni
Heritage Publishing Consultants, Inc.
Search For Ancestors
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites On The Internet
Geneva County Alabama
About Geneva, Alabama
National Archives & Records Administration
American Revolution
Good Ole Days In Alabama
Welcome To Geneva County, Alabama