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Name: Kero (Kero-chan)
Seiyuu: Aya Hisakawa
Nickname: Kero
Birthday: Secret
Favorite food: Sweet things
Least favorite food: Bitter things
Favorite thing: Video game
Favorite color: Red, orange
Favorite TV show: Quiz shows
Favorite flower: Sunflower
Most wanted: A new video game
Place of living: Right now in Sakura's room
Original shape: A giant winged-dog

CLAMP picked the name "Cerberus." But Kerberos is closer to the nickname "Kero."
Kero is the Guardian Beast (or Beast of Seal) of the book "The Clow."
It duty is to watch over the Clow Cards to make sure they don't turn bad.
However, he fell asleep... Without enough magic, Kero can't return to its true form,
and stays like the shape of a stuffed animal until Sakura captures "The Earthy" and "The Firey."
In Greek mythology, Cerberus, or Kerberos, is a three-headed dog with a serpent or dragon tail,
which guards the entrance to the Underworld.

Name: Kerberos
Seiyuu: Masaya Onosaka
Mistress: Sakura Kinomoto
Birthday: Secret
Symbol: Sun
Attribute: Yang (Light)
Eyes: Gold
Body: Orange gold
School of Sorcery: Western
Favorite food: Sweet things
Favorite thing: Lively & merry things
Least favorite thing: Sad & lonely things
False shape: An orange stuffed doll with white wings

Name: Spinel
Nickname: Suppy
Birthday: Secret
Favorite food: Bitter things
Least favorite food: Sweet things
Favorite thing: Reading
Favorite color: Black, green
Favorite book: Related to witchery
Favorite flower: Poppy
Most wanted: Quiet surrounding
Place of living: At Eriol's house
Original shape: Black panther with butterfly wings

Spinel's usual shape is like Kero, but it's black with bigger eyes than Kero, looks more like a cat.
When magic is acted upon Spinel, it turns into a black panther with butterfly wings.
As you can see, Spinel's personality is totally different from Kero.

Name: Spinel Sun
Master: Eriol Hiiragisawa
Birthday: Secret
Symbol: Sun
Attribute: Ying (Darkness)
Eyes: Peppermint green
Body: Black
School of Sorcery: Eastern
Favorite food: Sour things
Favorite thing: Quiet things
Least favorite thing: Noisy things
False shape: A small cat with transparent wings

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