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The sun shone over the harper hall. It was a bright and warm morning. Synaria lay in her bed asleep, heedless of the time. She finally stirred and opened her eyes. She could sense that something was wrong, but she didn't know what it was. She looked around the room. Then she noticed the bright sun shining through her window. She was late for practice! Synaria jumped out of bed and hurriedly dressed as she tried to brush her long, thick, brown hair. She grabbed her guitar and ran down the stairs of the cothold she was staying in and cursed the girls who also lived there.

"They could have at least knocked on the door or something," she said to herself as she ran across the grass to the hall. Synaria was a loner. Her father was a mastersmith, and her mother stayed at home and watched the hold. Her family wasn't poor, but they just barely managed to scrape by sometimes. This was the reason Synaria didn't get along with the other girls especially Nayone. She was the leader of the little group, and she was as stuck up as a person could get. If there was one person Synaria absolutely despised, it was Nayone. She was always making comments about Synaria's old and worn clothes and about her family. This didn't bother Synaria though. She had dealt with this type of stuff before, and she ignored it. There was one thing that she could not ignore, and that was Nayone's throwing her rank into everything. Nayone was the daughter of a wealthy Lord Holder, and she made certain that everyone knew it.

Synaria finally reached the building. She ran the rest of the way to her class and stood outside the door for a moment trying to catch her breath. After a moment, her breath began regulating itself, and she walked in.

The class was in the middle of practicing a piece of music for the Gather that afternoon. Synaria stopped in the doorway for a moment. She wasn't sure what she should do. She finally walked to her seat and waited until the class had finished running through the song. She knew that her teacher, Master Gravain, was not going to be very pleased with her. This was the fourth time that she had been late to his class, and she knew that he didn't like her to begin with. The music finally stopped and Synaria braced herself for the harsh reprimand. She could tell this was not going to be a good day for her.

"So, you finally decided to join us," Gravain said with a sneer. "This is the fifth time you have been late to my class..."

"Fourth," Synaria interrupted.

"Do not correct me!" he shouted. "I know who has been late and how many times. You will spend two candlemarks this afternoon polishing all of the instruments until I am satisfied."

"But today's the Gather," she said incredulously.

"Three candlemarks," he shouted, "and you will not be playing at the Gather this afternoon."

Synaria was about to respond when she thought better of it. She was already spending three candlemarks of her Gather time polishing instruments, and she didn't want to make it worst. On top of that, she wasn't going to be allowed to play at the Gather. She couldn't take it. She got up hastily and walked out of the classroom. Practice was almost over anyway, and she wasn't playing. It didn't matter anymore.

She went back to her room and sat there thinking. It was totally unfair what Gravain was doing to her. She decided that she would go ahead and go back that afternoon even though it meant that she would miss part of the Gather. In fact, the only reason she was going back was because she loved music so much. She was good at the guitar although Gravain would never tell anyone that. She looked out her window and watched the Gather stalls being set up. She looked up at the sky, and she couldn't believe her eyes. It was almost time to go.

Synaria walked down the stairs and back the way she had come. She had missed the midday meal, and she cursed herself for it. "That's my problem. I'm always getting caught up in my own thoughts that I don't realize that Pern is still going on without me." She reached her classroom and knocked.

"Come in Synaria," came the gruff reply.

She walked in and immediately picked up a rag from the wall. She had done this a couple of times before, so it was nothing new. She walked around the room polishing pipes, guitars, and harps until her fingers and hands were numb. She glanced out the window. Her time was almost up.

"That will do," Gravain finally said, "Stay out of trouble today."

"I will," Synaria replied as she ran out the door. She slowed down when she had begun to reach the stalls. She realized then that she didn't have any marks, but this didn't stop her. She could still look. She walked up and down the rows looking at all the items. One thing caught her interest almost immediately. It was a purple tunic that would bring out the color of her hazel eyes. That was the one thing Synaria didn't like about herself that everyone else loved. Her eyes were never one color they would change with her mood. The weaver at the stall noted her eyes gazing at the tunic and came over.

"I see you like this tunic," she said taking down the item. "It's four marks, but for you, I could sell it at three."

Synaria sighed. "I don't have any marks. I was just looking."

The lady nodded and hung the item back up on the wall. Synaria turned around to leave and ran right into Nayone who had overheard the conversation. She walked up to the counter, but, Synaria noted, she didn't try to push her away. Synaria smiled as she realized that Nayone was actually scared of her even though Nayone was much taller than she was.

"I would like to buy that purple tunic," she said in her whiny voice.

The weaver glanced at Nayone and then at the tunic. "I'm afraid it wouldn't fit your thin figure," she said shortly.

"I don't care if it fits or not," she yelled. "I want it."

The weaver gave her a sharp glance. "It's only for display," she said taking the item down. She could tell what was happening.

Synaria burst out laughing at the thought of what was going on inside of Nayone's mind. 'How dare she deny me of something I want. Doesn't she know who I am?'

"What's so funny?" Nayone said sharply turning to Synaria.

Synaria smiled. "Just the fact that Orano's precious daughter was denied something."

Nayone inwardly seethed at the fact that she had been humiliated in front of her enemy. "Well, at least I actually had the marks to buy it, and my father actually does something worthwhile," she said walking away.

This was the breaking point for Synaria. She had put up with this since she came here sixteen sevendays earlier, and she wasn't going to take it any longer. She grabbed Nayone's arm and turned her around with her right hand and hit her in the eye with her left. She let go and Nayone fell to the ground. Synaria stood there for a moment. She knew she had just sealed her fate of being kicked out of harper hall, but she didn't care. She turned around and walked off towards the Masterharper's office. She had only been there once before, but she could still remember exactly where it was. She reached the office without any trouble and knocked on the door.

"Come in," came the deep bass reply.

Synaria walked in. The room was brightly lit and there was an empty chair in front of his desk. He looked up in surprise to see is was her. "Master Pandar, I need to talk to you," she said quietly now that all her anger had been released.

"Sit down then, Synaria," he said indicating the empty chair. She sat down. "What is it?"

"I just knocked out Nayone, so I figured I'd come see you to get my travel arrangements all sorted out. That way I can go home as soon as possible."

Pandar shook himself. "What?"

Synaria related the events of the day starting with her being late for class. She finally finished with her coming to talk to him.

"It was very wrong of you to hit her," he said sternly. "If you had problems with her you should have talked to me."

"You knew we didn't get along just like everyone else did," she spat at him.

He stood there a moment before he replied. "You're right. I did know, but you will be sent home this evening if possible. You should have never hit Lord Orano's daughter."

"Fine, I'll go pack my stuff right now, and I'll stay in my room until the dragon arrives." she said getting up. She didn't really care if he had anything else to say.

She went back to her room and packed up what few belongings she had. About two candlemarks later a knock came at the door. She opened it and found a young man standing there.

"Your ride is here," he said shortly and left.

She grabbed her bag and walked down the stairs. It was easy to see where the dragon was. You couldn't exactly miss it. It was a small green. She climbed up onto the dragon's back with the rider's help. They rose into the air and went between.


Synaria spent the next few sevendays at her home in Elan Hold getting her life back together. Her parents Bayah and Trentar kept telling her she needed to pick another craft before she was too old. She already had 18 turns. She told them she would, but she couldn't think of any other craft she had the patience to learn. She spent most of her time in her room thinking of what it would be like to live at the weyr. Her younger sister Arrinah was constantly bothering her, but Synaria loved her very much. So she rarely said anything. Their room was on the bottom floor of the little cothold since Arrinah was extremely clumsy and kept falling down the stairs.

"Synaria, come out here now," came the demanding voice of her mother. Synaria didn't get along too well with Bayah. That was the only reason she was looking for another craft. She wanted to get away from her mother.

"I'll be out in just a second," she called. She could tell she was about to hear yet another long lecture about how she needed to pick a craft. She got up and left the room. Arrinah followed close behind. Arrinah could have been Synaria's twin although she was not nearly as built as her sister, and she was just slightly smaller.

"We need to talk," Bayah began.

"I know. I know. I need to pick my craft before it's too late," Synaria said in a mocking tone.

"Don't start that," Bayah hissed. "We have decided that you are going to the weyr. You'll be able to do something there at least, and you won't be sitting around here doing nothing. Your father will take you up there tomorrow," she said in that final tone of hers.

"Did you ever think that maybe I don't want to go to the weyr," Synaria lied. She was thrilled that she would be going, but she didn't want her mother to know this.

"It's the best thing for you. You will leave tomorrow."

Arrinah looked shocked at the suggestion of her sister going away again without her. "I don't want Synaria to go. I missed her so much last time. It's not fair. I want to go, too"

"You're too young to go to the weyr. You only have 14 turns. In fact you should be working on a craft right now," Bayah said glaring at her youngest daughter. Her oldest daughter and her only son were already married.

Trentar finally said something. "Arrinah can at least ride with us to take Synaria to Dawn Sisters," he said looking at his daughters.

"Fine," his wife said going up the stairs into her room.

Arrinah looked up at her father. "How are we all going to get to the weyr? We only have two runners," she asked.

"Don't worry about it. It's not your concern," Trentar replied.

The next day Arrinah and Synaria woke up early. Dawn Sisters wasn't that far away. In fact, they would probably arrive there before sunset. Synaria grabbed her bag and walked outside. Trentar was already up and getting the runners ready for the trip. Once they were ready, each person chose a runner and they began their trip.

It was a nice day to for a ride, and they enjoyed each other's company. They arrived at Dawn Sisters Weyr shortly after the midday meal. Trentar had already sent his blue fire-lizard with a message to the headwoman there asking her if Synaria could come and work at the weyr. The headwoman replied that Synaria could come and watch the weyrbrats that were too young to go to the harper's lessons. Synaria said good-bye to her father and sister after they had rested in the Lower Caverns and looked around at her new home.

The Weyrbowl was full of dragons. Synaria noticed that one dragon in particular was looking at her. It was a blue. His rider was coming towards Synaria.

"Hi. I'm W'ryn. What's your name?" he asked kindly.

"I'm Synaria. I came here to work in the Lower Caverns," she said looking past the man at the blue.

W'ryn noticed what her eyes were looking at and turned around to face his dragon. "That's Sylth," he said happily. Then his eyes glazed over for a moment. He looked back at Synaria. "Sylth says that you would make a good candidate."

"What?" Synaria asked not believing what she had heard.

"You have been Searched," W'ryn said smiling at her.

Synaria was overjoyed at the news. All of her dreams had come true. She was at the weyr and she had been Searched. She wished that Arrinah could have been there, but that was okay. She would send her sister a flit as soon as possible with the news. What would her parents say? Oh That didn't matter right now. What mattered was that she had been Searched. "Well why don't we go talk to Weyrwoman Alora to see what she thinks," W'ryn said as he began to walk towards the weyr. "Okay," Synaria answered happily following behind. Surprisingly enough it didn't seem to take long before they were in the weyrwoman's weyr. "I have a possible candidate for the clutch," W'ryn said indicating Synaria. Alora looked up from what she was doing a gazed at Synaria. "What's your name," she asked with a smile. "Synaria," the girl answered strongly. She wanted to prove to the weyrwoman that she was capable to ride a dragon. That's all she wanted, the chance to Impress. If she didn't Impress, then she could do what she had originally come here to do in the first place. She could watch the little children. That really didn't upset her either. She loved little children and got along with them better than she did with most adults. Her thoughts were interrupted by Alora's speech.

"Well, I just have one thing to ask you. Would you like to stand for the next clutch?"

Synaria didn't even have to think about it. "Of course I would," she said happily.

"Well, then, it's all settled," Alora said with a smile.


Synaria stood proudly as the dragons landed all around the rim. Several fire-lizards circled above in the sky, and different pitches of humming came from every direction in an intensity and a level that was almost painful to her ears. When the Gold Lazireth's final note reached a soprano shriek, Synaria had to cover her hears to soften it. She watched as ther first egg shell bursts open, leaving the wet hatchling to struggle to right itself on the sand.

Synaria looked at the hatchling with a puzzled look on her face. What color was it? She looked around as others around her hotly debated the subject. The hatchling wandered over to one of the young men who had a broad grin on his face. He turned to the stands and shouted confidently, "His name is Nabendith, and he's my bronze!" Synaria smiled at the note of authority and possession that was clear in the tone of his voice. The bronze led his newly found rider off the sands, and several more eggs break shell.

Synaria watched a dainty green hatch next , followed by a brightly colored blue, and two oppositely colored and formed browns. All four of the hatchlings made their way from their shattered shells and moved towards the candidates. The larger brown was the first to take off towards the boys. Synaria hears one of them laugh and then see him jog forward to meet the brown halfway, "Elpeth, calm down, I won't disappear!" Synaria turned her attention back to the other three hatchlings. The green is second to choose. Synaria watches slightly depressed as one of the other female candidates kneels down next to the dainty little green. "Yes, you have found me, Jharnith, haven't you?" the girl says as she walks off the sands.

The other brown seems tired of walking around doing nothing and creels his annoyance. One of the male candidates forces his way through the group to the front, speaking hurriedly, "I'm sorry, Tylikath, I couldn't fit this robe on, and.." He realizes just what he's said. The brown croons, setting a confident grin on the boys' previously confused and frustrated face. "Yes, we can get you something to eat, and no, I won't make you wait again!" Tilgen cries happily.

Synaria laughs as the blue shakes his head and begins walking towards her and the other female candidates. He chooses one of the girls close to her, and she hears her say, "Of course you didn't want them! You're too good for the boys, aren't you?" Synaria and the other girls grin and tell her to shout out the dragon's name. The new dragonrider stands up straight, and glancing around her with a grin, she announces, "His name is Balaroth!" Then the next set of eggs begin to rock violently.

Synaria watched as two green hatchlings and a blue Impress their new riders. She sighed slightly anxious as another brown and blue also pass her up and Impress two other candidates. She began to wonder whether she would Impress at all. Her thoughts were rudely interrupted, however, when gasps around her brought her back to the present. She gasped herself as she saw that a large golden egg was beginning to rock. She watched as the egg exploded into fragments, and the little queen tumbled out. The little gold hatchling stood up and began to make her way towards the girls. Synaria took a deep breath as the gold came nearer. Synaria's eyes met the gold's eyes, and Impression was made. She smiled as tears of joy ran down her face. She quickly wiped them away. "She goes by Kanikath," she yelled proudly to the crowd, and her gold radiated arrogance. "You are mine, Synaria, and I am hungry," she said proudly. She walked off the Sands amid the applause from the crowd.



Synaria watched her beautiful gold dragon soar through the air. She wasn't as graceful as her mother was, but that would come with more practice. She landed well and sat on her back legs. She looked extremely proud and arrogant, a typical trait for most queens.


"I fly well. We should fly together," she sent her rider confidently.

Synaria smiled up at Kanikath. "Yes, you did fly well, but you still need practice. Then we will be able to fly together and fight Thread."

"Yes! We will fight Thread. I will fly, and we will flame Thread together," the gold replied as she put her muzzle on her rider's head.

"Yes, we must protect our wonderful Pern," Synaria said smiling.


Synaria pulled the fighting straps off of her dragon. Threadfall was over, and now she could do other things. She looked down at her herself. She was covered in all sorts of junk. Then she ran a hand through her hair. It was one big tangled mess. She sighed. "I'm going to go take a bath, Kanikath," she told her dragon mentally.


Kanikath raised her head. "I need to be oiled and bathed, too. I itch," she reminded her rider.

"Yes, I know. I'll get you down to the lake as soon as I'm finished with my bath. Okay?" she said menally.

"Okay," her dragon conceeded, "but hurry, please."

"I will I promise," Synaria said walking into the bathing chamber. She the tub with hot water and climbed in. Then she took some of the smelling salts and began to clean herself as fast as possible. When she was done, she go out and put on a clean pair of trous and a clean tunic. "Alright," she called to her lovely gold, "I'm ready."

"Good," the dragon replied a little stiffly. She was very impatient.

"Then let's go," Synaria said as she climbed up onto her dragon's back.

Clutches: Clutch 11 at Sedona Weyr by Brown Baraith
Harana Weyr

Dawn Sisters Weyr