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The Gabriel House Network.

Headquarters Located at:

359 Rogers Street, Unit # 2,

Peterborough, Ontario,

K9H 1W8



There have been many times when we needed

more, to help another of our peers.


Like the time when Laura's phone bill was overdue,

and so was she.

We were able to assist her until Rebecca was born.


There is Stephanie who couldn't read

because of multiple personality disorder.

She learned to read The Word.

It took two years.


There are many others, too many to mention by name.

We were the first organization to be able to get a fellow they call "Reindeer" out from under the bridge in Peterborough and into a warm home with food in 1997.

Then there were the many times we have had to go to court for those people who couldn't handle the stress.


There were over 30 people who had fallen

through the cracks of our system in 1997.


In 2004, 47 people survived for a year,

thanks to the sevices at :

42 Lansdowne Street.


This has been happening simply because

the existing system does not know

how to deal with this problem.



Because this problem can't be solved overnight.

It is an ongoing problem that society

as a whole will have to learn to deal with.


Due to costs, the only way we have found

to deal with it is through peer support.


As a network of volunteers we can be available


and the cost is minimal.


We also know best what it is that is needed,

as each of us has been there.


These people have all found refuge with

The Gabriel House Network.

All that we have asked in return,

from anyone,

is that they do the same

for someone else

down the road of life!


In this way, over the past eleven years,

we have seen

the collective consciousness of our society change.


Please Send Support Cheques Payable to :

The Angel

Send Comments to

The Angel