Welcome To Soul-Edge's Gaming links Site dedicated to all my friends with love and effection To Josh and In memory of Troy Beer RIP. my friend

This Site is dedicated to loyal gamers come and see what I offer you. dedicated to Josh and Troy Beer. To a special friend Desmear Sanders. MY Daughter Kayla J. Davis . and Max Duryea & Edward Welch & Shawn M Revoir. And my best friends in chat catwoman & mnm & akuma & Sirhc & Tori & Gamefan & Omar & Tweety & Chaz & Reznor & Buzzie & Asuka02 & ozzy. You are all my friends and you all mean the world to me. I will see you all in chat Soul-Edge

Soul-Edges favorite home pages.

Eidos interactive
Namco's homepage
Tomb Raider Lara Croft fan club
Dreamcast page Doc Bailey
THQ homepage
Supreme games site
Crash Bandicoot developers
ZDnet Console videogames
Weather channel protect games from storms
Electronic Arts
Acclaim games
Duke Nukem developers
Activision game developers
Psygnosis game developers
Spyro the Dragon
Silent Hill developers
989 Studios
Hasbro interactive
Sim city 2000
Street Sk8er
Interplay game developers
Leo Rules IRCOP Sega Dreamcast link site

Desmear Sanders gaming sites

planetweb page for dreamcast browser
official site for Sony Playstation
official site of Nintendo
Built for gamers
Game Sages
Game Shark by Interact
Game Spot ZDnet
Silent Hill
Video gamers league
Next Generation videogames
Total Videogames
Games Domain
RPG. Gamer
Soul-Edges favorite NFL Team Cleveland Browns
Working Designs game developers
3DO game developers
Westwood Studios game developers
MGM interactive game developers
Eidos interactive game developers
Jaleco game developers
Dream Works interactive game developers
South Peak game developers
Sunsoft game developers

Joshuah's favorite sites

Sega homepage
Dreamcast site
Gameshark code creators club psx codes

Sega Cast X
Video Game Time Online
Babbages & Software ETc....
Dream Connect /includes Chicago & Dallas sega irc chat server....
E3 Expo site
game pen
Game Power
Game Giant
Game Pro World
Gamer Zone
Game Informer Magazine-Web Edition
Cheat Code Central
Video Game Heaven
Nikita Company
Neuron Entertainment

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