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Please fill in all the information in the below form. It is important that I have everything filled out because each section will be used on your personal fanfiction section. If your browser doesn't support forms, then you can email me all the information.

Before you send your story in, please read all the IMPORTANT information below.

These are some rules that you MUST follow in order for your fanfiction to be posted.

  1. Discrimination against anyone, any group, sex, race, religion, etc will not be tolerated. Your story will not be posted at all!!!
  2. Any words that you won't hear on cable, will not be posted on this page. If your not sure, please let me know. I reserve the right to change any word on any story once it's been submitted. Be aware, if you have too many words, your story will not be posted.
  3. Please no graphic material. Yes I do understand that Buffy has sex, so it's fine, just don't start making it into a porno story.
  4. Do not add any HTML/JavaScript in your story. This will mess up the story and it will take forever to find and fix. I just don't have time for it, sorry.
  5. Do not use <> for thoughts. This will confuse the computer as it reads the HTML scripts. If there is any <> signs then your story will not be posted, once again I just don't have time.
  6. Double check your story for grammar and spelling. Understand that I don't really make a big deal about this, my stories have so many mistakes, but if you want your story to look nice then follow this step. I don't really have time to correct my stories or read them over and I know many of you don't also, therefore don't sweat this rule.

Title of Story:
Story or Poem: Story Poem
Your Story:
Cut and Paste Your Story