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The Poetry And Fiction Of

Poet Dean!

All of the poetry and fiction on this page is by Poet Dean, a non-professional writer, a man from rural South Alabama who now lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

The creator and administrator of this page, though, is not Poet Dean. I am a personal friend of Poet Dean's, going all the way back to 5th Grade. I now live in Montgomery, Alabama.

This website was created using a WebTV-Plus internet terminal and is best viewed with WebTV.

The Poems:

"Auto Return"

"O' Can You Hear"

"Pink Handle Gun"

"Sunny Melancholy"

"voices and hands"

"Bullock Co. Road at Night"

"no bare feet allowed"

"Dreams Are"

More poems are on the way!

The Fiction:

Coming soon: (untitled) a sci-fi novel.

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