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Just have fun with the IT lifestyle! Just think of a man walking across the street holding a palmtop, writing a text message and at the same time listening to MP 3 music through the hi fidelity headphones stuck to his ears. He just downloaded the music a few minutes ago while travelling from Gongo la Mboto in a packed daladala.

Our dream man is also wearing a baterry-less solar powered Casio watch, and in his knack sack he is carrying a GPS gadget to enable him find his way through the city, and of course, a pair of hi-tech binoculars that can give him day light-vision in total darkness.

The destination of our dream man is an electronics shop just across the road. From there he will buy DVDs and then walk down the street to an ATM to refill his cash chip for the weekend expenses. The cash chip he expects to refill is one of the components of his cell phone, cum palm top.

Then on his way back home, in the daladala, he will send an email with an attachment to his boss. The attachment is his day's assignment to collect sports news for one of the popular sports newspapers. And maybe download some photos from his sweet heart, away on vacation in the Arusha.

Do you have the same dreams?