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2390 Grimsley Road
Gordan, AL 36342
(a non-profit organization, all donations are fully tax deductable.)

Hello, my name is Pam,

I rescue lost or abandoned pets and animals. I have been doing so for over 25 years. I've taken all my time and resources to save and place many dogs, cats, birds and other critters that have come my way. Even when I found I had cancer and had to a have radical mastictomy, I managed to return after 4 days (with tubes and drain still in place!!) and work with my growing family.

The ones I've kept have been those to old or sick to be placed so those I kept to feed and medicate giving them a chance to live out their days in a warm and loving enviroment until they are called to rest in peace!

To do this though, I need your help if you can. I can only do so much on my own and that's where you, the public comes in.

I need donations, small or great, to help with food, medicine and housing! Right now I have about 200 dogs I am caring for and trying to place in good homes. Although, a few of these will never leave because they are on medication and these are the ones I keep and make as comfortable as possible until God decides to call.

When I say a small donation, I'm thinking $2.00 a month as an example, to what ever amount you may wish to send. A $2.00 gift will feed a dog for 2 days or pay for 1 shot. Even a one time gift would be most generous to help with the needed items for the animals care. I'm sincere about the care of these unforunate pets.

If you could find it in your heart to help me help these wonderful creatures God has given us it would be a blessing to these pets and to you also. At the present time I have one senior citizen who faithfully sends 2 to 5 dollars each month to help and she's on a fixed income. I know she is angel sent to help because I don't even know her name!!

I will be adding pictures of some of these puppies, dogs, cats and kittens as I can. And if your interested in adopting or fostering while I'm looking for permenate homes please contact me at the address above.

Thank you for your time and hopefully your assistance.

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