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MANDY RENEE EDWARDS February 15, 1981 - May 23, 1998

Mandy Renee Edwards was born on Feburary 15, 1981. After about 24 hours of labor she was brought into this world by C-section at 7:55 am on a Sunday morning. She weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 21 inches long with a head full of dark hair. She was taken to the nursery of Sylacauga Hospital and was reported to be holding her head up imediately.

Mandy is my only child (I'm her mother) and her father's oldest and only daughter. She was beautiful, smart and ambitious. She had her mind made up to be neonatal doctor at the age of 12. She loved sunflowers, the color purple, angels and babies. Mandy's education was very important to her as she was on honor student, a member of National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, on yearbook staff and in student government. She recieved a scholarship for two college classes during the summer after her Junior year in high school. She was so excited and had plans to take more college courses and having a strong start when she went to college.

She also enjoyed her friends and would go to great lengths to help the ones she cared about. I have been told by many of her friend that she was their best friend. She talked her friends through their problems and always had a shoulder for them to lean or cry on. Mandy was also ready to stand up for what she believed in especially if someone was being mistreated.

Mandy had a soft spot for animals, we have two cats, two hermit crabs and a land turtle. She would see an animal on the street and decide that it had no home and she should rescue it. If we had given her her way we would have a zoo in the back yard. She loved naming her aniamls also, even the stuffed ones of which she had many. They could never have pet names either. It had to be a proper name. "Sabrina Ann Edwards" is the cat we picked out from the Humane Society the week after she and I moved into our house. They acted just alike too!