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Buffy The Vampier Slayer

My Buffy Stuff

Here are my Buffy Stuff
My Adopted pokemon
Contact Me

Thankx for Visting My Web page! I LOVE Buffy The Vampier Slayer!! Well Duh I am sure you can that tell that by now! I have Pic. of all the cast just point and click at " Here is my buffy stuff" And Find the charter you want to see the pictures of.If you want a link to your page here or you want a picture here just e-mail me or sign my guest book! I have added alot to my page these last few days I have added awards web rings and a gravyard, contact me! IF YOU LIVE IN CANANDA AND YOU WATCH BUFFY, MAIL YTV CAN TELL THEM THAT WE WANT TO WATCH BUFFY ON TUESDAY LIKE EVERYBOFY ELSE!!! View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!

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