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Easter Parade


Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter

Watch out for those beautiful Easter baskets! A lot of us love to enjoy chocolate Easter eggs and candies, but please remember that chocolate is toxic for dogs, especially if it is dark chocolate. The results could be anything from an upset stomach to convulsions, coma and death. The wrappers can also be a problem. Those Easter candies wrapped in shiny foil are quite a temptation for cats to investigate and play with. If ingested the pet could choke. Please remember to store your Easter treats away from your pets, and place all wrappings safely in a covered garbage can.

To celebrate Easter, many people plan to buy gifts for their loved ones that may include baby rabbits, chicks or ducks. Impulse buying of animals is usually a terrible mistake because people do not fully consider the responsibility and commitment that goes along with owning a pet. Many Easter pets end up neglected or abandoned when their novelty and cuteness wear off. Before buying or adopting a pet, ask yourself these questions:

* Can I afford this pet?
* Can I afford veterinary care?
* Can I provide adequate housing for the animal?
* Can I provide the animal with an adequate diet?
* Can I care for this animal for the rest of its life?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, please consider purchasing a stuffed animal toy. There will be only one initial monetary outlay, and feeding and vet care will not be a problem. While adding a pet to the family can be a rewarding experience, please consider the seriousness of pet ownership and its responsibilities, and never think of pets as being disposable.

Spring is in the air, and summer will be right behind it. Here are a few springtime tips for dog and cat owners:

* As the temperature rises, be sure to provide plenty of fresh, clean water and access to shade. Never leave your pet in a hot car since the risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke can occur very quickly.
* Vaccinate your cats and dogs against rabies, and be sure to supervise them when outside to prevent encounters with wild animals.
* Have your dog tested for heartworm, and give preventive medication.
* Spay/neuter your pet to help stop overpopulation.
* Provide an I.D. tag for your pet.


The Jelly Bean Prayer

Red is for the blood He gave,
Green is for the grass He made,
Yellow is for the sun so bright,
Orange is for the edge of night.

Black is for the sins that were made
White is for the grace He gave,
Purple is for the hour of sorrow,
Pink is for the new tomorrow.

Give a bag full of jelly beans,
Colorful and sweet,
Tell them it's a Prayer....
It's a promise..
It's an Easter Treat!

~~Author Unknown~~

He is risen

May the joy of Christ’s resurrection fill your heart and bless your life

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