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Hey!!! *S* This is me and my dog "Buddy"!! *L* My lil bro named him!! *S*


Hey Peeps!!!!! Watcha doin? I guess you came by to find out who I am. So........... My name is Brad Boykin. I graduated from Kinston High School last year!!! I'm tall, dark, and handsome. *L* I'm kidding, but if you really do think I am, HAVE AT IT!!! *L* I'm 18,about 5'10",and 235 pounds of solid rock!!! *L* If only that was totally true!!! *L* Nah, I am muscular, but it's not all muscle!!! I'm not the most athletic person, but I do play some sports. I played Football (God I miss it!!!!), Baseball, and even Golf (I dunno if you'd call what I do playing, but I do try!!! *L*)!!! Well y'all!!! Looks like it's back to the drawing bored!!! Me and Emily talked and decided that we might be better off as just friends!!! Our relationship was struggling, so I think we did the right thing!!! I started at EOCC this Fall!!! I'm gonna get my basics here and transfer to either Graceville or Mobile!!! I plan on being in the ministry field!! Not sure what part God wants me in, but I believe that is where he wants me!!! I go to INO Baptist Church!! *S* Yes, I'm a christian, and firm in my faith!!! And if you don't like it, let me know, cause I'll have a bunch of guys over at your house to pray for you!!! *S* What'd you think I was gonna say?!?! ;o) Well, I guess thats about it. Oh Yeah, Sign my guestbook on your way out. *S* I have MSN!!! My e-mail is!! If you wanna chat, add me. Talk to Y'all later!! Be Sweet!!! Bye!!!
This is me and my nephew!!! Yeah, it's my nephew, not my kid!! *L* Although we do look a lot a like!! He's cute though!!! What happened to me huh?!?! *S*


Hey!!! *S* Long time no see huh!!! Things have been kinda hectic around here!!! Grandaddy is in the hospital!!! He's having problems with his kidnies now!!! :o( Maybe he'll be able to get things straightened out!! Mom moved to Mississippi to be closer to Cecil and the rest of the family over there, so looks like I've got a bachelor pad!!! *L* Umm....Amanda now lives in Opp!!! I was suppose to move with her, but havn't been able to yet!!! *S* Me and Emily broke up!!! Our relationship just didn't feel right anymore!!! It'll be alright though!!! *S* Life goes on!!! So, with everything the way it is now and there being nobody around my house anymore, it's gotten kinda lonely!! It's alright though!!! *S* A friend from the past kinda stepped up!!! *S* Me and Nikkie have kept in touch, and she's helped me through a lot of this!!! Thanks Nikkie!!! Well, if you wanna know anything else, just ask!!! I'll be happy to tell!!! Y'all take care, Behave, and God Bless!!! Bye Y'all!!!

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  • *ColiE* - A great friend from Pleasant Home!!! - Hey!!! *S* God we've been through a lot!!! We've argued, fought, deleted each other for all kinds of reasons, but we're friends again now, and that's what matters!!! *S* HEE HAW!!!!!! *LOL* Cecil says Hey!!! *S* Stay Sweet and be good to Kerri!!!! Love Ya!! *S*
  • Ashley Hardage - Great friend from Red Level!!! Hey Doll!!! You know I love ya!!! And you'll always be my lil sis!! *S* You've always been there for me when I was a lil down, so I'll always be here for ya!! *S* Be Sweet!!! *Huge Hugs*
  • Alyse Philips - A great friend from Opp!!! Hey Alyse!!! *S* Thanks for all the help in everything!!! I think I know now where you live!!! *S* Who knows maybe one of these days I'll drop in on ya!!! *L* Be Sweet and BE GOOD!!! *L* *Huge Hugs* *S* Bye!!!
  • ¿?Clueless¿? - Great friend from school- Hey Sis!!! *S* You know that you are a great person inside and out!!! Follow god, and me, and you'll go far in life!!! *S* Then again, maybe you shouldn't follow me!! *L* Thanks for being there for me through this whole mess lately!!! I promise when I leave you'll always be in my heart and in my prayers!!! Love Ya!!! Be Sweet!!! LYLAS!!! *S*
  • Emily Farris - A good friend from Kinston - Hey Emily!!! Things might be over for us, but I know we'll always be good friends!!! Keep your head up and leep God first no matter what!!! Love Ya!!! *S* Bye!!!
  • D-Rod - A-Rod's better half!!! *L* - Hey D!!! Man, things around here have been crazy, and I bet they've been pretty crazy for y'all too!!! *S* Thanks for always being there for me man!!! I guess your kinda like the big brother I never had!!! I'd call ya a dad, but your not old enough!!! *L* I still wanna claim the title from ya!! *L* Take care man & Preach on!!! *S* Bye!!!
  • A-Rod - Another awesome friend from DBC!!! - Hey Amy!!! *S* Watcha up to?!?! It seems like forever since I've saw all of you!!! So, did I recieve the proper votes to join the A&E club?!?! *L* Still say it'd be better the BAE club!!! *L* Be Sweet!!! God Bless!!! *S* Bye!!!
  • (8) Lead Singer(8) - A great friend from Dozier!!! - Hey Em!! *S* You know all of y'all are like family to me and each one of you are in my prayers each night!!! Keep everybody in line over there, and be tue to yourself!!! *S* God Bless!! *S* Bye!!!
  • *!Jenn!*- A GREAT friend from Straughn!! - Hey Jenn!! Havn't talked to ya in a while!!! *S* Hope things are going good in Dozier!!! *S* Tell Scrappy hey and good luck in school!!! *S* Love Ya!! *Hugs* Bye!!
  • Ash Ash (Ashley N.) - A great girl from school-Hey Ash!!!! Well, Iguess I'll tlak to you in class, IF you don't snap at me anymore!! *L*
  • Green Eyes - A great girl and friend from Kinston. Hey Rissa Roo!!!! Have fun at Papa Gs!!!!!!!!!*S*
  • Brown Eyed Girl - A great friend from Kinston.- Hey, Your a real sweet girl!!! Don't change!! *L* Be Sweet!!!
  • NSYNC Freak - A great friend from Straughn.- Hey your Pretty sweet too!! *L* Maybe I'll find out what your ICQ number is one of these days! *L* Stay Sweet!!
  • Tha Gambler - A great friend from Kinston- Hey Jason!!! You need to stop macking on all the women and leave some for me!!! *L* Stay Cool!!!
  • Susan - A great friend from Kinston.- Hey Susan!! BEEP BEEP!!!!!!! *LOL* Thanks for always being a friend!!! gonna be wierd not seeing you and Justin together in the halls after this year!!! Be Sweet!!! And take care of him!!! LYLAS!!!
  • ~Loni~- A great friend from school!!! - Hey Loni!!! You know you're important to me!!! Most of the time!!! *L* What's this about Ryan?!?! Never change for anybody!!! Be Sweet!!! Bye!!!
  • ~*~TOT~*~ - A great friend from Kinston!!!!- Hey Crystal!!!! Thanks for helping me to see the right thing to do!!!! *G* Good luck with whoever your trying with!! *S* Be Sweet!!!! *Hugz* Bye!!!


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