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He's SMILING! SMILING! hehe! :D :D :D :D -Kochan

Yo, welcome to my life-reality page. I'm Kochan, and the staff and I welcome you!!

*staff: "Hiiiii(welcome)!!"*


Right, then, on to the scriptings!! ...........Where so I get these words? Scriptings? wtf? Oh, ho hum! Enjoy the page!

Update #: 1 11/11/'99 Updated by: -Kochan

Update #: 2 11/21/'99 Updated by: -Kochan

Update #: 3 11/22/'99 Updated by: -Kochan

Update #: 4 12/10/'99 Updated by: -Kochan

Update #: 5 12/29/'99 Updated by: -Kochan

*********Hermstan! (New, Update #6 AT LAST!) -3/14/'00

Update #7! -4/4/'00

Update #8! -5/5/'00 Updated By: Kochan and Jenah*!! Yeah, new person!! ^~ ^~

Update #9! Wow, FINALLY! ^_^;V -9/25/'00 Updated By: Super Jenah!! Yesh, new person! Oh, My Goodiey Gosh-GOSH! *Gasp~*

Update #10: At last, finally, oh my gosh, i know, and...YAHYSH! WOO HOO~!~!~!~! ^.^;V Updated By: Tammy! Yay, new person whoo hoo~! :D Date: Oct. 24, 2,000

Update #:11! Happy New Year, Everybody! 12/31/2,000 Updated By: Kochan, Creator

Update #:12 Topic: Megatokyo Comic! Woo! 2/26/2,001 Updated By: Kochan, Creator

Update #:13 (THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE UPDATED TWICE IN ONE DAY!!!!) Topic: Yaks(?) 2/26/2,001 Updated By: Kochan, Creator

Short and Sweet: Update #14. By Kochan T, Creator

It Is To Be PH34R3D!!! Update #15. By Kochan T, Creator


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times since 11/11/'99!!!!