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Welcome to the Oneonta High School Latin Club page.Griffin Rules all.mwhhaaa Oneonta's Latin Club consists of 9-11 graders. Each student is in one of two levels.

Each year the Latin classes elect officers for the next year. The officers for the this year are as follows:

Latin I

  • 1st vice pres.-Rhonda Baker
  • Secretary-Taylor Ragsdale
  • Treasurer-Mari beth Robinson
  • Parlimentarian-J. T. Carkuff

    Latin II

    • President-Amy Clements A mean ol' girl
    • 2nd vice pres.-Brad Barnett he smells`
    • Secretary-Daniel Murphree a freak
    • Treasurer-Logan Lamb chops
    • Parlimentarian-Will Wright limpy
    • Audio visual man-Griffin Mason (he is a super hero)

Check out what happened at the Winter Olympics here.

Oneonta Latin Club belongs to these organizations.

  • NJCL
  • ACL
  • JCL

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