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Take My Hand, My Heart

by Joan Grammer
Copyright 2012
This work may not be reproduced without express written consent of the author.


She had been vacationing at Angel Fire, New Mexico and the nearby dude ranch now for seven years. The first year her parents brought her. She was sixteen and in love with horses. The next years were much the same, and she grew to love the ranch itself. Now, for these past three years, she came on her own. The re-enactment was the only reason she continued to come to the day’s scheduled activity. The script was always the same; an Indian attack, a gunfight and then the chase to clear the Indians of the town. But three years ago there was a new participant. The ruggedly handsome man was very authentic in his clothes and manner. His dark hair was long, but tied back with what looked to be a leather strip. His face was clean shaven and he had ridden close enough to Marilyn that she could see his sparkling black eyes.

He reached for her exclaiming with real urgency that she should take his hand and come with him. He didn’t seem concerned with any of the other observers around Marilyn, it was as if the other guests present did not exist. He stayed, reaching for her, for only a few seconds, then pulled his horse’s head around and disappeared in a swirling cloud of yellow dust.

Marilyn tried to find the man after the show, trying not to seem too obvious, but she was never successful. She had asked a few of the other actors in the little play, but they had looked at her like she was seeing things. They told her there was no such actor and that the part she was describing was not in their re-enactment. This year she decided that, maybe, just maybe, she would reach back.

Wes had to get to Angel Fire. He had seen the signs and he knew that Bear Hunter and his band would be attacking the town soon. He pushed the stallion much harder than he usually did for the urgency of the situation.

For a year now he had been trying to negotiate with the band of Apache, appealing to their strong sense of family, urging them to protect what was left of the People and compromise. As always, the bad element entered into the picture and destroyed all that Wes had done. It was claimed to be self defense, but Wes knew that was highly unlikely. The brave, Large Hand, was shot in the back. The ever present fear within the townspeople caused quick acceptance of the explanation, and saw no reason for further concern. After all, it was just an Apache.

The Apache point of view was quite different. Large Hand was the son of a much loved widow woman and had a family of his own. He was not one to start fights, in fact he was one that was in favor of compromise. The Apaches commissioned to go into Angel Fire and seek justice had been fired upon; a clear declaration of war.

By the time Wes arrived, the situation was out of control. All he could hope to do is warn the town and try to get the women and children to safety. He hadn’t bargained on that strange woman. He was sure that he had never before seen her in Angel Fire and she was standing directly in the line of fire. She seemed not to realize the danger she was in and looked as if she did not belong there at all. She was beautiful. Long auburn hair, full and loose. She wore pants, like a man, but there was nothing manly about her.

He pulled the horse up hard in front of her and swung him around. Skittish and nervously prancing in reaction to the noise and gunfire around him, the stallion kicked up a great deal of dust. Marilyn stepped back a step and raised her eyes to the man. He reached out, “Take my hand!” She didn’t move. “If you want to live, take my hand!”

In unconscious reflex, Marilyn’s arm raised and he grasped her forearm. She was lifted and deposited behind the man. Her arms naturally closed around his waist and she momentarily laid her head on his back. The very instant her fingertips touched the man the scene changed. Where there were men playing at cowboys and Indians, there were now fiercely real Indians and even more townspeople. Something stung her shoulder and she reached to rub the insect’s bite. Her hand came away with a great deal of blood.

“Hey!” But the horse bolted and Marilyn found herself clinging to the man and moving faster than she had thought a horse could move. What was happening? Someone was using real bullets!

She had been shot. Incredible as it sounded, she had been shot. And, instead of taking her to the ranch, and help, this man was riding in the opposite direction. Now she was beginning to feel funny, a little weak and dizzy. Afraid to let go, she lifted her head, “Where are you going? Where are you taking me?”

“Got to get you outta there ma’am.” He shouted over his shoulder but did not slow the break neck speed. Oh no. A cowboy wanna be. And he sounds like he believes he really is saving her. Now she really felt strange. Her hands weak, she could not hold on much longer.

Wes felt her grip loosen and looked down. He saw the blood on her hands. Man! She caught a bullet. No time to get to the fort by the looks of the blood, and he better not risk taking her to his ranch. When Bear Hunter was finished with Angel Fire, he most likely would go to the ranch looking for him. It would be best to go to the canyon. He held the reins with one hand and placed the other on the girl’s, then slowed the stallion and angled off to the east. It wasn’t far, and the pond there would provide the needed water. Everything else he carried with him.

Things were happening too fast. At this point, Marilyn didn’t care if she was with a mad man or not. She was not seeing things too clearly now, perhaps the dust was thicker here. She would have liked to let go and be off this horse but the man was holding her hands with his own. Her head fell back, then forward. Wes knew she had passed out.

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