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I will be adding more soon.If you have some stevie art for me.please e-mail them to me..Thanks

I do [still paint]. That's just something that's there, and one day the time will be right and I'll do a coffee-table book. It's just sitting there waiting, like the next album. ~Stevie Nicks, E! Online Interview, 1997
The Robin-Rhiannon painting was done for my best friend, Robin Anderson. Robin is also my speech therapist ...and the lady who traveled with Fleetwood Mac during the time when voice seemed to just give up. My friend saved my voice, with alot of patience and love. When I was fifteen 'n' a half, she listened to me sing the first song that I ever wrote. This painting is for Robin, (Like that long ago...first born song) because she alone has seen it all... and stayed like the charmed hour... and the haunted song... and Rhiannon... Stevie Nicks (10/6/81) ~Bella Donna Songbook, 1981
Postscript Rhiannon was started at the onset of Robin's Leukemia~ last August~ she died last Tuesday~ she was originally finished for Patrick at the City of Hope~ he died while she was still in her grey stage~ I finished her in brilliance upon Robins death~ because Robin was brilliant~ May she be a patron of driving this disease away~ it cannot live this cancer~ amoungst Rhiannons bright colors~ she was a bright light girl~ and we will fight on white light~ ~S. Nicks, 1982