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jp's Half-Ass Shmup Collection Page

Hello, and welcome to my shmup collection page (that is half-assed). Some of you may be wondering why I'm not putting much into this page, so here we go. It is because this is just a page I'm throwing up while I collect all of the Saturn shmups simply because... some people, for whatever reason, are interested in how that is going. So, I turned my 9th grade homepage into... this. So enjoy, or something. I don't know. I'm listing the shmups in order of purchase as I go, commenting on games I own, and possibly commenting on games I'm hoping to get soon. So, yes, enjoy. Also, please note that all "grades" are just grades I'm throwing out off the top of my head, and did not have much thought put into them.

Hey! If you enjoy this page then be sure to check out my actual reviews (complete with screenshots!). You can find them here.

The Saturn Shmup Collection (Current Progress: 35/55)

Note: Listed in order of purchase.

01: Radiant Silvergun: A++
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Not needed.
I got this one when it came out actually, and thus it became my very first Saturn shmup. To this day I'm one of those Saturn freaks that swears by the game, because in my opinion, it is without a doubt the best game ever made bar none. Good job Treasure! Definitely a $60 well spent!

02: Darius Gaiden: A
Orientation: Horizontal
Shortly after getting Radiant Silvergun I happened across a US released Saturn shmup for $7. Didn't know the US had gotten any shmups at the time, so I quickly snatched it up. Impressed, I quickly looked into other Darius games and was thusly... disappointed. :\ Regardless, Darius Gaiden is the best of the series, and the best home release of it is on the Saturn.

03: Galactic Attack: A+
Orientation: Vertical
Another classic that is exclusively on the Saturn. I got this game a while after its follow-ups (Raystorm, Raycrisis) had come out for $15, and at the time didn't know there were more games in the series. Upon playing the other two games, all disappointment that it didn't seem that they had made it to the Saturn flew out the window. Of course, now I know that a crappy port of Layer Section II (the sequel), IS on the Saturn. Goody...

04. In the Hunt: D+
Orientation: Horizontal
When I first got the game I thought it was a really cool shmup that looked a lot like Metal Slug (and apparently some of the Nazca folks worked on it). But after putting some more time into it, I discovered it was just a crappy port of a mediocre game. Ah well. C'est la vie. I only spent $6 on it, so whatever.

05. Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus: A
Orientation: Hybrid
TATE: Not needed.
Someone online had told me that this was an awesome shmup, and I had just happened to be starving for a new shmup at the time! So I quickly hit up Ebay and bought my first import from palet_th (one of the best Ebay sellers ever) for a whopping $40. Of course, before all was said and done this wouldn't be the only game coming from palet_th. At any rate, I found the game(s) quite enjoyable and would definitely recommend the collection to anyone who enjoys old school Konami.

06. Parodius Deluxe Pack: A
Orientation: Horizontal
A friend of mine had always talked about how awesome Parodius was, and I could remember drooling over pictures of a Parodius game in an old game magazine that was doing a feature on the PC-Engine. Well, palet_th was selling it... and I had a fat paycheck coming up... so I went ahead and bought it for $30. And to this day Parodius is one of my favorite hori series ever.

07. Gradius Deluxe Pack: B
Orientation: Horizontal
This one actually game from rabitds, but it was bought from the same paycheck. I figured I might as well get all the "Deluxe Packs" just for maximum shmupage on my Saturn. Sadly, I don't have much of a taste for Gradius games, but Gradius II Gofer is fun, so you know. The reason it gets a B instead of an A like all the other packs is because it seems a bit more "dated". But for $15, it was a steal.

08. Soukyugurentai: A+
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Not needed
Whenever someone on the net spoke of the Saturn shmups, this one always seemed to appear right after Radiant Silvergun. Also, in some review it was said to be incredibly difficult, so I HAD to get it. Rabitds was selling it, the paycheck wasn't gone yet, so I copped it for $35 I think. Long story short, its now my second favorite shmup of all time. It is easily the second best shmup on the Saturn, just behind RS.

09. Cotton 2: A
Orientation: Horizontal
Yet another shmup I bought from Rabitds (same transaction). A friend of mine had always spoke of the Cotton games, rabitds had it for $30, so I decided I might as well check it out. Glad I did, because I got treated to a game with wonderful gameplay, great music, and beautiful graphics. Good stuff!

10. Sonic Wings Special: B-
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Yes.
While browsing through the other shmups Rabitds had for sale, I came across this one with a starting bid of $45. It looked cool, so I decided to get my last shmup for my current shmupping binge. I like the game alright, but it feels really dated and for some reason the gameplay doesn't sit well with me. Its still a great game mind you, but just not my cup of tea.

It was at this point that I realized I owned a little under 1/5th of the entire Saturn shmup collection, and being the avid Saturn collector I am I decided to go all the way with it. Of course, this plan was only solidified when I recieved my 7 shmups and spent a whole week actually having fun with video games!!! Something I hadn't experienced much of since the death of the Dreamcast.

11. Batsugun: A
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Yes.
Shortly after I had signed up on the forums, one of the members (Matt) put up his mint/complete copy of Batsugun for sale in the trade section for $40 shipped. While researching the Saturn shmup collection, I had read that Batsugun was a great game and supposedly the "grandfather of manic shmups." So, being an avid Mars Matrix fan, I bought the game from Matt and not a minute too soon, for a few months later the price of it went up to 70$! Whew, thanks Matt! ;) Oh yeah, the game is damn good, and hard as fuck.

12. Konami Antiques MSX Collection Ultra Pack: C
Orientation: Uh... all.
Tate: Not needed
The game was on sale for $10 at some online store, so I bought it. I didn't know what to expect, but what I got were headaches from the flickering, choppy, and all around incredibly dated games on this collection. Mind you, being able to play the original Parodius and Knightmare is awesome... but overall I feel this collection is best for the people who had actually played the MSX during its prime.

13. DonPachi: C-
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Yes.
It was a toss up between this, Sol Divide, and Skull Fang. Everyone I had met in the shmup community thus far had sworn by Cave, so I decided to give DonPachi a chance. What did I get? A miserable port of a game I find to be only decent, and nowhere near top tier material. But its decent enough, and Cave fans love it. *shrugs* Thanfully it only cost me $30.

14. Detana! Twinbee Yahho Deluxe Pack: A
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Not needed?
Found it new for $15. Had to get it. Glad I did, because TwinBee Yahho is definitely one of the most creative verts I have ever played. Detana! is good too... but not as good as Yahho!

15. Sengoku Blaede: B-
Orientation: Horizontal
Rabitds was selling it for $60, so I picked it up. Its a fairly solid hori from Psikyo... so its all good. It wasn't quite as good as I was hoping it would be though...

16. Image Fight/X-Multiply: B
Orientation: Both
Tate: Yes
I might have gotten this one from macross126, and I believe the bidding ended at $55. Regardless, I find both games very enjoyable (Image Fight is fucking hard...) and would definitely recommend the pack.

17. Game Tengoku: A+
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Yes member PsikyoPshumpPshooterP was selling the special edition package on for a nice $55, so I picked it up. And wow was I surprised! Game Tengoku is easily in my top 3 shmups of all time, and is one of the funniest, most beautiful, and most enjoyable games I have ever played. If you want a top tier Saturn shmup, go for this one!! It is well worth the price of admission!

18. Guardian Force: B-
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Not needed
Hmmm... I can't quite recall who sold this to me but I know they were from the forums. Anyways, I got this one for $20. Its a pretty solid tank vert from Success, the makers of the Cotton series. It has a great soundtrack, but the gameplay is only "pretty good". I'd recommend it though.

19. Thunder Force Gold Pack 1: B+
Orientation: Both
TATE: Not needed. Got it from palet_th for $20. While Thunder Force II is kind of weak in my opinion, Thunder Force III is sheer 16-bit brilliance! This pack is worth owning for TF3 alone!

20. Thunder Force V Special Pack: B-
Orientation: Horizontal
Got it off Ebay for $90 shipped. This is the final game of the Thunder Force series, and sadly the series didn't go out with much of a bang. Decent gameplay + pretty rough (but sometimes gorgeous) 3D graphics makes TFV only better than TFI and II in my opinion. Still, its a solid game, and I would recommend it. And the Special Pack has a bonus soundtrack, rock on!

21. Planet Joker: F
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: No (Does it really matter?)
I had heard this was one of the worst games ever. I often wondered "How bad could it be?" So finally, I snagged a new copy from a Hong Kong seller on Ebay for $20 and proceeded to experience what is probably the worst shmup of all time. I kid you not... this game is truly horrendous, and it makes me sad that it found its home on my beloved Saturn. It also makes me sad that it was made by Naxat Soft, a company that had rocked it on the PC-Engine. *sigh*

22. Sexy Parodius: A
Orientation: Horizontal
Yet another awesome transaction with member PsikyoPshmupPShooterP for $35. I find Sexy Parodius to be the best of the series, and one of the most enjoyable shmups I've ever played. The weird perverted humor is great, and the awesome gameplay is even better!

23. Steam Hearts: C-
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Not needed
I bought this one from member President_Koopa for $75 shipped. I find the game to have beautifully vibrant colors, awesome power-ups, and great enemy design. The problem? The gameplay is really "meh" somehow.

24. Fantasy Zone: A-
Orientation: Horizontal
Got it from palet_th for $20. I've loved Fantasy Zone ever since the Master System, and nothing has changed on the Saturn! Its a truly great game, and I would highly recommend it!

25. Darius II: C
Orientation: Horizontal
Got this one from member DJ_Mo for a whopping $25 shipped. Its a fairly decent game... but controlling the camera scrolling gets kind of annoying, and it also makes the game incredibly difficult (since you can rarely see anything, and when you can you're all the size of pixels). I imagine the arcade cab gives a much better experience... but the Saturn port only made me want to play Darius Gaiden.

26. Metal Black: B+
Orientation: Horizontal
Got it from rabitds on Ebay for $61. In my opinion, Metal Black is the second most underrated shmup on the Saturn. To me, it provides an art style that is reminiscent of a mixture of R-Type and Darius, all while surpassing both IMO. The gameplay is spot on (albeit cheap), and the Zuntata soundtrack just rocks! And I am proud to say that I have managed to beat this game on 1 credit!! W00t!

27. Hyper Duel: A++
Orientation: Horizontal
One of the best horis I have ever played. I got it from an online store for $75, and it is truly a moment where Tecno Soft shines as a shmup developer! In my opinion, Hyper Duel actually surpasses the Thunder Force games, and brings one of the best shmup experiences available to the Saturn.

28. Capcom Generation 1: C-
A very lacking collection of Capcom's 194X series, only containing 1941, 1942, and 1942 Kai. I got it from member Randorama for $20. Personally, despite the 194X series being classic in most people's eyes, I don't see what is so great about it aside from 19XX. But enjoyment can be had from these games I suppose, so whatever.

29. Kingdom Grandprix: C+
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Yes.
It was on sale at some online shop for $25, so I jumped on it (being a huge fan of Souky and all). In my opinion, this game could have been a lot better had they just NOT done the retarded racing thing, but I guess that element adds something unique to the series, so kudos for originality. Its still a fun game mind you, just kind of annoying.

30. Blast Wind: A
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Not needed
In my opinion, this is the single most underrated game on the Saturn. Most people complain about the difficulty, or the length, or whatever. But regardless, it is one of the most enjoyable shmups I have ever played (even if it is easy), and I have already played through it over 50 times!! I searched high and low for a complete copy of this for 5 months, and finally Gregbower of sold this gem to me for $35(yes, $35. It even has the spine and registration card), and the man will definitely be recieving a Christmas card from yours truly this year for it!!!! Bottom line, I love Blast Wind, and it is one of the brightest hidden gems in the Saturn collection.

31. Kyukyo Tiger II Plus: C
Orientation: Vertical
Came in the mail from my good friend DantesInferno of! I paid $10 for shipping and I got a Saturn, this (mint/complete), and a Bleemcast! disc with Harmful Park. How do I feel about KT2P? I think its kinda poorly designed... but still a decent game at heart. I probably just need to play it some more...

32. Space Invaders: B-
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Not needed
Its Space Invaders... its obviously dated. I got it in a double pack along with Puzzle Bobble 2X from rabitds for $20. Space Invaders may be a dated classic, but the new 2P vs. mode (that is very Twinkle Star Sprites-esque) is awesome, so I give it props.

33. Super Dimensional Fortress Macross: B
Orientation: Horizontal
I got this one from palet_th for $20. Apparently, this one takes place AFTER Macross: Do You Remember Love? since the ending well, ended it. But whatever. I like it alright, it reminds me of the Mobile Suit Gundam games on the Saturn... really puts you into the series. Good stuff.

34. Bokan To Ippatsu Doronboo Kanpekiban: C-
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Not needed
Ouchie, this one hurt my wallet because of Ebay stupidity on my behalf! For some reason I just kept bidding when I got outbid, and in the end I wound up paying $102 for it. At any rate, the game sports some beautiful vibrant colors and even has some very solid gameplay, as well as a bitchin' soundtrack. The only problem I have with it is that it cost me more than I would've liked. Heh.
Update: After 1CC'ing this game I realized that it was flat out boring. Ah well.

35. Cotton Boomerang: A
Orientation: Horizontal
I got this gem new/sealed from rabitds for $69. Its definitely a damn good game, and almost nothing like Cotton 2. In fact, its my theory that Success intended to make a new Cotton game... but the art people felt lazy so they just used the same sprites. At any rate, the game is damn fun, and a definite must own for any Saturn fan.

36. Jikkyo Oshaberi Parodius: B-
Orientation: Horizontal
Got it from DantesInferno of in a package deal for $120 (deal included 3 other games, so yeah). As always, the game is excellent and gives that unique Parodius humor I've grown to love. Sadly, it seems to be only better than the MSX Parodius, as the game design is kinda icky. But its still a damn cool game...

37. Gekirindan: C
Orientation: Vertical
This one came in the aforementioned deal. How is it? OK, the game itself is fun. Its a decent shmup. The music is freaking awesome, and possibly a solid reason to buy the game in the first place. But the game runs pretty poorly... and I KNOW it could have been done better on the Saturn. So yeah, its a solid game, but the technical flaws really hurt it. Otherwise it would be a solid B.

38. Gunbird: B-
Orientation: Vertical
Once again, it came from the deal mentioned above. As for how it is... its a Psikyo game. All Psikyo games are the same with different backgrounds, enemy designs, ships, etc. But basically, you could play Sengoku Blaede in TATE mode without turning your TV on its side and you'd be playing the same damn game. I'm not saying its a bad game mind you, because its definitely a good title. But its still just... the same thing... the same damn thing.

39. Skull Fang: C
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: I'll check later...
Decent graphics, generic enemy/ship design, good music, and fairly creative gameplay. Skull Fang is a fun little game, just nothing special.

40. Terra Cresta 3D: D-
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: I'll check later...
The only reason this game doesn't get an F is because it actually is better than Planet Joker. Still, it has ugly 3D graphics, really shitty rail-shooter-esque boss fights, and some fairly lame gameplay to boot. I did like the music though... but even that can't save this craptacular game. Thankfully I got it with Layer Section II and Shienryu for only $85.

41. Layer Section 2: D
Orientation: Vertical
TATE: I'll check later...
Muffled sound, ugly 3D graphics, its impossible to see the bullets almost, and fairly cheap gameplay. This game isn't half of what Galactic Attack is, and really isn't worth anyone's time, even if it is the better port on the PS1. Overall, a decent idea and nice level design ruined by ugly graphics, cheap gameplay, and a mess on the screen that makes it impossible to see bullets.

42. Shienryu: A-
Orientation: Vertical
Fun gameplay (albeit a bit unfair), beautiful animations, vibrant colors, and astounding music. Shienryu is definitely one of the better Saturn shmups, and its nice knowing that the best version remains on the Saturn. Definitely worth looking into for any Saturn owning shmupos.

43. Thunder Force Gold Pack 2: A
Orientation: Horizontal
What can I say? I'm a whore for Tecno Soft. This pack includes the games Thunder Force AC (a remix of III) and Thunder Force IV. Both are frickin' awesome. Amazing music, amazing gameplay, amazing design, and amazing levels. Tecno Soft are gods amongst shmup developers. Snagged it off Ebay for $40.

44. Dodonpachi: B
Orientation: Vertical
I don't like Cave. But I did manage to get some enjoyment out of this one, so hurray. Unlike Donpachi, it isn't a craptastic port. Its actually a fairly good port (some argue its closer to the arcade than the PS1 version, I don't really care). The game itself is... well... Cave. If you've played a Cave game you know what to expect here. Lots of pink and blue bullets, giant laser weapon, bees, etc. All in all, fairly decent and definitely one of Cave's high points. Snagged this one off of Ebay for $40. 45. Strikers 1945: C+ Orientation: Vertical
TATE: Yes.
I don't like Psikyo. And... Strikers 1945 is makes me feel no different. Its virtually the same thing as Gunbird except with different enemies. Forgetable music, same standard bland Psikyo gameplay, and boring graphics. And it seems to have a sequel... goody. I snagged this off Ebay for $25.

Coming Up

I don't know what is next. But I think it will probably wind up being the two Arcade Gears games as well as the Strikers games. Possibly...

Still Left (12)

01. Arcade Gears: 3 Wonders - Played it on my Xbox and wasn't too impressed. Regardless, I've got to get it sooner or later.

02. Arcade Gears: Gun Frontier - Apparently the predecessor to Metal Black. I'm looking forward to it for that reason alone (though its a vert and has nothing to do with Metal Black).

03. Battle Garegga - I'm saving this Raizing classic for #55!!! Gotta end the collection with a bang!

04. Capcom Generation 3 - Contains Mercs and Gunsmoke. Looking forward to it definitely.

05. Cho Aniki Kyukyoku Otokonogyakushu - The hori from Psikyo with homoerotic overtones. I've seen it before... and I dread the day it winds up in MY Saturn. *shudders*

06. Dezaemon 2 - Apparently a "make your own shmup" type game from Athena, the bastards who didn't make enough copies of Crows: The Battle Action for Sega Saturn. Grrr!

07. Sol Divide - Supposedly a very poor beat 'em up/shmup hybrid from Psikyo. Meh.

08. Strikers 1945 II - Ditto, although this time its supposed to be a lesser port. Well, its by Atlus so I believe it.

09. Twinkle Star Sprites - I've got the Dreamcast version, and this is definitely one of the best games you can play with two people. The Saturn version is supposed to have a lot of extras, so I look forward to it.

Thats it, everybody go home.