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Resume: Jeff Culler

Jeffery N. Culler

Feel free to mail me at

Curriculum Vitae

Proofreader, Indiana House of Representatives

Served at the pleasure of the House Democratic caucus. Checked legislation
coming out of committee for spelling accuracy, grammatical agreement, and
clarity of ideas.

Field Coordinator, Bill Bradley for President

Responsible for coordinating southwest Iowa counties for
Senator Bradley in anticipation of January 24, 2000 caucuses;
emphasis on field work and coalition building with local press
contact and advance work.

Deputy Senate Political Director, Iowa Democratic Party

Assisted Senate Political Director Scott Ourth with duties ranging from
fundraising to organization of Iowa's Senate Democratic caucus.

Volunteer, Don Siegelman gubernatorial campaign

Communications director, David R. Golding for Congress

Duties included managing an office with a $3,000 monthly budget, setting
meetings with the candidate's constituents, making contacts with PACs and
handling all media and press relations for candidate. Created candidate's
website and made one of the first attempts to solicit electronic donations
for political purposes.

Lieutenant Governor's Young Democrats
Advisory Board

Elected by voters of Tuscaloosa County's Second County
Commission District. Developed liaisons between west
Alabama voters and the office of the lieutenant governor.

Senator, SGA Senate, University of Alabama

Represented over 4,000 undergraduates in the College of Arts & Sciences;
provided relations with local (Tuscaloosa News, Crimson White) and state
(Birmingham Post-Herald, Mobile Register, et al.) press and media outlets;
helped maintain website for the senate and cultivated statewide networking
between university students, alumni, and activists.



U.S. Army Public Affairs (ABN), XVIII Airborne Corps,
Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Awarded Army Commendation Medal,Army Achievement Medal, National Service
Medal, Parachutist Badge; special citation from Sergeant Major of the Army
Richard A. Kidd for work on Project Camp Eagle, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.


Bachelor of Arts,University of Alabama

Computer Skills

Microsoft Excel 7.0, Office 97, Word 7.0, HTML


References readily supplied upon request.

®, ©, and TM appreciations go to Bill Bradley for President, University of Alabama, U.S. Army and Microsoft Corp. My use of their graphics in no way constitutes an endorsement of me by said organizations.