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Our Father

In Loving Memory of our father, Billie.

October 9, 1935-May 29, 2004

Our father lost his battle with emphyzema on May 29th, 2004

after suffering for 8 months. He fought hard.

The doctor was amazed that he lived as long

as he did after battling pneumonia 4 times

in 7 1/2 months also. He got pneumonia again for

the 5th time and lost that battle.


~God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered "Come with me"

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away.
Although we loved him deeply we could not make him stay.

A Golden heart stopped beating hard-working hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best~

We値l Always Remember Dad That Way

In his big cowboy hat
He壇 nod your way
How痴 it going there guy?
He would always say
We値l always remember dad that way

In his orange hunting suit
head asleep on his knee
Or in his fishing boat
With his line snagged in a tree
We値l always remember dad that way

Foot stomping to bluegrass
Playing cards in a bar
Plugging the slot machines
Or watching NASCAR
We値l always remember dad that way

Excited he壇 be as he planned
A trip down south
A huge loving smile
With his eyes and his mouth
We値l always remember dad that way

Big hearted and generous
A pillar of strength
When it came to lending a helping hand
He壇 go to any length
Dad would always be there
When things came to worse
He would always put
His children first
We値l always remember dad that way

The sorrow in our hearts
The pain hard to bare
But the suffering is gone
And with Deanna we know
He値l be happy there
We値l always remember dad that way

We値l think of you often
With happiness and tears
So go ahead dad, get in
That last fishing boat
Thru the gates of Heaven
We know you will float

And when we look up above
We値l always remember dad that way

Nanci, your loving daughter

Remember me when flowers bloom
early in the spring
remember me on sunny days
in the fun that summer begins
Remember in the fall
as you walk through the leaves of gold
and in the wintertime- remember me
in the stories that are told
But most of all remember
each day- right from the start
I will be forever near
For I live within your heart!

We Miss you Dad!
Made it to heaven on May 29th 2004

Click on the links below to visit my other pages!

Chloe, Caleb, Cade and Carson's pages

Chloe and Caleb's Picture Album Cade and Carson's Photo Album

My Family

My Sister Deanna
An Angel In Heaven
Deanna, Part 2 My Husband
My Best Friend My Sister Pam My Sister Nancy
A Little About Me My Brother Ken My Brother Tim
My Mother In Loving Memory
of My Dad
My Son Rob
My Daughter Spring

This and that pages

My Holiday Page My Snow Globes Images In Wine Glasses
My Awards and Gifts My Awards and Gifts Two Links To Helpful Websites
Poem Index One Poem Index Two Poem Index Three
Poem Index Four Poem Index Five