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I have literally recieved hundreds of emails dealing with the following issues. Most of them are rude and down right mean! I don't know if there is something wrong with me (probably is) but I have never been compelled to email someone and tell them they are "a cock sucking dumb ass [because] Renee Zelwegger is not in Dazed and Confused you fucking idiot! its Joey Lauren Adams."(asslicker #1) Read on and if you do have the so-called balls to write me and call me names at least have the hairy sac to give me you real email address so we can have a fun email fight. I'm almost positive I can send the rudest, meanest, nastiest email you've ever gotten and wouldn't it be fun to let me try. It's only fair.

1. When I say that Renee Zelwegger is in the film, I mean Renee Zelwegger (yes the chick from Jerry McGuire)! I do not mean Joey Lauren Admas (Pink's Girlfriend) Renee Zelwegger plays a character by the name of Nesi White. She doesn't say anything but she holds the beer bong for Darla during the party at the moon tower.

2. Yes, I know there is never any trash canning involved in this movie but I was not around during the time this movie takes place. When I was in Junior High going into High School the big threat was that we would all get trash canned... therefore the mention of trash canning is merely used to illustrate a point. I didn't even know people got paddled till I saw this movie in 1993.

3. Yes, I know that Slater didn't come up with the idea for the party but hey lets face it he's the coolest one in the film and if given enough time he would have come up with the idea... it just takes him a while.

I'm sure there will be more dissagreements to come so as they do... I'll either appologize (if i feel I'm wrong) or give you the reasons why I made the statement you dissagree with.

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