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Your Voice

I needed to hear your voice.
I did not recognize it at first.
Was this the voice of the poet, the humorist,
the lover, the friend?

A sudden shift from that aching void to new insights.
Furiously trying to match what I was hearing
with all the written words.
They matched!
But more.
Your voice reframed all those words
into something not only real but shining.

Your voice illuminated every dark corner
and radiated even more love and wisdom than I had imagined.

I needed to hear your voice.

I am sorry that it's memory has faded.
I can no longer play it again in my head.
But the value it lent continues...
refreshing, nourishing, inviting my heart to go on.
The words are yours.
I love them.
But the voice?
The voice is you.

Your voice.
The accent, the tone,
the way you construct your sentences,
the inflection, your laugh.
I have your voice now.

I was really hurting last night.
How can a man have the power
to make every pain and care disappear?

Can you hear your voice, darling...
Here, listen...

listen to your words, though you cannot hear your voice

Mmm, pagan moods?
They bring out the best of us sometimes.
That which is needed to feed the inner fire
and is passion to us all.

Pure and unmarred by our outter thin
and fragile shell,
put on each morning to wear for the public.

Never be ashamed or disenchanted
for thinking you may call the cosmic bluff
and lose, dear.

That is what fills our souls with hope.
It's when you hang your very existence on that hope
that danger is brushed too closely,
or never calling the bluff to start with.

Hopes and desires can be orgasmic in themselves.
That passion can heat you to boiling
and be so very satisfying,
it pales the disappointments of real life.

I have already walked the night air with you,
absorbed your laughter and felt the thrill
of your sweet lips on mine.

I have consumed you fully,
and reveled in your sweet tender touch.

May the door be a veil of silk sweetheart!
There is an answer somewhere in all of this.
I seek not to change you,
nor sway you from your destiny.
Only to be an observer of the beautiful butterfly
as she breaks forth from another woven Chrysalis of time.

....Those are your beautiful words, my darling.
Your words were not dimmed by your voice.
Your meaning was not marred.
Your voice, your laughter, your meloncholy tone,
how sweet to me.

You are still not certain
But I am, even in all my amazement
For I have not only your words
The Voice!

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