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Pink Blossoms

It was just pink poetry
What we felt for each other
Rumi and wine
and the newness of it all
grew kisses in their time
kisses, kisses, kisses
like pretty pink blossoms
swelled with sweet nectar

You felt imprisoned
in my second story sanctuary
You tired of my annoying laugh
and the same old song

While the parts of me
you never knew
grew restless
in the basement of neglect

I have a tree outside my window
that grew ten feet this year
and sprouted pink blossoms

I watch the hummingbirds
tapping their nectar
and remember our love

You never cared for birds
or blossoms, either
You said they were messy

I clean up the remains of the day
and find hummingbirds
and pink blossoms
and not one trace remains
of you

except this sad refrain
we call memory

irma's index