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For my sweet inspiration...


Now I know what I was missing
I shout it from the highest hill
And all the earth,
each rock and tree and bird,
resound in nature's laughing trill.

For I, the lowest of it's creatures,
summit the highest glory of it's plane,
still drenched in wonder and amazement
and here it bids me to remain

For every heart of every lonely wanderer
Like white wings of the softest, purest dove,
It breathes to life the still breath of it's captive
With gifts of sweet and perfect love

Let this veil, once removed, return 'o never
let eyes which bathed dark night, now weep no more
Grant me this, our love, our oneness
On this eternal wondrous love-drenched shore.

~Irma (April, 2000)


Dear, wild illusions of creative mind!
Whose varying hues are portraits of his art,
And with his words that magic force combine
In forms that please, and scenes that touch the heart.

Oh! whether at his voice I now befall
To pensive grace of sorrow drooping low;
Or ride sublime on long abandoned love,
Which shake the soul with wildly thrilling woe;

Or, sweetly bright, the blissful tints he spreads,
Bid scenes of pleasure steal upon my view,
Love waves his brightened gleam over my head,
And wake the tender thought to passion true;

O! come--you etheral forms!
attend my lonely hours,
And chase my cares and woes
with your illusive powers!

(Original poem by Ann Radcliffe; revisions by Irma)

Perhaps, now, you will understand how profoundly your words move me, my dear sweet man.

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