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Bubba Sue

Bubba Sue tried her best to commandeer our canoe but Henny and I would not let her in. We were in hearty agreement on that. Bubba Sue wasn't supposed to be on this trip, anyway - a nine-mile float down the Elk River. I was an inexperienced canoer. If anybody was going to tip the boat over, it would be me, not a big black lab who wanted to be lead dog.

Bubba Sue had appeared one day at the canoe rental facility out of what the owner called "an answer to a prayer". The owners had just lost their aged and beloved black lab named Bubba to illness and they were grief-stricken when this lab bounded up one morning and made herself at home. They named her Sue, and put Bubba's old collar on her and thus the name stuck. There was misty love in her master's eyes as he told the story. Bubba Sue could do no wrong and was decidedly spoiled.

Henny and I launched first and five canoes followed. A merry dozen. I guess Bubba Sue would make that a baker's dozen. October 21st. Overcast, 72 - 78 degrees. The fall foliage was just beginning to turn. There was a slight breeze. The golden leaves were gently falling from the very tall trees, finding each other on the water top, nestling together in colorful little clumps, swirling downstream with us. It was a magical day.

I was really doing it. Facing yet another adventure and shedding yet another leaf of timidity. I had never met Henny before or most of the other club members. I'm not sure who decided to pair me with Henny, but after the bumpy van ride to the launch, the renter asked if I had been molested yet. "Not yet," I laughed, teeth still rattling, "still waiting."

I guess we all expected Bubba Sue to turn back at some point on the trip. She swam along side making agonizing groans with each breath as if it would soon be her last. Sometimes when the bank was shallow enough, she would gain footing and then become a true athlete, leaping and bounding over fallen trees, then splashing like a great whale again in the water. It was a beautiful sight, but we were all worried. Finally, someone felt sorry for her and pulled over to let her into their boat for a while. She didn't stay. All in all she rode in 5 of the 6 canoes. Not mine.

At 1:00 p.m. we landed on a little island for lunch. My lunch consisted of peanut butter crackers and a coke. Henny had jumbo shrimp with cocktail sauce, a huge sub sandwich and beer. Jim told every good joke he could think of and a couple of bad ones, too. I quipped. That's what I do. I quip. People laugh so I keep doing it. I guess it could be listed as one of my hobbies.

One of the guys kicked back to take a nap and his shorts revealed more than he intended, or at least I hoped. But then, why didn't he wear underwear? I did not look. Really, I did not. One of the other gals sitting next to me said something to her friend and her friend laughed. "What?" I said, "I missed it." "Private Joke," she replied. I looked over at the exposition and said, "Yeah, very private, huh?" They howled and rolled. I picked up a rock and threw it at him so he would shift his position. He did not move. So then I looked for rocks, which is something else I do. Rock hound. I found a really nice one which had a fossil remains and then I told the story of my friend in California who had sent me an arrowhead he had found on his most recent vacation and what he said in his note. "Only three hands have touched this ancient tool. He who made it. He who found it. And the one to whom it is given." I framed it so it would stay that way. Everyone said "Awww" and sighed.

Why does the creator give such spirit to some animals and not others? To be able to survive in the wild, living under the stars, courting death and dancing with life? And here we are, sophisticated men and women, with shattered dreams and sheltered lives, doing our damnedest to stay alive. Taking a chartered trek into the wilderness, but how can we compete with Bubba Sue?

She doesn't drive a Volvo or own a credit card. She owns no clothes. Has no job. Never once has she voted. Doesn't keep a journal or say her prayers at night. Doesn't know a one of us by name. Hey, come to think of it, we don't all know each other's names either. And loves us all and this river and this journey we are taking together. God, she is so alive! We are mesmerized by it and inspired by it and shamed by it and yet we worry about her?! We are all fools!

Bubba Sue knows this river and knows these canoers. She has been on this trip with us before. We're all the same. A worrying lot who need love but do not know how to love. Who need life but do not know how to live. She will show us the way. It's her joy to show us the way she knows so well. She basks in our company only because she is incapable of judging us.

She sees our true nature and by God,
she makes us believe in it, too.

She will not cling to this trip as a memory.
She will move on to the next one
and the lucky voyagers who greet a fine new day with her.
She may drown in this river some day.

What will we drown in?

..playing.. 3rd movement of Harold ~ Hector Berlioz

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