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>>>>>Welcome to my WATTS Genealogy Site<<<<


>>>>>Monroe County Alabama Connection<<<<<

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Descendants of Thomas Watts SR - Page 1

1 Thomas Watts SR was born 1720 Wales, England and died October 15, 1792. He married Tabitha

Children of Thomas Watts SR and Tabitha

... 2 John Watts 1753 - 1803

........ 3 Elizabeth Watts married William Daniel

........ 3 Thomas H Watts was born 1772. He married Judith Crenshaw.

........ *2nd Wife of Thomas H Watts was Elizabeth Garner.

........ 3 Jane L Watts was born 1797. She married William Gainer.

... 2 Tabitha Watts was born 1762 -

... 2 Benjamin Watts was born 1764 -

... 2 Julius Alexander Watts was born 1769 and died 1852. He married Agnes Benson. She was born 1778 and died 1871.

........ 3 Benson Watts 1800 married Emily Eliza Hatfield. She was born 1802.

........ 3 Mary Watts 1802 -

........ 3 Isaiah Watts 1803 -

........ 3 Hampton H Watts 1807 - 1873. He married Sarah L Brown born 1811 -

............. 4 Frederick Julius Watts married Rebecca M Watts. She was born 1833.

- ............. 4 Sarah Rebecca Watts was born 1829 and died 1870. She married Joseph Tarpley Cummings SR born 1825.

................... 5 Thadeus Josiah Cummings was born 1846. He married Julia Ann Brown born 1842.

............................. 7 Leonard Brown Cummings was born 1873 and died 1963. He married Tula Bertha Odom born 1886.

............. 4 Susan A Watts was born 1834. She married Robert Lorenza Jones born 1823.

............. 4 John Fletcher Watts was born 1836. He married Martha E Burton born 1845.

........ 3 Rufus McIntosh Watts was born 1809. He married Rhoda Smith born 1811.

............. 4 Frederick J Watts born 1830.

............. 4 Mary A Watts was born 1831 and died 1914. She married Jesse Harrison Woodard born 1830.

................... 5 James R Woodard 1850

................... 5 Talitha J Woodard 1853

................... 5 Sarah Amanda Woodard was born 1856 and died 1917. She married Robert W Chambers born 1851

................... 5 Henry W Woodard 1859

................... 5 Hubbard A Woodard was born 1862 and died 1934. He married Demarius Crist born 1863.

................... 5 Mary Rebeccah Woodard 1864

................... 5 Charles T Woodard 1866

................... 5 J Richard Woodard 1869

............. 4 Rebecca M Watts was born 1833. She married Frederick Julius Watts

............. 4 Benjamin Franklin Watts was born 1836 and died 1862. He married Martha J Kennedy born 1840

............. 4 Sarah M Watts was born 1837. She married Andrew Jackson Chambers born 1835

............. 4 Martha M Watts was born 1841. She married Lemuel Chambers born 1827

............. 4 John W Watts 1843

............. 4 William H Watts 1845

............. 4 Susan E Watts was born 1849. She married Benjamin Franklin Gilbert born 1843

............. 4 Thomas R Watts 1853

........ 3 Alexander McIntosh Watts was born 1813. He married Martha Dandridge Spann born 1819

........ 3 Rebeccah Martha Watts was born 1815 and died 1891. She married Henry Hampton Corbett born 1812

........ 3 Henry A Watts 1817

... 2 Isaiah Watts was born 1771. He married Sarah

........ 3 John Watts was born 1796. He married Eliza Thompson born 1795

............. 4 Isaiah Watts 1822

............. 4 Thomas Watts was born 1823 and died 1911. He married Henrietta Charlotte McCaskill born 1835

............. 4 Henrietta Charlotte Watts 1825 - 1889 ........ 3 Eleazar Watts was born 1800. He married Ann E born 1805

........ 3 Joseph Isaiah Watts was born 1812. He married Ellen Hogan born 1820

............. 4 Sarah Jane Watts was born 1840. She married Henry Smith

............. 4 William Watts 1843

............. 4 Lewis Walker Watts was born 1845. He married Virginia J Higgins born 1846

............. 4 Mary Ella Watts was born 1848. She married John Rose SR. *2nd Wife of Thomas Watts SR: . +Lydia Thornton born 1723 -

Children of Thomas Watts SR and Lydia Thornton:

... 2 Sarah Watts was born 1745. She married William Hansbourough born 1741

... 2 Thomas Watts Jr was born 1746 and died 1798. He married Hannah Rust Boggess born 1753 and died 1836

........ 3 Mary Watts was born 1769. She married John Sorrell

........ 3 Pressley Watts was born 1771 and died 1815. He married Catherine Heard born 1767 and died 1807

............. 4 Catharine Watts

............. 4 Ellen Watts 1797

............. 4 Elizabeth Watts 1800

............. 4 Joseph Watts 1802

........ *2nd Wife of Pressley Watts was Abby Andrews

........ 3 Charles Watts was born 1772 and died 1831. He married Jenny Watson born 1805

............. 4 Thomas R Watts was born 1799. He married Mary House Tiller born 1806 and died 1843

............. 4 Margaret Jane Watts was born 1800 and died 1855. She married James Bell Harris born 1802 and died 1844

........ *2nd Wife of Charles Watts was Rebecca Boone born 1790 and died 1862

............. 4 Vincent Watts 1806

............. 4 Jesse Boggess Watts was born 1807 and died 1892. He married Margaret Smith Scott

................... 5 Charles Thomas Watts 1828

............. 4 John Boone Watts was born 1808 and died 1871. His first wife is Unknown. His 2nd Wife of was Nancy Permelia Stallworth born 1808 and died 1856

................... 5 Rebeccah Frances Watts was born 1838 and died 1923. She married John N Sanders born 1831 and died 1887

........................ 6 John W Sanders 1857 - 1875

................... 5 John Nicholas Watts SR 1840. He married Caroline Victoria McMillan

........................ 6 John Nicholas Watts Jr was born 1867 and died 1953. He married Minnie McPherson 1880. His Wife was Lydia A McMillan

................... 5 Lemuel S Watts SR was born 1841 and died 1899. He married Mary Frances Gould born 1850

........................ 6 Lemuel S Watts Jr 1870

................... 5 James Calloway Watts SR was born 1844 and died 1878. He married Amanda Melvina Armstrong born 1844 and died 1924

........................ 6 James Calloway Watts Jr was born 1876 and died 1948. He married 1st Mary Virginia Hawes born 1879. His 2nd Wife was Maude Celestia Cunyus born 1874

................... 5 James Watts 1845

................... 5 Nancy Jane Watts 1847 - 1879

....................... +David Cullin Mims 1825 - 1849

................... 5 Sarah Susan Watts 1848

................... 5 Charles F Watts 1849

............. The 3rd Wife of John Boone Watts was Elizabeth Ann Langham1825

............. 4 Rumsey Schuiler Watts was born 1810. He married Elizabeth S Dawson born 1810

................... 5 John K Watts 1835

................... 5 Rebeccah Ann Watts 1837 -

................... 5 Elisha D Watts 1847 -

............. 4 Keziah Watts 1813 -

............. 4 Elizabeth A Watts 1817 -

............. 4 Celia Watts 1817 -

............. 4 Frances D Watts 1824 -

........ 3 Fennattie Watts was born 1775 and died 1832. She married Thomas (Big) Watts born 1775 and died 1832

............. 4 John Watts 1805 -

............. 4 Ludwell P Watts was born 1807 and died 1877. He married Mary Myrick born 1836

................... 5 Ann Alice Watts

................... 5 Malcome McMillian Watts was born 1854 and died 1934. He married Mary Philpot born 1862

........................ 6 John Fletcher Watts 1877 -

........................ 6 Henry Lee Watts 1881 -

........................ 6 Stiner Watts 1885 -

........................ 6 Alfred William Watts 1896 -

................... 5 Richard Albert Watts was born 1857 and died 1907. He married Sally Jane Cates born 1858 -

........................ 6 Mary E Watts

........................ 6 Emma Lou Watts

........................ 6 Dollie Watts

........................ 6 Minnie Lora Watts

........................ 6 Callie Ora Watts

........................ 6 John Thomas Watts was born 1871. He married Emma Maria Cates

............................. 7 Rufus Thomas Watts

........................ 6 John Wiley Watts 1881 -

........................ 6 William Frederick Watts 1884 -

........................ 6 Thomas Watts II 1892 -

................... 5 Margaret Fannatia Watts 1859 -

................... 5 John Thomas Watts 1862 -

................... 5 Corenia G Watts 1869 -

............. 4 Vincent Thorington Watts was born 1812 and died 1883. He 1st married Martha Ann Harris born 1826 -

................... 5 Cornelius James Watts 1843 -

................... 5 Caroline Watts 1844 -

................... 5 Rufus Paton Watts 1848 -

................... 5 Joseph Paul Watts 1851 -

............. The 2nd Wife of Vincent Thorington Watts was Franata P Watts

............. The 3rd Wife of Vincent Thorington Watts was Frances Myrick

............. 4 Agnes Watts was born 1817 and died 1855. She married Phillip Voeglin

................... 5 Phillip Claudus Voeglin

........ 3 Jeremiah Rust Watts was born 1777 and died 1844. He married Agnes M Comer born 1782 and died 1855

............. 4 Comer B Watts 1801 -

............. 4 Maria Watts 1802 -

............. 4 Amanda M Watts was born 1804. She married Jesse Bell Knight

............. 4 Martha Comer Watts 1806 -

............. 4 John Comer Watts 1807 -

............. 4 Thomas Jefferson Watts SR was born 1810 and died 1860. He married Elizabeth Evans Godbold born 1820 -

................... 5 John Comer Watts married Nancy Harrison Moores

........................ 6 Eli Moores Watts was born 1885 and died 1938. He married Ida Lou Hart

........................ 6 Elizabeth Evans Watts 1886 -

........................ 6 John C Watts 1888 -

........................ 6 David Moores Watts was born 1892 and died 1975. He married Pauline Jackson

................... 5 Monroe Perry Watts

................... 5 Daniel Watts

................... 5 Thomas Jefferson Watts Jr was born 1857. He married Mary Helen Unknown

............. 4 Nancy Sanders Watts 1812 -

............. 4 Sarah Watts 1814 -

............. 4 Jackson A Watts 1816 -

............. 4 Nathan S Watts 1817 -

............. 4 Anderson Comer Watts 1819 -

............. 4 Thaddeus Boggess Watts 1819 -

............. 4 Monroe Perry Watts 1820 -

............. 4 Green Boggess Watts 1822 -

............. 4 Elizabeth Rebecca Watts 1824 - ............. 4 Jeremiah Rust Watts Jr 1826 -

........ 3 Elizabeth Watts was born 1779 and died 1827. She 1st married Colliar, then 2nd William Ansley Jr

........ 3 John Hughes Watts SR was born 1781 and died 1841. He married Catherine Prudence Hill born 1797 and died 1866

........ 3 Selah (Celia) Watts was born 1783 and died 1849. She married Samuel Ansley

........ 3 Thomas Watts III was born 1786 and died 1840. He married Sarah Wade born 1787 and died 1843

........ 3 Vincent Watts was born 1787 and died 1874. He married Franata Prudence Hill born 1800 and died 1870

........ 3 Josiah Watts was born 1789 in Greene Co, GA and died in Shubuta, Wayne Co., MS. Josiah married Martha Elaine (Elon) Sessions in Montgomery, Montgomery Co, AL. Martha Elaine (Elon) Sessions was born in Buena Vista, AL and died in Caledonia, AL on November 27, 1874

Children of Josiah Watts and Martha Sessions:

............. 4 Robert Watts

............. 4 John A Watts was born November 13, 1808 in Greene Co, GA, and died February 25, 1871, in Shubuta, Wayne Co, MS. He married Eliza Margaret Sessions March 23, 1830, in Montgomery Co, AL. Eliza Margaret Sessions was born 1813 in SC and died November 27, 1874, in Wilcox Co, AL

Children of John A Watts and Eliza Margaret Sessions:

................... 5 J Simeon Watts 1831 -

................... 5 Benjamin Franklin Watts SR was born February 28, 1833, in Wilcox Co., AL and died October 27, 1916 in Wilcox Co., AL. He married Mary M Owens. Mary M Owens was born May 22, 1838 and died July 04, 1910, in Wilcox Co., AL. Both are buried at Bear Creek Church Cemetery, Wilcox Co., AL.

Children of Benjamin Franklin Watts and Mary M Owens:

........................ 6 Laura Watts

............................ +J W Griffith

........................ 6 Margaret Elon Watts

........................ 6 Ellie Watts

........................ 6 Julia Watts

........................ 6 David P Watts was born 1861 and died 1948. He married Margaret Woodson born 1861 and died 1926

........................ 6 Benjamin Franklin Watts Jr 1867 -

........................ 6 William H Watts 1869 - 1915

........................ 6 E B Watts 1873 - 1910

........................ 6 Lula Watts 1878 - 1910

................... 5 Elizabeth M Watts 1837 -

................... 5 James Preston Watts 1839 -

................... 5 Mary E Watts 1841 -

................... 5 Gustavus E Watts 1847 -

................... 5 David Moore Watts was born November 24, 1850, in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL, and died February 20, 1900, in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL. He married Martha Ann Richardson January 14, 1872, in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL. Martha Ann Richardson was born November 18, 1853, in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL, and died November 16, 1939, in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL. Both are buried at New Hope Baptist Church Cemetery, Beatrice, Monroe Co, AL. She was daughter of John A Richardson and Susan Jennie Reaves

Children of David Moore Watts and Martha Ann Richardson

........................ 6 John Vincent Watts was born 29 Jan 1875, in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL and died 20 Jan 1965 in his home at Evergreen, Conecuh Co, AL. Jack Watts married Carrie Ann Norwood 14 Mar 1895, in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL. Carrie Ann Norwood was born 39 Jan 1877, in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL and died 2 Apr 1966, in Evergreen, Conecuh Co, AL. She was daughter of John Washington Norwood and Margaret Caroline Hall. Both John Vincent Watts and Carrie Ann Norwood are buried at Mt. Zion Methodist Church, Lyeffion, Conecuh Co, AL,

Children of John Vincent Watts and Carrie Ann Norwood:

........................ 6 Gustaves Moore Watts was born 1877 in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL. No marriage information is available.

........................ 6 William Edgar Watts was born on 13 Mar 1879 in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL. He died on 15 Aug 1953 in Mobile Co, AL. He married REAVES, Lizzie. She was born on 12 Aug 1883 at Natchez, Monroe Co, AL. She died on 6 Jul 1969 in Mobile Co, AL. Both are buried in JOYNER Cem, Mobile Co, AL

........................ 6 Daisy O Watts was born Sep 1882, in Monroe Co, AL. She married William Fore was born 1873, in Monroe Co, AL

........................ 6 Martha Jane Watts was born Aug 1883, in Monroe Co, AL. She married Arthur Conway.

........................ 6 Sarah Susan Watts was born 16 Nov 1889, in Monroe Co, AL. She died 4 Apr 1971. She married Arthur J Falkenberry 1 Feb 1908. He was born 2 Nov 1884, and died 14 Jan 1943. Both are buried at Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery, Tunnel Springs, Monroe Co, AL.

........................ 6 David Richardson Watts was born 5 Feb 1895, in Natchez, Monroe Co, AL. He died 31 May 1965, at Monroeville, Monroe Co, AL. He married Lillian Ethel Norwood. She was born 30 Jul 1902, Monroe Co, AL. She died 19 Dec 1997, at Bay Minette, Baldwin Co, AL. She was the daughter of John Thomas Norwood and Connie Olive Wiggins. Both David and Lillian are buried at Bay Minette, Baldwin Co, AL

........................ 6 Fannie M Watts was born Nov 1898 Monroe Co, AL

................... 5 Margaret Elon (Elaine) Watts was born Aug 1852 and died 1921. She married James Barwell Harper. He was born 1851 and died 1935 at Beatrice, Monroe Co, AL.

........................ 6 Willie Lee Harper was born 1874 and died 1966. She married John Samuel Mims Sanders born 1873 -

................................... 8 Helen Lane Sanders married John MacLean Melvin Jr

........................ 6 James Paul Harper was born 1876. He married Bennie Robinson Davison born 1879 -

........................ 6 Annie Laurie Harper was born 1878. She married Alexander T Simms

........................ 6 Olive Catherine Harper was born 1881 and died 1949. She married Tascal Madison Baggett born 1879 -

........................ 6 Earl Leonard Harper was born 1883 and died 1956. He married Jennie Packer Stallworth born 1888 -

........................ 6 Mac Henry Harper was born 1886 and died 1927

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