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                ESPERANTO     (Enrique's)

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I speak three languages.   My native language is Spanish.   Since very young I have been trying to learn English.   Before I was able to fully understand English, I studied Esperanto and even started to speak in Esperanto fairly well.   Today I can manage those three languages about the same.

Learning Esperanto was an interesting experience.   I studied it using only a small book.   It was a surprise to find out that I could understand and I could talk during the very first day that I was in company of other Esperantists.

I hope that by reading about some of my experiences, you would also like to learn Esperanto.

How is Esperanto used?

Esperanto classical use:

Since its beginning, Esperanto was used for correspondence between people of different countries.   During more than a century, Esperantists have had pen pals in other countries.

In many towns around the world, Esperantists met to speak in their language.   Many of these groups began to publish their own monthly bulletins, and some magazines.   These publications were also distributed to other "Esperanto Clubs", or were sold to other Esperantists.

Many books were translated to Esperanto, many books were also written originally in this language.   Books translated to English, require that the translator's native language be English, to render a good translation, good, but losing the author's cultural spirit.   Translations into Esperanto, are generally made by native speakers of the language to be translated, given the original flavor to the translation. Many authors from small countries are never known in the English speaking world. Translations to Esperanto can be read by people that could never master English, but took some time to learn Esperanto.

Since 1905 Esperantists meet annually at the "Esperanto World Congress".   These congresses are made every year in a different country:

  1990   Havana, Cuba
  1991   Bergen, Norway
  1992   Vienna, Austria
  1993   Valencia, Spain
  1994   Seoul, Korea
  1995   Tampere, Finland
  1996   Praha, Czech Republic
  1997   Adelaide, Australia
  1998   Montpellier, France
  1999   Berlin, Germany
  2000   Tel Aviv, Israel
  2001   Zagreb, Croatia
  2002   Fortaleza, Brazil

There are Esperantist's meetings at different levels.   Many countries have national congresses every year, trying to meet each year at a different place.   Local associations also meet weekly or monthly.   Some times they meet just to welcome traveling Esperantists from other countries.   I have been at the national Congress for USA and Canada, in Montreal in July 1998.   I also was at the Argentinean Congresses in October 1998 in Presidencia Roque Saenz Peña, Chaco Province, and now, in October 1999 in San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro Province.


Internet made possible instant communication throughout the world.   The main obstacle now, continues being the language.   If we manage to know the Chinese language, we could talk with about 16% of the world's population (supposing that all Chinese speakers were connected to internet)   If we could speak Spanish or English, we could add another 8%.   Still, we couldn't speak to most of the world's population.   To learn anyone of those languages after we already speak our native language, would take many years, and we will still never talk at the same level as natives do.

Instead, we can learn Esperanto in much less time, and begin talking to other people that also took some of their time to learn Esperanto.

How did Esperanto begin?

Many people would say that Esperanto was created by an Ophthalmologist   (Doctor Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof), but Esperanto was born in the mind of a five year young boy.   He was born in 1859 in Bialistok, a town at the border between Poland and Russia.

In this little town there were four groups, four religions, four languages, four cultures.   There were not people, only Russian, Poles, German, and Jews.   And there was much hatred.

Little Ludwig's young mind assumed that this hatred existed mainly because they couldn't understand each other, and if they could speak to each other, they would feel much better about each other.   This thought was in his mind for long time, until he decided that a common language would help.

Eventually he began to search a language to be used as a common language, but soon he realized that existing languages were very difficult to learn.   Why not create a language that could be easy to learn? Before finishing High School he was already practicing his new language with some of his schoolmates.   While studying at the university in Warsaw, he translated many classical books to his language.   When he found problems in his language, he would make changes, and then would restart the translations.   In 1887 he published a small book called "International Language" written by Doctor Esperanto.   In his language, Esperanto means: "The person who has hope"

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Esperanto in the NEWS

Boston Globe, May 12th, 1999 :

La Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 12th, 1999 :         (in Spanish)

A high school junior was asked to write
an essay and to chose her own subject.

Here is her essay :

Two years later, this student was asked to write another essay:
"Discuss an important aspect of your life, and how it affects you"

Here is her second essay :        (Spanish translation/ Español) :

For more information about Esperanto:

This site contains hundreds of links...

Esperanto Access

Información en otros idiomas
Information in other languages
35 aliaj lingvoj

Other languages

More information:

The International Language that works!        (English)

Virtuala Esperanto-Biblioteko        (esperante)

Information from ELNA        (English)

Esperanto League for North America.
PO Box 1129
El Cerrito CA 94530

Phone : 1-510-653-0998         Fax : 1-510-653-1468

Information:         Informado:
(1-800) 377-3726

Pen Pals using Esperanto
Esperanto Koresponda Servo:

Participants list:         (esperante)

How to participate in the Pen Pal List
English , Castellano / Spanish , Esperanto

How to learn Esperanto

Por lerni Esperanton en la reto:

Kelkaj lingvoj     (Several languages)

To traslate Esperanto to English


Esperanto Dictionaries:

English     >     Esperanto Esperanto     >     English
    Dutch     >     Esperanto Esperanto     >     Dutch  
  French     >     Esperanto Esperanto     >     French
Spanish     >     Esperanto   Esperanto     >     Spanish
German     >     Esperanto   Esperanto     >     German
  Italian       >     Esperanto   Esperanto     >     Italian    
    Portuguese     >     Esperanto                       Esperanto     >     Portuguese    
Norwegian     >     Esperanto                 Esperanto     >     Norwegian  

Komentoj al :

Used to live in Buenos Aires, or Rosario, Argentina

Rosario, Argentina:     This page has all you will
ever want to know about this progressive city:

Spanish, Castellano:

Rosario, Argentina:     Esta página contiene toda la información
que pueda necesitar acerca de esta ciudad progresista.

Enrique Ellemberg
Albany, NY, USA

5 August 2000
Visited times. . .

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