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Welcome to DharmaWeb...

...a website with information about Meditation, Buddhism, Tibet, and Tibetan Art, as well as other subjects of interest. Once finished it will also include links to sites on these same topics.

May any merit which comes from this website be dedicated to the enlightenment of all sentient beings.


Buddhism is a religion, also referred to as a practice, based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who lived in the 5th century B.C. Gautama is more commonly known as The Buddha, which means a Fully Awakened One.

The Buddha referred to his teachings as a raft to leave this shore of suffering and impermenance. The ultimate goal is enlightenment, a realization of the true nature of existence. Buddhism is based on the Four Noble Truths taught by The Buddha. These are:

1) All forms of existence are of necessity subject to suffering.

2) All suffering is rooted in selfishness, craving and ignorance. Nothing in this world can come into existence without reason or cause; the future must result from seeds sown in this life and former lives.

3) Through extiction of craving and ignorance all suffering will vanish and liberation from samsara(the endless cycle of death, rebirth, suffering, and death)will be attained.

4) The way or the means of eliminating craving and ignorance is the Noble Eightfold Path.

The Noble Eightfold Path is a path of righteousness and wisdom that really constitutes the essence of Buddhist practice-the mode of living and thinking followed by a true Buddhist follower.

The Noble Eightfold Path

Right Understanding-

understanding the true nature of existence, and the moral laws governing them. Right understanding of the Dharma.

Right Thought-

a pure state of mind, free from sensual lust, from ill-will, and from cruelty; in other words, thoughts of goodness and mercy.

Right Speech-

words not false, that are not harsh, not scandalous or frivolous; truthful words, mild words, pacifying words, and wise words.

Right Bodily Action-

abstaining from intentional killing or harming of any living creature; abstaining from dishonest taking of other's property, abstaining from adultery.

Right Livelihood-

a livelihood that does not bring harm and suffering to other beings.

Right Effort-

fourfold effort made in overcoming old and avoiding fresh bad actions, by body, speech, and mind; and the effort we make in developing fresh actions of righteousness, inner peace and wisdom, and in cultivating them to perfection.

Right Mindfulness-

alertness of the mind. It is ever-ready mental clarity whatever we are doing, speaking, or thinking, and in keeping before our mind the realities of our existence.

Right Concentration of the Mind-

mental concentration as is directed to a morally wholesome object, and always bound up with right thought, right effort and right mindfulness.

The Eightfold Path is a path of

Morality, Mental Training and Wisdom


is indicated by right speech, right bodily action and right livelihood.

Mental Training

is indicated by right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration of mind.


is indicated by right understanding and right thought.

It is the inward condition of a person, and his deeds that count.


Prayers to be Said at the Start of Meditation

Taking Refuge and Generating Bodhicitta (three times)

I take refuge until I am enlightened

In the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Sangha.

Through the positive potential I create

By practicing generosity and the other far-reaching attitudes,

May I attain Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings.

The Four Immeasurable Thoughts

May all sentient beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.

May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

May all sentient beings never be separated from the happiness that knows no suffering.

May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, without too much attachment and too much aversion,

and live believing in the equality of all that lives.

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