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My LiNks PaGe!

Hey guys! There are so many Sailor Moon pages and sites out there- and I took alot of time sifting and picking out my faves. So here they are: Click away! You wanna see your Homepage URL here? It wont cost you a cent and you'll get noticed. I solemnly promise under the pride of Sailor Moon. WANNA GET YOUR PAGE PROMOTED, BUT THOSE OTHER SERVERS CHARGE YOU? SEND YOUR HOMEPAGE URL TO ME, LITA (or Rini, whichever one works), AND I'LL PUT IT UP FOR YOU AT NO COST OR OBLIGATION. If you send me your URL, I would like it if you'd link to my site using one of my banners-[on my banners link] but if you don't, i wont kill you. It'd make me feel good about my page if you did, though. WHERE ELSE COULD YOU FIND A PAGE THAT WOULD PROMOTE YOUR SITE AT NO COST? MAYBE LYCOS, MAYBE HOTBOT, BUT THEY TAKE 2-3 WEEKS TO GET YOUR URL PROMOTED. HERE? YOU GET YOUR SITE PROMOTED THE DAY YOU SEND IT IN. ITS THAT EASY, AND ITS FREE. LINK TO MY SITE, IF YOU CAN. IF NOT, ITS OKAY TOO. SAILOR MOON POWER! email meeh at or

This is a really cool site! Visit it sometime!:

Heres the place where I got a majority of my images: the one and only! heres a cute link that i got from there:

A special thanks goes to Sailor SwiftHeart's Little Garden of Goodies for all of their great graphics. Check it out later!

Ah. Another great place for SM graphics on the web. Lycentia's SM Graphics! Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop

The really pretty title banner on my homepagewas made by Ladywren's Web Graphics. Really pretty stuff! LadyWren's Sailor Moon Webpage Graphics

Here's my friend, SailorPluto's brand-new Sailor Moon page. Hey, give her some credit; she's been working hard! ~MOONIE PLANET~

I want to give a big shout out to my "daddy," TuxedoKamen for the advice he's given for my page. I luv you daddy! Here's his page: :F o r e v e r S e n s h i:

Another great SM site:

This little microbutton is to help out my friend Alex-chan with his website. Although his page has nothing to do with Sailor Moon, I'm going to put it up anyway, on a count that he's one of my friends, and his girlfriend likes Sailor the microbutton: Try AOL FREE! 250 Hours

The Dragon Senshi Domain-This is a really cool page! Its a combination of Sailor Moon and DBZ! Check it out!

More Sailor Moon?! You got it!

Meatball Head Moon Page
The Eternal Scouts
Queen Mercury's Palace
Moonlight Palace Custom Graphics

Check out my Sis' Webpage

The Super/Eternal Sailors