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Bleach World!!

Hey Ya'll Welcome to Bleach World!! You can get lyrics from bleach albums, band stats, pictures and more right here on this site!----> Let me clear something up . . . I am not bleach nor I am in any way affiliated with forefront records. I am just a bleach fan. Read my Disclaimer
A lot has been going on in the wide world of bleach! They've been touring, but have also been working on some new songs. They have recently finished their new website, so you can check that out by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. I can't wait until they get to where I can see them again, so if any of you guys from bleach check out this page, get back to Buffalo, NY please!
Click here to see an autographed Bleach photo. You can get a bio for Dave,Sam, Jerry, Milam and Jared right here.
We also have a list of upcoming tour dates

Click on an album below

Other Bleach Links:

Official Bleach Site

Space Lyrics Static Lyrics Bleach Lyrics

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