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I'm Ben. I'm 18 years old and I live in Ohio. I'm a freshman at Wright State University (Go Raiders!) and I'm a Theatre major. I'm gonna be famous sometime here soon.
On this site, I'll be posting some lyrics (mine, and my fave artists, reviews, and pictures. Hopefully I can get some media up, but i'm not sure about that...)
I just wanna say hey to all my friends, whether you're in Virginia, South Carolina, Alabama, or Ohio. You know I love you all! And Yes...if ur wondering...I still love Britney. Anyways, check out the links and the pics below. PLUS, either View My SlamBook! or Sign My SlamBook!

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Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

days 'til CHRISTMAS!


Brooke's Page

CD of the Moment
Pics of my friends and I
Check out my Online Journal at FreeOpenDiary

Have a nice day!