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Siloam Cemetery

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Siloam Baptist Church


This Siloam Cemetery is located in Sumter County, Alabama, adjacent to the Siloam Baptist Church, south of York in the Siloam community. Taking AL Hwy 17 South from York, go approx. 5 miles, crossing US Hwy 80. Take Sumter County Road 9 on the right. Then turn right onto the first PAVED road -- Siloam Road. This leads directly to the church and cemetery.
**NOTE: There is another, much smaller, cemetery located behind the NE back corner of the Siloam Cemetery. In all my years in the area, I have never heard the name of this little cemetery or its origins, although I suspect that it was begun as a slave cemetery at some point in time. Graves in this little cemetery are not maintained by the Siloam Cemetery Association. Neither are any of those graves included in the Siloam Cemetery grave listing, except that some folks have taken to including them with our listing on "" which allows folks to include whatever graves they wish. If you use the "find-a-grave" info, please also be aware that their postings for this Siloam Cemetery state that it is located in Ward. Neither the Siloam Cemetery, nor the Siloam Baptist Church, are located in Ward. They are, of course, located in the Siloam community, about 5 miles north of Ward and about 5 miles south of York.
The first grave in the Siloam Cemetery was opened in 1832, the very year Siloam Baptist Church came into existence. The cemetery is located on land donated to and owned by Siloam Baptist Church for use as a cemetery. In early 2009, another plot of land was donated and deeded to the Church for cemetery expansion when it is needed in the future.
In 1972, the Siloam Cemetery Association was formed and incorporated. This allowed the Cemetery Association to operate separately in order to manage its donations, and for cemetery upkeep.
The Siloam Cemetery Association meets every May, on the Saturday AFTER Mother's Day. Folks usually arrive early to visit and place flowers on graves. The Cemetery Association meets inside the Siloam Baptist Church, beginning with a simple worship service at 11:00 am. This is followed by the annual business meeting, and then a potluck lunch enjoyed by everyone.

The next meeting of the Siloam Cemetery Association will be Saturday, May 14, 2022, at 11:00 inside the church building. A potluck lunch follows in the church fellowship hall.

DONATIONS may be made at any time by making your check payable to the Siloam Cemetery Association, and mailing it to Skip Holder (Sec./Treas.), 71 W.L. Ezell Road, York, AL 36925.

I. NAME - Siloam Cemetery Association, Inc.
II. PURPOSE - Maintenance and upkeep of cemetery.
III. MEMBERSHIP - The association shall be composed of all the living who have kin buried in Siloam Cemetery.
IV. OFFICERS - This association shall have five directors which shall be elected each year by the association members present at the annual meeting. This association shall have a chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary-treasurer. a. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall appoint a nominating committee to nominate the above officers and the maintenance committee consisting of three members. b. The Chairman shall preside at all of the meetings of the association and be responsible for the program of the annual meeting of the association. c. The Vice-Chairman shall perform all the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman. d. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of the annual meeting and all funds of the association, disbursing funds as directed by the association and reporting to the association at its annual meeting. e. The Maintenance Committee shall consist of three members. The duties of this committee shall be to see that the cemetery is kept in good condition.
V. AUTHORITY - While independent and sovereign in its own share, the association will not exercise any authority over the land that now contains the cemetery. The Chairman of the Board of Directors will assist in the selection of lots.
VI. AMENDMENTS - Amendments to the By-Laws may be made at the annual meeting of the association when two-thirds of the members present vote in favor of the amendment. The following amendments to the By-Laws have been adopted: a. No lots shall be sold in the above-named cemetery. (Am. 5-15-1988). b. Identifying markers are required for all burials after May 18, 1996, and such markers must be placed to mark the grave within six months of burial. (Am. 5-18-1996). c. Only descendants and the spouses of those buried in the Siloam Cemetery shall be allowed to be buried. An exception shall be made for those persons who are not descendants of anyone buried in the cemetery, but who have already had permission to be buried there prior to this amendment. (Am. 5-14-2005).
The following amendment was adopted May 16, 2009: Because Siloam Baptist Church owns the Siloam Cemetery as has the right to bury church members in the cemetery, the Siloam Cemetery Association will continue its operations as in the past, with reference to maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery and its funds, until whatever time in the future the Church no longer needs the Cemetery Association. This cancels out Amendment C, adopted in 2005.

BURIAL LISTING ---- This is an alphabetical listing of burials in the Siloam Cemetery. Previous burial listings only went through 1972. Mr. Jud Arrington and a helper did a census of the cemetery, which was published in his book Public Cemeteries of Sumter County, Alabama, 1834-1972. However, that book contained many errors. I have personally conducted another census of the cemetery, and all listings below are as I found them, current through September 2011. The initials "dm" as used below mean "double marker".


Frankie E. Allen, 8/3/1919 - 9/4/1956
Lynda Greene Allen, 3/6/1942 - 8/3/2004
Charles Henry Allison, 10/25/1909 - 12/25/1910, son of H.A. & S.E. Allen
Henry Altman, __ - 5/18/1869, 52yr 5mo 18dy (Henry A. Altman)
(Note-- There is no visible evidence of any other Altman grave near this one. However, Mary M. Altman, dau of J.W. & Sallie Altman, is known to be buried in this cemetery. Her grave was on the original 1972 listing, but cannot be located now. She was born 4/26/1853 & died 10/18/1856. There are no other Altmans in the cemetery.)
John G. Anderson, no dates
Billy Gene Armstrong, 5/28/1932 - 4/17/1995
Charley G. Armstrong, 6/11/1890 - 10/1/1963
Edward O. Armstrong, 1946 - 1972
Essie S. Armstrong, 1912 - 1998 (dm with James R. Armstrong)
Horace L. Armstrong, 10/8/1904 - 3/30/1953 (dm with Annie H. Armstrong Wooldridge)
J.J. Armstrong, 10/17/1855 - 4/30/1921
James H. Armstrong, 1933 - 1988
James R. Armstrong, 1899 - 1963 (dm with Essie S. Armstrong)
Jim F. Armstrong, 1/4/1893 - 7/15/1966
Lillian Walker Armstrong, 2/9/1911 - 7/12/2006
Marfy Armstrong, 9/14/1885 - 7/7/1886 (Buried at the foot of the Billups graves)
Martha D. Armstrong, 7/5/1886 - 7/7/1933 (dm with Walter W. Armstrong)
Martha Francis Armstrong, 9/19/1920 - 10/15/1920
Mary E. Armstrong, 5/3/1858 - 3/24/1931
W. Lamar Armstrong, 1936 - 1987
Walter W. Armstrong, 11/11/1879 - 4/24/1937 (dm with Martha D. Armstrong)
William Henry Armstrong, 1/19/1901 - 6/28/1980
Annie Lee Rushing Ashley, 10/16/1891 - 2/3/1992
Bessie H. Ashley, 12-14-1891 - 4/15/1917 (dm with W.D. Ashley)
William Daniel Ashley, 1878 - 1935


J.H. Banks, 2/3/1833 - 1/26/1887
Margaret F. Bates, 5/26/1848 - 10/15/1890 (Broken & lying flat)
? (Bates?), no dates (Broken base. Stone with names and dates gone.)
? (Bates?), no dates (Very badly eroded and partially broken)
(Note: It is assumed that one of the above 2 graves is that of an Infant Bates, dau of J.S. & M. Bates (born & died 1-12-1881), because the baby's grave is listed on the original 1972 list, but cannot be located. It can also be assumed that the M. Bates is Margaret, and that J.S. is her husband, and he may be in the other grave here, although he is not listed on the original list. Margaret F. Bates and the Infant Bates are the only 2 Bates listed for the cemetery.)
Bertie G. Bennett, 8/11/1883 - 9/15/1931 (female)
Emma Billups, 10/21/1804 - 12/17/1886 (Wife of Thomas M. Billups)
Frances Billups, 3/20/1834 - 7/17/1852 (Consort of Thomas M. Billups, Jr. Marker is facing the wrong direction.)
Martha A. Billups, 7/1/1838 - 1847 (Dau. of Thomas & Amelia Billups)
Thomas M. Billups, Sr., 5/16/1783 - 1/19/1864
Marcus Parker Broadhurst, 8/25/1872 - 7/26/1886
Charlotte Brown, 1/1/1818 - 11/12/1850 (Wife of Hiram Brown, married Dec. 18, 1839)
Daniel H. Brown, 8/8/1865 - 6/26/1940 (dm with Susan Thorne Brown)
David H. Brown, 11/1/1908 - 12/27/1970 (dm with Grace K. Brown. Original list and foot marker say Davis Hollis Brown. Regular marker has David H. Georgia CPL 1449 SVC COMD Unit WW II)
Grace K. Brown, 5/13/1910 - 9/16/1987 (dm with David H. Brown)
James D. Brown, 1/10/1810 - 1/29/1874
James Henry Brown, 11/18/1890 - 10/6/1958
Maron F. Brown, 1850 - 1931 (male. Note: I had thought his name was Marion, but it is spelled Maron.)
Martha H. Brown, 1/29/1886 - 12/12/1969 (wife of J.H. Brown)
Martha Leah Brown, 7/2/1894 - 9/24/1926 (tall marker. Stone says aged 32 years 2 mos. & 22 days.)
Susan Thorne Brown, 10/3/1869 - 1/3/1946 (dm with Daniel H. Brown)
Virginia Brown, 1/17/1847 - 2/16/1924 (tall marker, wife of F.M. Brown, or should it be M.F. Brown -- Maron F ??)
Celeste Cameron Byrd, 12/30/1913 - 3/26/1996 (dm with Raymond Alan Byrd, married 10/26/1933)
Clarence A. Byrd, 1904 - 1976 (dm with Edris C. Byrd)
Edris C. Byrd, 1911 - 1998 (dm with Clarence A. Byrd)
Herbert A. Byrd, 8/31/1934 - 4/28/2000 (dm with Mattie H. Byrd)
J. Harvey Byrd, 7/23/1874 - 5/19/1943
Jesse M. Byrd, 7/21/1906 - 10/14/1933
Louise B. Byrd, 8/13/1912 - 8/21/1996 (dm with Mitchel Daily Byrd)
Mattie H. Byrd, 2/23/1936 - _____ (dm with Herbert A. Byrd)
Mitchel Daily Byrd, 7/5/1908 - 2/9/1986 (dm with Louise B. Byrd)
Raymond Alan Byrd, 1/1/1911 - 9/19/2001 (dm with Celeste Cameron Byrd)
Tempie R. Byrd, 9/1/1872 - 4/3/1963


Antionette H. Cameron, 3/8/1925 - _____ (dm with Preston L. Cameron)
India W. "Snapper" Cameron, 7/23/1907 - 11/5/1990 (dm with Mattie Green Cameron)
Mattie Green Cameron, 8/24/1910 - 7/22/2000 (dm with India W. "Snapper" Cameron)
Preston L. Cameron, 1/29/1918 - 7/6/1997 (dm with Antionette H. Cameron, foot marker says Preston Leard Cameron, TEC 4 US Army WW II)
Desma Hitt Carlisle, 4/20/1906 - 2/21/1978
Berteal Walker Panjic Christian, 7/21/1921 - 2/18/2000
Aileen D. Craddock, 12/27/1922 - _____ (dm with Charles B. Craddock)
Charles B. Craddock, 2/17/1922 - 5/24/2000 (dm with Aileen D. Craddock, foot marker says Charles Bennett Craddock, CPO US Coast Guard WW II)
Mattie Bernice Culpepper, 1/26/1915 - 2/27/1993


Sarah D. Daniel, 1/20/1822 - 11/25/1850 (Consort of Samuel S. Daniel)
Arthur Lee Davis, 10/11/1879 - 9/16/1896 (Son of M.G. & L.J. Davis)
James Thomas Davis, 11/26/1868 - 8/6/1880 (Son of J.T. & F.P. Davis, facing the wrong direction)
Laura J. Davis, 1/12/1847 - 3/31/1923 (dm with Matt G. Davis)
Matt G. Davis, 4/12/1842 - 5/3/1888 (dm with Laura J. Davis)
Robert Hunter Davis, 7/29/1870 - 2/15/1874 (Son of J.T. & F.P. Davis)
Annie Shaw Dearman, 1869 - 1961
Auline P. Dearman, 8/8/1909 - 5/30/1993
Charles E. Dearman, 1909 - 1932 (slab)
Charley Dearman (assumed), 11/28/1881 - 1/28/1882 (Marker broken off and gone, nothing left but base of marker, no name or dates. This info is taken from the original 1972 listing, based on the few graves nearest this one. Charley was also a son of A. & E. Dearman, according to the original list. Charley is known to be buried in the cemetery, and since his grave cannot be located elsewhere, the process of elimination picks this one.)
Della M. Dearman, 1/20/1887 - 11/23/1902 (Dau. of J.A. & Mattie Dearman)
E. Cordelia Dearman, 7/2/1873 - 10/20/1902 (Wife of J.A. Dearman)
Elijah L. Dearman, 3/23/1883 - 2/8/1902 (Son of A. & E. Dearman, original listing just says Elijah Dearman)
Elisha Dearman, 10/25/1819 - 5/28/1882 (Husband of Eliza Dearman, old marker broken and on ground, newer marker present also)
Eliza Dearman, 10/3/1828 - 4/14/1890 (Wife of E. Dearman)
Emma Dearman, 9/30/1877 - 7/22/1898
Enola P. Dearman, 9/11/1911 - 9/29/1988
Esther Dearman, 11/30/1900 - 9/22/1914 (Dau. of G. Dearman)
Everette H. Dearman, 6/22/1907 - 2/21/1988
Evie Lee Dearman, 1887 - 1978 (dm with John Henry Dearman)
Gid Dearman, 3/22/1870 - 8/16/1938 (large marker)
Gilbert J. Dearman, 3/2/1872 - 2/25/1945 (Woodmen of the World marker)
Infant Son of Gid & Mattie Dearman, 1908 - 1908
Infant Son of J.H. & E.L. Dearman, 5/13/1906 - 5/13/1906
John A. Dearman, 2/3/1865 - 10/23/1928 (slab & very large headstone)
John Henry Dearman, 1880 - 1960 (dm with Evie Lee Dearman)
Johnie S. Dearman, 3/30/1897 - 10/15/1918 (Woodmen of the World marker, son of G.J. & M.N. Dearman)
Katy Vivion Dearman, 9/30/1905 - 12/12/1905
Mary Brown Dearman, 3/15/1875 - 10/21/1902
Mattie Graham Dearman, 2/24/1874 - 6/19/1909
Mattie M. Dearman, 3/26/1871 - 5/29/1891 (Wife of J.A. Dearman)
Mary Hitt Dearman, 10/12/1876 - 11/13/1945
May Bennett Dearman, 9/7/1875 - 5/25/1951
Milers M. Dearman, 1/29/1894 - 6/2/1896 (Son of A. & E. Dearman)
Narciss Dearman, 10/14/1853 - 3/4/1935 (tall marker)
Oscar Dearman, 2/13/1904 - 2/27/1904
Sarah Issabella Dearman, 9/18/1868 - 11/4/1892 (Dau. of S. & C. Dearman)
Strother Alfred Dearman, 10/22/1917 - 9/27/1997 (TEC 5 US Army WW II)
Thomas A. Dearman, 4/15/1835 - 11/19/1880 (PVT Co. G 5 Ala. Inf. Confederate States Army)
Timothy Y. Dearman, 10/25/1885 - 6/8/1906 (Son of A. & E. Dearman)
Victor Dearman, 6/13/1909 - 4/6/1996
W.T. Dearman, 11/13/1850 - 4/2/1912 (tall marker)
William Hector Dearman, 12/9/1914 - 7/5/1992
Elizabeth Drummond, 1852 (Marker just says 1852. Born? Died?)
Florence Drummond, 4/15/1882 - 9/25/1889 (Dau. of W.W. & S.J. Drummond)
Ida Drummond, 2/17/1869 - 7/31/1888 (Dau. of W.W. & S.J. Drummond)
Willie W. Drummonds, 6/25/1875 - 12/13/1884 (Son of W.W. & S.J. Drummond, Original list says Drummond. Marker says Drummonds.)


Mary Alice Ezell, 6/5/1913 - 8/16/2004 (dm with Raymond Dale Ezell)
Raymond Dale Ezell, 8/29/1906 - 3/29/1969 (dm with Mary Alice Ezell)
Ruby Maurine Keene Ezell, 3/29/1905 - 12/6/1988 (dm with Rev. William Leslie Ezell)
Rev. William Leslie Ezell, 3/24/1899 - 12/13/1985 (dm with Ruby Maurine Keene Ezell)


Anna Harger Fleming, 6/8/1873 - 3/8/1947
H.F. Franklin, 1/10/1838 - 10/27/1878 (dm with Martha Franklin, PVT Co I, 6 Ala Cav CSA)
J.W. Franklin, 11/2/1874 - 1/4/1902
Martha Franklin, 1/13/1837 - 10/27/1881 (dm with H.F. Franklin)
William Hezekiah Franklin, (Same exact dates as H.F. Franklin. Stone is against the back of the stone of H.F. Franklin. Same person?)
Guy E. Free, 2/28/1901 - 2/16/1985 (dm with Merlene S. Free)
Merlene S. Free, 10/25/1902 - 10/14/1998 (dm with Guy E. Free)


Edwin Churchill Gibbs, 2/3/1844 - 3/30/1874
Nila S. Grace, 11/4/1908 - 5/13/1973 (thought to be Nila Stallings Grace)
Dempsey A. Graham, 4/14/1883 - 3/19/1954 (slab)
Dempsey Ray Graham, 7/30/1920 - 10/25/2000 (T SGT US Army WW II)
James Roland Graham, 4/2/1923 - 4/16/2005 (TEC 4 US Army WW II)
Katie Graham, 1/12/1882 - 2/6/1907
Maude Deas Graham, 1/28/1897 - 4/7/1975 (slab)
Roy Albert Graham, 11/25/1918 - 3/24/1984 (slab)
Jim William "J.W." Grantham, 4/5/1913 - 5/12/1982 (dm with Marguerite W. Grantham)
Marguerite W. Grantham, 3/10/1915 - 3/8/1984 (dm with Jim William "J.W." Grantham)
Ruth Grantham, 10/12/1910 - 10/26/1911
S.T. Grantham, 11/10/1879 - 7/8/1922 (tall marker)
Aba Green, 12/15/1806 - 9/5/1867 (tall stone, Born in Wake Co., N.C.)
Annie W. Green, 6/5/1893 - 3/1/1986 (dm with Thad Green)
Conary Lucinda Green, 1/10/1859 - 12/5/1860 (Dau. of W. & C.A. Green)
Edward S. Green, 4/18/1877 - 12/4/1960 (dm with Leila Green. Original list says son of John A. Green.)
Elisha Green, 2/5/1885 - 11/11/1967 (Son of John A. Green)
Eliza Annis Green, 11/21/1869 - 12/12/1943 (Wife of William Abe Green)
Elizabeth Green, July 1915 - May 1917
Elizabeth Green, 10/1/1916 - 3/25/2000
Florence H. Green, 5/10/1901 - 8/27/1972 (dm with Nora S. Green, son of W.A. & E.A. Green)
G.W. Green, 2/18/1837 - 11/12/1896 (Husband of C.A. Green)
George William Green, 11/24/1895 - 7/12/1904 (Son of W.A. & E.A. Green. Original list says son of W. Abe Green and Annis.)
Henry Lee Green, 8/24/1918 - 12/22/1981
Infant Daughter of J.H. & T.A. Green, 8/23/1909 - 8/23/1909
Irene Green, 9/6/1893 - 6/10/1907 (Dau. of W.A. & E.A. Green)
James Edward Green, 4/10/1913 - 5/8/1983
James Taylor Green, 6/22/1888 - 8/10/1970 (dm with Pearl Hitt Green, son of John A. Green)
James Thomas Green, 12/25/1876 - 12/23/1906 (Son of S.D. Green)
John A. Green, 4/6/1850 - 5/9/1904 (He is the son of Aba Green, although this is not on the marker.)
John B. Green, 8/12/1913 - 9/13/1972 (large marker)
John Henry Green, 5/3/1879 - 2/18/1973 (He is the son of John A. Green, althought this is not on the marker.)
Julian Green, 5/2/1914 - 7/6/1916
Leila Green, 12/13/1889 - 10/7/1984 (dm with Edward S. Green)
Leila Maude Green, 12/1/1903 - 8/30/1974 (dm with Robert Preston Green)
Martha Alice Green, 5/6/1875 - 8/26/1883 (Dau. of S.D. Green)
Martha Ann Green, 1/5/1877 - 3/19/1966 (large raised slab, wife of Willis C. Green)
Mary Ann Green, 6/22/1809 - 10/4/1879 (tall stone, wife of Aba Green, born in Wake Co., N.C.)
Nora S. Green, 9/6/1905 - 3/23/1998 (dm with Florence H. Green)
Ophelia E. Green, 3/16/1850 - 12/6/1901 (Wife of S.D. Green)
Pearl Hitt Green, 12/2/1893 - 7/18/1972 (dm with James Taylor Green)
Robert Preston Green, 11/16/1898 - 5/23/1969 (dm with Leila Maude Green, son of W.A. & E.A. Green)
Samuel D. Green, 10/5/1852 - 3/3/1939 (Son of Aba Green)
Samuel D. Green, Jr., 10/5/1889 - 1/23/1890
Susan Walker Green, 4/21/1848 - 8/31/1912 (Wife of John A. Green, although this is not on the marker.)
Thad Green, 2/9/1891 - 4/13/1979 (dm with Annie W. Green)
Thelka S. Green, 9/8/1888 - 11/30/1959 (Wife of John Henry Green)
Virgie Green, 2/20/1879 - 3/9/1939 (Dau. of S.D. Green)
William Abe Green, 4/30/1866 - 11/24/1937 (Son of G.W. Green)
Willis Coleman Green, 2/3/1873 - 8/21/1955 (large raised slab, Woodmen of the World marker, Son of John A. Green)
Everette Fort Greene, 7/20/1903 - 3/20/1992 (dm with Walter Albert Greene, very large with new slab)
Walter Albert Greene, 11/2/1900 - 4/2/1989 (dm with Everette Fort Greene, very large with new slab)
Lula B. Grimes, 1874 - 1919 (dm with Thomas J. Grimes, facing the wrong direction)
Thomas J. Grimes, 1854 - 1921 (dm with Lula B. Grimes, facing the wrong direction)


Thomas G. Hair, 10/17/1876 - 11/21/1951
Pauline B. Hair, 10/14/1891 - 7/3/1965
Gabriel Halsell, no dates, name only (facing wrong direction)
Patience Halsell, 1/24/1796 - 10/10/1846 (Wife of Samuel Halsell, facing wrong direction)
Amelia B. Hammond, 10/8/1827 - 2/27/1850 (Consort of B.N.B. Hammond)
Beverly Shepard Hammond, 2/23/1914 - 10/16/1979 (dm with James Paul Hammond, Sr., M.D.)
Emaline Hammond, 1861 - 1948 (dm with Joe Hammond)
Hiram Nelson Hammond, 1887 - 1933 (dm with Lee Fowler Hammond)
James Paul Hammond, Sr., M.D., 8/30/1911 - 7/2/1978 (dm with Beverly Shepard Hammond, MAJ US Army WW II M.D.)
Joe Hammond, 1861 - 1926 (dm with Emaline Hammond)
Lee Fowler Hammond, 1892 - 1985 (dm with Hiram Nelson Hammond)
Ada L. Harris, 5/31/1880 - 7/10/1958 (Wife of James L. Harris)
Bennie T. Harris, 1909 - 1911 (marker eroding and partially buried)
C.H. Harris, 6/4/1883 - 2/3/1904 (son of Samuel & Nettie Harris)
Caroline Harris, 1/4/1826 - 2/15/1890
Christine Ashley Harris, 9/7/1909 - 8/3/1997 (dm with Christopher C. Harris)
Christopher C. Harris, 3/20/1904 - 2/16/1973 (dm with Christine Ashley Harris)
Clarabelle C. Harris, 3/3/1925 - 6/7/2002
Clarence H. Harris, 3/29/1886 - 3/22/1955 (large marker)
Earnest M. Harris, 5-13-1892 - 4/3/1973 (slab, Alabama PVT US Army WW I)
Florence Harris, 1889 - 1941 (male)
Fred Allen Harris, 10/11/1949 - 12/21/1949
Hiram Brown Harris, 7-4-1878 - 11/16/1943
Hiram Frank Harris, Sr., 6/7/1920 - 4/29/1997
J.M. Harris, 6-14-1850 - 7/31/1926
James C. Harris, 2/10/1911 - 3/7/1986 (dm with Willie Mae Harris)
James L. Harris, 10-31-1876 - 11/12/1950
James Lindsey "Teddy" Harris, 4/9/1948 - 11/16/1994
Jessie D. Harris, 9-22-1889 - 10/17/1971
John Harris, 2-7-1827 - 3-18-1883
John Dearman "Bud" Harris, 6/21/1922 - 9/17/1994
Joseph L. Harris, 3-12-1887 - 4/28/1969 (dm with Mary Cora Hardy Harris, slab)
Luna Mae Harris, 1-17-1890 - 1/19/1944
Martha S. Harris, 1-7-1862 - 9-18-1881 (wife Samuel Harris, sits alone near back of cemetery)
Mary E. Harris, 1853 - 1931
Mary Franklin Harris, 10-11-1858 - 1-7-1896 (wife of John E. Harris, original listing has M.S. Harris wife of J.E. Harris)
Mary Cora Hardy Harris, 12-24-1889 - 12/31/1962 (dm with Joseph L. Harris, slab)
Myree Allen Harris, 2/22/1906 - 11/9/1981
Nettie Franklin Harris, 1860 - 1938
Ola Dearman Harris, 5-12-1888 - 7/17/1977 (large marker)
Ola Merle Harris, 3/17/1917 - 6/21/1918 (dau of P.G. & J.E. Harris, original listing says dau. of P.G. & Jessie, marker broken and lying flat)
Penelope Ann Harris, Jan. 1835 - 2/23/1918 (wife of Simon Harris)
Preston G. Harris, 11-1-1887 - 12/9/1953 Robert Henry Harris, 12/5/1908 - 8/7/1982
Robert Henry Harris, Jr., 1/21/1939 - 3/3/2005 (PFC US Marine Corps)
Sam Harris, 1857 - 1942
Simon Harris, 1-21-1836 - 1/26/1910 (tall marker, it says Born in Chesterfield Dist. of S.C.)
Virgil Harris, 12-3-1886 - 5/13/1920
William M. Harris, 3/27/1934 - 6/2/1977
Willie Mae Harris, 4/23/1920 - 2/13/2001 (dm with James C. Harris)
Addie C. Hitt, 6/5/1913 - 8/16/1927 (at the foot of Clarkie & Arabella Hitt)
Allene Peters Hitt, 11/4/1902 - 2/26/1972
Arabella Hitt, 6-16-1876 - 1/13/1963 (dm with Clarkie Hitt)
Arvie Hitt, 11-17-1892 - 10/23/1915 (wife of Oscar C. Hitt)
Austin Hitt, 6-1-1811 - 6-18-1853 (Married Rebecca Hall Nov. 22, 1832)
Auston Hitt, 10-12-1869 - 9/12/1933
Bolyne Toxey Hitt, 10/13/1914 - 4/20/1978 (slab)
Charlie James Hitt, 7/3/1903 - 6/5/1976
Clarkie Hitt, 9-22-1878 - 10/3/1944 (dm with Arabella Hitt)
Cordelia McDonald Hitt, 12-29-1861 - 4-27-1894
Daisy Pearl Hitt, 8/30/1910 - 9/12/2003
Drucilla Hitt, 1-25-1871 - 7/17/1940 (wife of Auston Hitt, marker says "Mrs.")
Earl Ezell Hitt, 6/30/1922 - 6/26/1929
Ethel R. Hitt, 1/6/1904 - 1/5/1905 (at the foot of Clarkie & Arabella Hitt)
Horace L. Hitt, 7/10/1921 - 5/23/1944
Infant Hitt, 1884 - 1884 (dau. Martha & Clark Hitt Sr.)
Infant Hitt, 9/19/1914 - 9/19/1914 (son R.C. & M.A. (Arabella) Hitt, at the foot of Clarkie & Arabella Hitt)
Infant Hitt, 9/20/1934 - 9/20/1934 (slab, dau of Bolyne & Ruth Hitt)
Inf dau J.H. & Rilla Hitt, - (no dates)
James Hamilton Hitt, 5-22-1873 - 3/30/1962
Laura Hitt, 10-7-1891 - 10-12-1892 (dau of Austin & Drucilla Hitt. Original list had dau of Auston & Drucilla Hitt.)
Martha Bowers Hitt, 11-7-1862 - 10/8/1946
Oliver C. Hitt, 9/29/1910 - 8/19/1926 (son of Auston & Drucilla Hitt)
Rebecca Hitt, 11-8-1848 - 2-19-1874
Rebecca Hitt, 1882 - Aug. 1886 (dau. Martha & Clark Hitt Sr., on orig. list as "Infant" 1882-1886)
Rilla F. Dearman Hitt, 1-16-1877 - 7/23/1974
Ruth Walker Hitt, 3/4/1913 - 6/17/1990 (slab)
William Henry Hitt, 7-29-1860 - 1/30/1900
Willis J. Hitt, 4/5/1905 - 5/30/1907 (at the foot of Clarkie & Arabella Hitt)
Biddle Holder, 10-25-1895 - 8-5-1896 (son of J.W. & C.O. Holder, stone actually says Little Biddle Holder)
Candis O. Holder, 3-14-1871 - 6/5/1959
Ellen V. Bean Holder, 1855 - 1921
Ernest Holder, 4-27-1892 - 3/17/1982 (husband of Siddie Holder)
Ernest Newton Holder, 9/27/1916 - 11/18/1980 (dm with Helen Grace Holder, CGM US Navy WW II Korea)
Helen Grace Holder, 1919 - 2006 (dm with Ernest Newton Holder)
John W. Holder, 12-26-1860 - 4/26/1933 (hus of Candis O. Holder)
Mamie Holder, 1-17-1897 - 3/30/1914
Mary Berniece Holder, 9/7/1923 - 9/6/1974 (dm with Robert Ward Holder)
Minnie Holder, 10/19/1900 - 10/6/1903 (dau of J.W. & C.O. Holder, stone actually says Little Minnie Holder)
Rebecca Battle Holder, 1831 - 1972
Robert Ward Holder, 9/10/1918 - 12/13/1989 (dm with Mary Berneice Holder, SF1 US Navy, WW II)
Sallie R. Holder, 6-28-1868 - 10/19/1905
Siddie Walton Holder, 1-22-1896 - 5/18/1929
William James Holder, 4-12-1835 - 3/23/1915 (old marker says 1834-1915, new marker also there says 1835, also says Pvt. Co. A 40 ALA INF CSA)
Millie W. Holley, 1907 - 1977
Neman Holley, - (no dates, inf son of Winn & Millie Holley)
Rachel Holley, 1-7-1832 - 1/28/1905
Winn G. Holley, 1898 - 1973
Ollie C. Huff, 6-1-1863 - 2/17/1924 (slab)
John B. Hughes, 4-15-1894 - 4/28/1969 (slab)
Lavinia Byrd Hughes, 8/15/1901 - 5/29/1978 (slab)
Robert Hawlet Hunter, 5-27-1890 - 7-25-1890 (son John C. & Lizzie Hunter)


Joyce Ann Walker Iannuzzi, 2/5/1939 - 5/7/2003 (dm, very large, black marble, pictures of both, "Together for 43 wonderful years!")
Francesco Antonio Iannuzzi, 4/7/1938 - (dm, "AL DI LA DELLA VOLTA INFINITA, AL DI LA DELLA VITA" "Joyce and Frank did not have it all together, but together they had it all!" Hers - "Joyce, superior intellect, profound wisdom, iron will and never ending love for all!" His - "Frank, pursued a dream that Joyce made real!"


Katherine B. Joiner, 5/12/1921 - 11/12/1979
Penny Jones, - (name only, no dates, facing wrong direction)
Rebecca Jones, 3-23-1821 - 2-21-1893
Riley Jones, 2-22-1809 - 5-8-1882
Elaine H. Julian, 10/10/1945 - 2/3/2001
Johnny C. Julian, 1963 - 1994, (guitar and music notes on marker)


Betty Mae Key, 1900 - 1956
Fannie Key, 1865 - 1953
James A. Key, 12-1-1892 - 4/15/1976 (PFC US Army WW I)
J.M. Key, 1855 - 1918
Lillie Ethel Key, 1895 - 1983
Robert Henry Key, 1903 - 1979
Benjamin F. "Ben" Kidd, 7-2-1888 - 10/31/1959
Dillard D. Kidd, 1-7-1891 - 7/7/1979
William Earl "Billy" Kidd, 2/28/1934 - 11/30/1946 (son of B.F. & Dillard Kidd)
Dollie E. Knight, 8-31-1887 - 11/17/1974


Beatrice Logan, 5/21/1910 - 3/19/1939 (wife of T.L. Logan. It's interesting to note that this is on her stone: "Young people as you pass by, as you are so once was I. As I am you shall be. Prepare for death and follow me.")
Lillie Mae Lowe, 8-22-1892 - 11/20/1982


Mamie Armstrong Martin, 6-29-1897 - 11/26/1969
Ann Tommie Matthews, 10-21-1887 - 5-20-1896 (daughter of W.L. & A.I. Matthews)
Mary Alma Matthews, 6-2-1895 - 3-16-1896 (daughter of W.L. & A.I. Matthews)
Sallie May Matthews, 7-8-1889 - 7-19-1889 (daughter of W.L. & A.I. Matthews)
Allie (McDonald????), - (first name only, no dates, at foot of Robert L. & Belle S. McDonald)
Janie (McDonald????), - (first name only, no dates, at foot of Robert L. & Belle S. McDonald)
Lillie (McDonald????), - (first name only, no dates, at foot of Robert L. & Belle S. McDonald)
Belle Sims McDonald, 1866 - 1901 (dm with Robert Lee McDonald)
Clarence McDonald, - 10-11-1899 (no birth date, son of R.T. & S.G. McDonald, age 22 yrs & 8 mo)
Glynn C. McDonald, 9/25/1906 - 1/1/1942
J.A. McDonald, 9-15-1843 - 3-12-1877
Leona (Sweet) McDonald, 12/13/1906 - 1/5/1997 (dm with Thomas Edwin McDonald)
Lillie Smith McDonald, 10-27-1891 - 1/13/1970 (slab)
M.E. McDonald, 5-25-1852 - 11-4-1870 (wife of R.T. McDonald)
M.E. McDonald, 1-13-1879 - 7-22-1899 (wife S.O. McDonald)
Mary F. McDonald, 2-18-1852 - 8-21-1884
Mila J. McDonald, 10-29-1877 - 5/31/1902 (wife S.O. McDonald)
Robert D. McDonald, 1926 - 1974
Robert Irvin McDonald, 1-21-1894 - 5/19/1962 (slab)
Robert Lee McDonald, 1866 - 1930 (dm with Belle Sims McDonald)
Robert T. McDonald, 2-19-1836 - 4/12/1913 (stone actually says Robt. T. McDonald)
S.G. McDonald, 1846 - 1902 (wife R.T. McDonald)
Thomas Edwin McDonald, 6/10/1912 - 5/29/2004 (dm with Leona (Sweet) McDonald)
Bennie K. McElroy, 5/9/1926 - (dm with Harmon E. McElroy)
Harmon E. McElroy, 5/25/1925 - 3/27/1990 (dm with Bennie K. McElroy)
Sallie Walker McElroy, 1887 - 1959
Colonel R.F. Miller, 11-9-1819 - 8/24/1904 (facing wrong direction)
Emily W. Miller, 3-14-1833 - 3/31/1922 (Wife R.F. Miller, facing wrong direction)
Inf.son of Mr&Mrs J.C. Miller, 5/28/1944 - 5/28/1944
Sicly Miller, 7-28-1821 - 6-29-1852 (Consort Robert Miller, facing wrong direction)
Joe Carter Montgomery, 5/13/1937 - 10/16/1996 (dm with Glenda Lancaster Montgomery)
Glenda Lancaster Montgomery, 8/31/1938 - (dm with Joe Carter Montgomery)
Naomi Carter Montgomery, 2/9/1908 - 7/22/1974 (dm with Robert Lynn Montgomery, married 10-25-1932)
Robert Lynn Montgomery, 12/21/1905 - 3/19/1962 (dm with Naomi Carter Montgomery)
George Freeman Murphy, 7/15/1927 - 10/17/1997 (dm with Mildred E. Murphy, US Navy WW II)
Mildred E. Murphy, 9/23/1925 - 12/24/2004 (dm with George Freeman Murphy)


Malissa Newton, 10-12-1835 - 11-27-1851 (facing wrong direction)


Alfred Owen, 3-11-1809 - 5-14-1869 (facing wrong direction, born Laurens Dist. of S.C.)
Elizabeth Owen, 7-4-1776 - 9-1-1854 (tall, facing wrong direction, at foot of Alfred Owen)
Mary M. Owen - 5/30/1905 (no birth date, 86 yr, 4 mo, marker says "Mrs.")


Charlie Panjic, 9/19/1915 - 5/24/1969 (slab, orig. list says Charile, ALA TEC 4 BTRY B 149 FLD ARTY WW II BSM)
Marcus Parker, 2-29-1824 - 7-27-1890 (very tall monument, foot stone says PVT Co. A 15 NC Inf. Confederate States Army)
Sarah Eleanor Parker, 4-14-1831 - 5/24/1902 (wife of Marcus Parker, both names on monument - his facing wrong direction)
George C. Parten, 10/13/1912 - 12/28/1967 (dm with Elsie S. Parten, orig list has Partin)
Elsie S. Parten, 6/8/1914 - 1/30/1998 (dm with George C. Parten)
Louvenia W. Peaton, 1876 - 1917 (dm with William T. Peaton)
William T. Peaton, 1874 - 1922 (dm with Louvenia W. Peaton)
Clyde E. Pendergrass, 10/27/1904 - 3/30/1987 (dm with Sara M. Pendergrass)
Sara M. Pendergrass, 2/18/1910 - 2/10/1986 (dm with Clyde E. Pendergrass)
Charles Peters, Jr., 9/21/1916 - 5/8/1918
Charlie L. Peters, 6-24-1877 - 10/2/1943 (dm with Sallie S. Peters, large Woodmen of the World marker)
Inf daughter P.J. & M.L. Peters, 1904 - 1904
Inf daughter P.J. & M.L. Peters, 1906 - 1906
Inf daughter P.J. & M.L. Peters, 1915 - 1915
Inf son P.J. & M.L. Peters, 1907 - 1907
Levi Peters, 4-15-1845 - 7-7-1892
Lucy B. Peters, 8-8-1879 - 6/14/1963 (wife of Phillip J. Peters)
Mary E. Peters, 1-13-1853 - 11/9/1926
Phillip J. Peters, 2-9-1880 - 9/18/1946
Sallie S. Peters, 3-1-1881 - 1/24/1969 (dm with Charlie L. Peters)
William T. Peters, 4-16-1874 - 1/22/1932
Charles H. Pipkin, 4-17-1892 - 5/17/1955 (slab, Missouri SFC Co C 129 Engineers WW I)
Susie Stallings Pipkin, 10/17/1904 - 10/18/1967 (slab)
James Julian Powell, 9/26/1933 - 9/24/1934


Burl Quimby, 10-3-1890 - 8/27/1943 (at foot of wife Melissa's grave)
Melissa Emeline Quimby, 9-10-1847 - 5-20-1892 (wife of J.L. Quimby, directly at the head of his grave)


Susan Rawlins, 1816 - 1832 (hand-made marker, stone says "FIRST GRAVE IN THIS CEMETERY")
This is a photo of Susan Rawlins' marker. img
J. Lincoln Rice, 4/19/1919 - 6/14/1920 (son of J.I. & E. Rice)
Billie Jo Robertson, 5/4/1975 - 11/26/2008
Henry H. Rogers, 7-21-1868 - 9/15/1941 (dm with Sarah G. Rogers)
Ira Seldon Rogers, 6/9/1915 - 3/7/1983 (dm, but other side is blank)
Ira Seldon Rogers, Jr., 2/15/1941 - 7/7/2010
James A. Rogers, 7/25/1917 - 10/25/1975 (TSGT US Army WW II)
Sarah G. Rogers, 6-16-1882 - 4/9/1963 (dm with Henry H. Rogers)
Alvah Walker Rushing, 3/19/1900 - 12/8/1949 (large marker, wife of Ernest H. Rushing. Notice how Alvah is spelled.)
Ernest Hobson Rushing, 5-28-1898 - 8/21/1986 (large marker, husband of Alva Walker & Lorena Holder. Notice how Alva is spelled.)
Frances L. Rushing, 7/19/1943 - 11/8/1913 (female)
Lorena Holder Rushing, 4/23/1902 - 8/12/1968 (large marker)
Maggie Loue Rushing, 10-8-1893 - 5/20/1902 (Stone says dau. S.G. & M. Rushing, but it should read S.J. & M. Rushing)
Malissa W. Rushing, 8-16-1867 - 2/10/1944 (dm with Stephen J. Rushing)
Mattie M. Rushing, 7/27/1900 - 10/12/1999 (dm with Robert P. Rushing)
Robert P. Rushing, 8-17-1897 - 5/21/1978 (dm with Mattie M. Rushing)
Stephen J. Rushing, 1-11-1866 - 11/11/1945 (dm with Malissa W. Rushing)


Attice Walker Sacra, 7/9/1906 - 1/1/1983 (dm with William Lee Sacra)
William Lee Sacra, 7/9/1914 - (dm with Attice Walker Sacra)
Donie Smith Schaiff, 12-5-1884 - 5/16/1974
Marjorie Louise Kidd Scott, 5/8/1923 - 3/5/2002 ("Margie")
Florence Watkins Scurlock, 11/5/1922 - 11/4/1999
A. Sheffield, 3-20-1851 - 4/6/1904 (very large slab)
Daniel Sheffield, March 1854 - 9/1/1931
David E. Sheffield, 11-24-1890 - 7/20/1920
Dora Ann Jarman Sheffield, 12-29-1877 - 4/8/1960 (slab)
Elizabeth Jane Sheffield, 2-3-1860 - 6/24/1928
Emily Quimby Sheffield, 11-4-1831 - 9-7-1879
Henry Sheffield, 1/17/1915 - 1/23/1987
Infant Sheffield, 3-17-1881 - 3-17-1881 (son A. & O.C. Sheffield, broken, lying flat)
Infant Sheffield, 12-10-1881 - 12-16-1881 (dau. A. & O.C. Sheffield, broken, lying flat)
Lock "Locky" Sheffield Jr., 9-27-1872 - 8/12/1935
Locky Sheffield Sr., 6-18-1836 - 9/9/1909
Lonnie Burcher Sheffield, 12-1-1892 - 8/28/1975 (slab)
M.C. Sheffield, 11-5-1883 - 7-4-1890 (son A. & O.C. Sheffield, broken, only top "M.C. son of" now showing)
Polly Ann Sheffield, 10/11/1931 - 10/12/1931
Samuel Ed Sheffield, 3/18/1900 - 3/22/1966 (slab)
Annie E. Shelton, 1-10-1887 - 1/24/1935 (wife of J.P. Shelton)
Elizabeth Shelton, 7-29-1898 - 10-14-1899 (dau of R.J. & S.P. Shelton)
Inf son of P & A Shelton, - - (no dates, orig list says son of J.P. & Annie Shelton)
Irena Shelton, - - (dau. L.E. & N.C. Shelton, facing wrong direction, dates eroded)
L.C. Shelton, 1-9-1849 - 6/17/1926 (male, on orig. list as Add Shelton)
Louis Shelton, 7-12-1883 - 8/23/1910
Monroe Shelton, 2-4-1878 - 2/22/1941
Myra Shelton, 1/6/1910 - 12/8/1913 (dau of J.P. & Annie Shelton)
Nancy C. Shelton, 8-22-1851 - 8/10/1915 (wife of L.C. Shelton)
Bessie Green Simpson, 4/22/1924 - 12/4/2009 (dm with Louis Grady Simpson, Jr., married 3-15-1960)
Louis Grady Simpson, Jr., 9/26/1918 - 10/27/1995 (dm with Bessie Green Simpson)
H.J. Sims, 11-10-1817 - 5-17-1897 (broken)
Alice F. Smith, 1-17-1861 - 1/20/1936
Alma P. Stallings, 1918 - 1918
Annie May Stallings, 10-18-1887 - 10/12/1966 (on orig. list as Grantham, and marker says Annie May Armstrong Grantham Stallings)
Annis Irene Stallings, 10/21/1912 - 11/30/1978 (dm with Arthur Lee Stallings)
Arthur Lee Stallings, 9-9-1899 - 9/8/1987 (dm with Annis Irene Stallings)
Burrel Stallings, 9-8-1861 - 11-21-1891
Burrel Stallings, 4/25/1908 - 9/12/1986 (dm with Louise Graham Stallings)
C.C. "Lum" Stallings, 5-1-1870 - 12/11/1956 (slab)
Claude Stallings, 1881 - 1957 (Woodmen of the World marker)
Drusilla Stallings, 6-9-1835 - 2/26/1904 (tall marker, wife of W.M. Stallings)
Earl Stallings, 7/19/1903 - 4/5/1984
Hattie Coleen Stallings, 9/15/1925 - 2007 (dm with James Bennie Stallings, died early 2007. Coleen is known to be buried in Mississippi - NOT here, as one would think.)
Inf dau W.A. & M.E. Stallings, 10/21/1914 - 11/6/1914
Inf son J.M. & Susan Stallings - - (no dates)
Inf son J.S. & S.A. Stallings, 11-22-1899 - 11-22-1899
Inf son Mr & Mrs J.S. Stallings, 1/23/1925 - 1/23/1925
Inf son W.A. & M.E. Stallings, 2/2/1910 - 2/2/1910
J.L. Stallings, 8/17/1902 - 7/27/1903 (son of J.S. & S.A. Stallings)
J.T. Stallings - 5/17/1915 (no birth date, age 57)
James Bennie Stallings, 2/14/1934 - 12/1/1990 (dm with Hattie Coleen Stallings, SP 3 US Army Korea)
James Harold Stallings, 10/25/1919 - 3/19/1982
James M. Stallings, 8-23-1862 - 2/24/1939
James M. Stallings, 1-12-1872 - 5/21/1953 (slab)
James M. Stallings, Sr., 12-11-1834 - 4/20/1920 (PVT Co A 40 Ala Inf Confederate States Army)
James V. Stallings, 6/8/1919 - 9/12/1985 (dm with Mattie Lee Stallings)
Joe S. Stallings, 11-5-1872 - 6/13/1963
John Daisy Stallings, 4-27-1883 - 2/15/1925 (wife of J.S. Stallings)
Joseph E. Stallings, 8/12/1920 - 11/4/1956 (Georgia CPL Co. E 38 Infantry Regt. WW II Korea)
L.C. Stallings, 1905 - 1905
Laura Stallings, 7-25-1874 - 3-28-1877 (dau of J.M. & Mary Stallings, very badly broken, lying flat in pieces)
Lizzie Stallings, 1882 - 1980 (wife of Claude?)
Lloyd Stallings, 7-27-1895 - 12/29/1962 (dm with Velma E. Stallings)
Lona B. Stallings, 1914 - 1915
Louise Graham Stallings, 4/20/1925 - 5/6/1993 (dm with Burrel Stallings, married 3-17-1952)
Maggie Stallings, 1886 - 1967 (dm with Ramond Stallings)
Mamie Eva Stallings, 1876 - 1922 (tall marker)
Mattie Lee Stallings, 5-7-1929 - 1-11-2011 (dm with James V. Stallings)
Mary F. Stallings, 2-10-1838 - 12-31-1899 (wife of J.M. Stallings)
Olevia Stallings, 10-30-1874 - 2/17/1923 (wife of J.M. Stallings)
Ramond Stallings, 1881 - 1957 (dm with Maggie Stallings)
Raymond S. Stallings, 2/22/1912 - 1/3/1989 (dm with Sigrid McGowen Stallings)
Rodger Stallings, 1917 - 1918
Ruby Stallings, 2/7/1917 - 5/28/1918
Sara Tate Stallings, 1860 - 1886
Sarah A. Della Stallings, 3-18-1875 - 1/27/1912 (wife of J.S. Stallings)
Sarah Alice Stallings, - 1-16-1881 (no birth date, age 33, wife of J.T. Stallings)
Sigrid McGowen Stallings, 6/20/1918 - (dm with Raymond S. Stallings)
Susan J. Stallings, 4-28-1866 - 3/13/1944 (wife of James M. Stallings)
Velma E. Stallings, 3/28/1909 - 2/2/1986 (dm with Lloyd Stallings)
William Stallings, 1822 - 1916 (PVT Co. A 40 Ala. Inf. Confederate States Army, stone has Stalling at top.)
William A. Stallings, 1870 - 1943 (tall marker)
William H. Stallings, 6-9-1858 - 12-23-1858 (son William & Drusilla Stallings, marker says "Wm H.")
Leona Harris Stebbins, 1894 - 1973
Caswell Massey Stephens, 1-8-1852 - 2/17/1935
Inf son W.H. & J.D. Stephens, 2/14/1905 - 2/14/1905
Isabella Stephens, 2-20-1847 - 11/18/1917 (wife of C.M. Stephens)
James M. Stephens, 12/7/1920 - 5/13/1922 (son of H.Y. & L.E. Stephens)
Nancy Elizabeth Stephens, 1-31-1856 - 3-28-1885 (wife W.M. Stephens, near back corner, broken in half & propped)
A.M. Stephens, 11-21-1839 - 1-8-1891 (wife of C.M. Stephens)
Eula McDonald Strong, 4-7-1892 - 7/21/1982 (dm with William Edgar Strong)
William Edgar Strong, 11-2-1888 - 8/16/1989 (dm with Ella McDonald Strong)


? (Tate????) - - (small marker, no name, no dates, broken glass in front where info would have been)
Clarence Tate, 7-23-1888 - 1-24-1889 (son of J.H. & E. R. Tate)
Earl Tate, 10/18/1906 - 10/21/1932 (son of J.H. & E.R. Tate)
Elizabeth R. Tate, 2-4-1861 - 5/13/1948
Etta P. Tate, 12-1-1895 - 3/21/1967 (dau of J.H. & E.R. Tate)
Jack J. Tate, 2-22-1899 - 6/30/1967 (AL PVT US Army WW I)
J.H. Tate, 2-7-1855 - 5/10/1930 (husband of Elizabeth R. Tate)
Luther L. Tate, 2-14-1893 - 7/31/1968
Ottis Rhodes Taylor, 1/10/1927 - 11/28/2009
Bebe Ashley Walker Tew, 1/19/1915 - 7/22/1993
Etta Dearman Tew, 4-13-1896 - 1/22/1931 (wife of Ben L. Tew)
Flossie W. Tew, 2/11/1905 - 1/28/1970 (dm with J. Hilry Tew)
J. Hilry Tew, 7/2/1901 - 3/7/1990 (dm with Flossie W. Tew)
James G. Tew, 9/14/1929 - 2/21/1993 (dm with Lola Bevis Tew)
John Paul Tew, 8/22/1958 - 8/23/1958 (Inf son of Vernon & Ruth Tew)
Lola Bevis Tew, 1/17/1927 - 10/11/1991 (dm with James G. Tew)
Louie E. Thompson, 11/19/1916 - 10/20/1982 (dm with Virginia C. Thompson)
Virginia C. Thompson, 10/8/1916 - 11/1/1990 (dm with Louie E. Thompson, married 7-27-1935)
John W. Thorne, 1-23-1899 - 11/9/1954
John Willis Thorne, 3-9-1866 - 6/9/1906 (dm with Robert Emily Thorne)
Robert Emily Thorne, 2-15-1863 - 4/27/1952 (dm with John Willis Thorne)
Julie Ann "Tew" Towberman, 4/22/1961 - 4/20/2003
Bonnie Reece Truelove, 5/4/1949 - 6/6/1949
Charlie Columbus Truelove, 12-17-1895 - 5/10/1958
D. Jackie Truelove, 10/13/1930 - 2/2/2009 (dm with William Carl Truelove, m. 6-14-1952, Delores Jacqueline Truelove Cochran)
Darrell E. Truelove, 1/23/1948 - 12/20/1968
Elijah Truelove, 3-1-1831 - 6/10/1903 (cannot read death date -- may NOT be 10th)
Elizebeth Truelove, 4-18-1830 - 5/16/1914
Henry Edward Truelove, 6/10/1923 - 7/3/1994 (S SGT US Army WW II)
Jane Truelove, - - (no dates, 5 yr, dau E & E Truelove)
Martin Truelove, - - (no dates, 11 yr, son E & E Truelove)
Mary L. Truelove, 9-18-1881 1-26-1884 (dau JR & ME Truelove, orig list says "ML", but stone looks like "ME". Stone badly eroded at bottom)
Naomi Stallings Truelove, 11/24/1900 - 6/11/1950 (wife of Charlie Columbus Truelove)
Sarah Truelove, - - (no dates, 1yr, dau E & E Truelove)
Terrell M. Truelove, 8/21/1907 - 10/15/1908 (small marker, broken & propped, obviously hand-made & eroding. Son of E.L. & V.G. Truelove.)
Trebble Eloise Truelove, 1/18/1932 - 10/12/1932 (dau of Mr. & Mrs. Columbus Truelove)
Virginia M. Truelove, 2/10/1927 - 11/27/1961 (on orig list as Virginia Master Truelove)
William Carl Truelove, 12/6/1929 - 11/26/1992 (dm with D. Jackie Truelove, SGT US Army Korea)
Earl Tucker, 1884 - 1886
Rilla E. Tucker, 1858 - 1910 (dm with Thomas J. Tucker)
Thomas J. Tucker, 1842 - 1914 (dm with Rilla E. Tucker)
Walter E. Tucker, 1880 - 1914

U -- (NONE)

V -- (NONE)


Abbie Ethridge Walker, 12-16-1888 - 6/6/1964 (slab)
Allie H. Walker, 12-27-1889 - 11/6/1973 (dm with Walter Walker)
Anie D. Walker, 12-31-1899 - 1/22/1966 (dm with Arthur P. Walker, orig list has Anie Dearman Walker. Yes, Anie is spelled with just one "n".)
Annie Floyd Walker, 4/27/1952 - 4/28/1952 (dau. Floyd & Janet Walker)
Annie Lou Walker, 6/29/1919 - 4/10/1996
Annie Lucille Walker, 7/21/1921 - 7/21/1921
Arthur P. Walker, 8-30-1896 - 7/3/1972 (dm with Anie D. Walker)
Barbara Gaye Walker, 8/2/1943 - 8/2/1943 (dau. Robert & Ruth Walker)
Beeri Mooney Walker, 10-13-1892 - 4/6/1947 (Alabama RM 2 C USNRF WW I. *I had assumed his name was "Berry", but the tombstone says "Beeri".)
Bertha Matilda Walker, 2/27/1919 - 10/8/1919
Bettie Walker, 7-4-1845 - 9/27/1913 (wife of James A. Walker)
Billy Joe Walker, 1/5/1979 - 10/10/1987
Charles A. Walker, 11-19-1869 - 5/15/1944 (dm with Frances P. Walker)
Charles A. Walker, 3/21/1913 - 6/15/1987
Charles David Walker, 10/9/1948 - 1/9/1992
Charles Edward Walker, 9/20/1968 - 12/20/2005
Charles Edward Walker, Jr., 6/7/1992 - 10/19/2007 ("Charlie")
Claudia Hair Walker, 3/10/1927 - - (dm with Earl Lee Walker in brick border)
Coreen Stallings Walker, 7/16/1909 - 12/24/1993 (dm with William Eugene Walker)
Cornelia Hitt Walker, 1874 - 1940
Earl Lee Walker, 7/29/1909 - 10/13/1986 (dm with Claudia Hair Walker in brick border)
Edward Eugene "Gene" Walker, 12/5/1912 - 9/23/2004 (dm with Mary Lou Walker, TEC 5 US Army WW II)
Elizabeth George Walker, 1900 - 1934 (marker also says "Bettie")
Ella D. Walker, 6-30-1885 - 1/6/1977 (dm with J.M. Walker)
Ella M. Walker, 1-8-1873 - 3/6/1941 (dm with Samuel D. Walker)
Ervin Lee Walker, 11-25-1894 - 1-19-1896 (out of line, says son of C.A. & F.G. Walker, but should be FC)
Evaline P. Walker, 2-22-1832 - 2/22/1905
F.M. Walker, 1-18-1846 - 1/16/1928 (male)
Florid R. Walker, 6-15-1893 - 7/24/1908 (tall marker)
Frances Lewis Walker, SC 1812 - 12-5-1859
Frances P. Walker, 11-26-1871 - 6/8/1945 (dm with Charles A. Walker)
Fronie Mae Walker, 1-6-1888 - 8/20/1966 (wife of W.H. Walker)
Helen B. Walker, 3/13/1903 - 6/12/1984 (dm with Norman E. Walker)
Hershel G. Walker, 1913 - 1961 (dm with Maggie L. Walker)
Howard O. Walker, 1-8-1889 - 1/19/1986 (dm with Maude M. Walker)
Inf dau of J.M. & L.L. Walker, 1922 - 1922
Inf son Mr & Mrs H.G. Walker, 1940 - 1940
Inf son Mr & Mrs H.G. Walker, 1942 - 1942
J.M. Walker, 9-5-1878 - 10/21/1927 (dm with Ella D. Walker)
James A. Walker, 9-14-1839 - 8/5/1900
James A. Walker, 12-19-1856 - 12/5/1937
James Allen Walker, 3/5/1920 - 5/3/1920 (son Walter & Allie Walker)
James Frank Walker, 4-3-1881 - 3/1/1966
James G. Walker, Ala. 1810 - 2-11-1863
James W. Walker, 9-14-1872 - 10/10/1911 (Woodmen of the World marker)
Jesse J. Walker, 10-11-1866 - 12-17-1897 (tall Woodmen of the World marker)
Jewel Walker, 1/12/1910 - 3/16/1910 (on orig. list as Allie Jewel dau. of J.W. & A.V. Walker)
Jewel Walker, 11/21/1914 - 11/26/1914 (dau. of J.P. & S.I. Walker)
Jimie Quitman Walker, 5-4-1896 - 7-17-1897 (son J.A. & L.A. Walker)
John Oliver Walker, 7-18-1859 - 10/25/1951
John P. "Frank" Walker, 1879 - 1940
Joseph E. Walker, 7-17-1837 - 9-14-1859 (hus. of P.E. Walker, orig list says Joseph F., & has a death year of 1857)
Joseph George Walker, 1-4-1881 - 2/24/1959 (dm with Susan Harris Walker)
Joseph Marvin Walker, 12-27-1883 - 12/13/1964 (slab)
Jullie Walker, 2/14/1905 - 2/14/1905 (dau. J.W. & C.M. Walker, yes it's spelled J-U-L-L-I-E.)
Kathleen Walker, 9/24/1914 - 12/19/1920 (dau. of H.O. & A.M. Walker)
Leona Pearl Walker, 9-11-1892 - 1-27-1893
Lewis E. Walker, 12-12-1872 - 9/23/1947
Lillian Green Walker, 1-5-1886 - 4/22/1965
Lucy Walker, 6-12-1858 - 6/14/1929 (Wife James Walker)
Lucy K. Walker, 6-6-1852 - 12/4/1932 (wife of F.M. Walker)
Lucy Lee Walker, 6/3/1911 - 6/16/1915
Maggie L. Walker, 1914 - 1969 (dm with Hershel G. Walker)
Mary Lou Walker, 11/29/1930 - (dm with Edward Eugene "Gene" Walker, married 51 years)
Mary W. Walker, 7/8/1906 - 8/13/1986 (dm with Warren A. Walker)
Maude M. Walker, 3-4-1896 - 12/19/1984 (dm with Howard O. Walker)
Mittie E. Walker, - 9/19/1900 (age 36 yrs, 8 mo., wife of W.H. Walker)
Mittie V. Walker, 1935 - 1935 (orig list has Mittie T. Walker)
Nelia Walker, 2-16-1871 - 3/11/1940
Norman E. Walker, 12/31/1903 - 10/26/1973 (dm with Helen B. Walker)
Norman E. Walker, 6/12/1915 - 6/10/1993 (dm with Ruth T. Walker)
O.L. Walker, 4-28-1873 - 5/30/1901 (wife of L.E. Walker (Lewis E. Walker))
Pearl Naomi Walker, 6/13/1909 - 7/31/1924
Robert A. Walker, 6/16/1907 - 12/31/1970 (slab)
Robert Arnold Walker, 9/7/1955 - 9/21/1979
Roland Walker, 2/10/1922 - 2/13/1922 (inf son of Anie D. & A.P. Walker)
Ronald Edward Walker, 4/18/1950 - 6/11/2006
Ruth T. Walker, 3/11/1921 - (dm with Norman E. Walker)
Ruth Gray Walker, 7/29/1921 - (dm with Vernon Edward Walker)
Ruth Tew Walker, 2/7/1904 - 11/12/1982 (slab)
S.E. Walker, 11-1-1849 - 2/16/1909 (wife of W.H. Walker)
Sammie Walker, 3-24-1885 - 1/12/1900 (son J.A. & L.A. Walker)
Samuel D. Walker, 9-16-1868 - 12/19/1952 (dm with Ella M. Walker)
Sarah "Kelia" Walker, 3-30-1868 - 10/10/1950
Susan Harris Walker, 2-6-1883 - 7/31/1959 (dm with Joseph George Walker)
Thomas E. Walker, Sr., 11/24/1923 - 7/10/2006 (PFC US Army WW II)
Thomas Leslie Walker, 10/22/1914 - 1/15/1917 (son J.F. & L.G. Walker)
Vernon Edward Walker, 2/1/1915 - 8/13/1982 (dm with Ruth Gray Walker)
W.H. Walker, 5-29-1842 - 11/13/1914 (PVT Co. B 5 Ala Regt Confederate States Army, footmarker has William Henry)
Walter Walker, 7-26-1887 - 11/28/1978 (dm with Allie H. Walker)
Warren A. Walker, 11-26-1894 - 7/6/1972 (dm with Mary W. Walker, Alabama PFC Co. K 166 Infantry WW I)
William Eugene Walker, 10/17/1907 - 9/13/1990 (dm with Coreen Stallings Walker)
Willie Henry Walker, 7-12-1870 - 11/22/1944
Willie Ray Walker, 8/14/1905 - 1/25/1958
Zula May Walker, 1-25-1894 - 9-11-1897 (dau J.W. & C.M. Walker)
Carl Winston Watkins, 2-14-1893 - 8/8/1956 (slab)
Hester C. Watkins, 2-24-1840 - 2-17-1890
Jessie D. Watkins, 7-9-1888 - 1/7/1975
Winston Watkins, 3/29/1914 - 4/27/1918 (son of C.W. & J.L. Watkins)
Bertie Lee Weaver, 11-22-1888 - 5-12-1897 (son J.B. & Hassie Weaver)
Hassie Weaver, 1863 - 1932 (dm with John B. Weaver)
John B. Weaver, 1861 - 1908 (dm with Hassie Weaver)
Bessie Lea Wideman, 8-17-1890 - 8-7-1891
Abiga R.M.D. Williams - - (no dates. dm with Anne Bartlett Williams, could be Abiga R. Williams, M.D.)
Anne Bartlett Williams - - (dm with Abiga R.M.D. Williams, no dates)
Doris Williams, 6/7/1917 - 3/13/1918 (dau of G.W. & M.T. Williams)
Kelo Sunshine Williams, 10/14/1974 - 9/21/1979
Mary M. Harris Williams, 4-21-1881 - 10/17/1936
Nettie A. Williams, 4-16-1875 - 9/25/1906 (wife of W.A. Williams)
Psyche Echo Williams, 5/11/1971 - 9/21/1979
Rachel Lucille Williams, 9/25/1929 - 9/25/1929 (dau of G.M. & Willie Williams)
Ann Stallings Wilson, 5/11/1941 - (marker says Ph. D.)
Harry Wise, 4-9-1899 - 7/26/1981 (dm with Laura Dearman Wise)
Laura Dearman Wise, 12/26/1905 - 2/26/1997 (dm with Harry Wise)
Jerry Donald Wood, 8/14/1928 - 11/18/1955
Amos Alton Woolf, 11/4/1904 - 3/18/1932 (large marker)
Clementine McDonald Woolf, 6-15-1875 - 3/29/1948 (wife of F.F. Woolf)
Florence Perry Woolf, 9/8/1912 - 9/13/1915
Frank Forrest Woolf, 7-27-1864 - 3/13/1938
Nell Walker Woolf, 4/19/1910 - 8/11/2010 (dm with Robert Ervin Woolf, married 6-1-1945)
Robert Ervin Woolf, 6/28/1908 - 4/28/1969 (dm with Nell Walker Woolf, Alabama S SGT Army Air Forces WW II)
Annie H. Armstrong Wooldridge, 11/23/1909 - 11/26/1999 (dm with Horace L. Armstrong) (She married Travis Wooldridge after Horace's death.)
Avis Jean Wright, 5/8/1935 - 5/22/1986
Nettie C. Wright, 3-16-1899 - 9/15/1970

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