WELCOME to the 2nd Season of The Bunny Wars!!

Elisa writes in green,
Alex Destine writes in HotPink,
Heather N. Allen (~H\A~) writes in yellow,
Caliope writes in Plum.
Victor writes in lightblue.

*****************(Insert snappy heading here)*****************

AHHHH!!! *Victor dashes out of the water and onto the warm sand, Alex and Caliope close behind*

Caliope> Come back Vic! We're just going to have a little fun!!!

Victor> That's what I'm afraid of! *runs across the beach* *his foot catches something under the sand and he flies through the air*
Oof! *he crashes into the sand and grabs his foot* Ow!
*Caliope and Alex slow down and notice what Victor tripped over*
*Alex kneels down next to it and starts to uncover it*
Alex> *gasps* It looks like a treasure chest! Yay, I'm rich!
*Caliope runs back to where the bus is parked and tells Elisa and Heather about their find* *all three girls run back, followed by A2.0, now wearing pants*
*everyone except Victor start to dig the chest out of the sand*
Vic> *stands up after rubbing his foot a little more* Ooo, what have we found here?
Alex> We?! I found it mister and it's all mine! *mutters to herself* Maybe this'll make up for that dime...
Vic> What was that?
Alex> Nothing! Nothing at all...*grabs one of the handles of the treasure chest a pulls* Ugh! This thing ways a ton! Help me you guys!
*Caliope, Elisa, and Heather decide to help, figuring they'll take some of the loot even if Alex claims it's hers* *they all heave with all of their might but the chest doesn't budge*
Elisa> Vic? Can you help us get this out?
Vic> I don't know...if I'm not going to get any of the treasure...
Alex> Pleeeeeeease? *gives him the cutest look she can muster*
Vic> Oh fine....I can't say no to a girl...*notices the evil gleams in all of the girls' eyes* Uhhh...I didn't say that...*looks at the treasure chest and mutters a few arcane words quietly*
*the treasure chest slowly floats out of the sand and lands a little ways away from the hole*
Caliope> *mutters* Showoff...*quickly hides her book "Sorcery For Dummies" behind her back*
*Elisa and Heather walk up to the treasure chest, purposely blocking off Alex who tries to rush to it*
*Elisa rubs her hands together and slowly reaches out to open the treasure chest* *everyone crowds around the treasure chest*

Alex> *jumps up and down behind Victor* Hey! Lemme see! It's my treasure!

*the lid of the treasure chest creaks as Elisa opens it* *funny music starts to play in the background as clown after clown climbs out of the treasure chest*
A2.0> AHHHH!!! Help me!!! *turns and runs back to the bus*
Heather> What a baby...
*Caliope simply giggles at A2.0*
Happy Clown> We're free! We're free! Yay!
Sad Clown> *sniff sniff* We've been locked in there for days!
Angry Clown> *snarls* I'm going to rip the guys that put us in there to shreds!
Alex> Clowns?! *looks disappointed* What kind of treasure is this? What else is in there?*pushes everyone aside and looks into the treasure chest* Nothing?! What a rip off!
Victor> Alex! Don't you ever think of other people? We should help these clowns!
Heather> And maybe they'll take us to the circus! Why were you guys stuffed into that chest?
Caliope> And how did you fit?!
Angry Clown> *incredulous* How do we fit?! It's an ancient clown secret! We can't tell you!
Victor> That doesn't matter, why were you in there?
Clown #1> The evil clowns plan on ruining the circus!
A2.0> *from the bus* All clowns are evil!!!
*everyone stares at the bus blankly*
Clown #1> They tricked us into getting into that chest and then buried us! We've got to stop them!
Heather> Yay! We're going to the circus!
*everyone heads to the bus with the clowns*
A2.0> *sees the clowns coming and runs down the beach* Uhhhh...I'm staying here for a little while!
Victor> *waves his hand at A2.0 and a bike appears in front of him* Come to the circus when you're done here!
*everyone climbs into the bus* *Elisa sits down at the wheel and Alex stays near the door*
Alex> But what about A2.0? What if he can't find the circus?
Victor> Oh, he'll find it. He'll probably follow us, he won't stay here alone.
*Elisa turns the bus around and follows the directions given to her by Clown #1*
*A2.0 gets on the bike and starts following the bus, trying to keep up*
*a police road block is on the highway, blocking the road to the circus*
Heather> What now?
*an odd looking police officer steps out of one of the police cars, his face painted* *Scaredy Clown sees the officer and dives under the driver's seat* It's an evil clown!

*as the officer approaches the bus, the radio suddenly turns on*
A2.0> *through the radio* Will our heroines *Victor clears his throat* and hero get to the circus in time to stop the evil clowns?
What will they do about the police barracade?
Will they wait up for A2.0 or take off without him?
And what will A2.0 do to them if they don't? *glares at the back of the bus*

**********ZAAAAP (The sound of Victor's brain shortcircuiting)**********

Alright, that was kind of short, but my never-ending creative fountain of thoughts just ran dry.
Sorry it took so long, I was hoping I could think of something more to put in but I wasn't able to.
Oh, and I realized another thing. I don't know much about the four of you girls, like the sunburn thing with Alex that I had no clue how to handle (that's left for you Elisa!), so send me some dirt to use!
Otherwise, I have to resort to picking on A2.0 all of the time! Anyway, I promise I'll be a lot quicker next time, have fun and enjoy.

*clicks the T.V on*
*turns in to channel four*
OOOOOOO!!!!!! Manhattan Madness!!!! my favorite show!!! *bounces*

(*crack knuckles* oy vey, for some odd reason, it's been a while since i acutally RPed in this....)

*kicks RL and gets with the program*

*narrows eyes at the police blockade*

what is all this? *blinks at the evil clown*

*calmy turns around with a smile on face*
*notices the clown is over the yellow line*
HEY! get your clown ass behind the yellow line....

clown 1> oops!! *backs away* sorry....

thank you...*smile sweetly and gets up, turning the bus off*

vic> now what?? *a round of panic screams up*

guys guys!!!! chill out!! look, if it's cops we're dealing with, let me handle it...

cali> that's right! you're a cop...i almost forgot....>.O

*blank look* right....*opens the doors and heads outside*

heather> *runs to the door* but what if they're hostile?

don't worry!! i can handle it...they're fellow cops...they wouldn't dare touch the might Elisa Maza now would they?

*everyone blinks* *alex stifles a giggle*

*rolls eyes* meanies. *walks up to the police blockade whilst everyone watches from inside the bus*

heather> *to all* bet you five bucks she gets her butt kicked...
vic> heather! i'm surprised at you!!! to think that such a tough cop as Elisa would get her butt kicked that bad!! how DARE you?!!!! that is the mose VILE thing i have ever heard come out of yer mouth!!!

heather> make it ten bucks...
vic> you're on!!

*arches a brow at the clown cops* *mutters to self* evil evil evil....clowns.... *scowls*

something the matter officer?
clown cop> *hacks* we're lookin' for some....*ahem* clowns.... have you by any chance seen any?

*flashes badge to the clown* no....i haven't...why exactly?
clown cop> oh you're a cop eh?

yus....i'm a cop...*puts badge back in jacket* why're you looking for them?

clown cop> because they're psycho clowns....

psycho clowns? um....ookay...

announcer> *he sees lights up ahead* hey...i wonder what's going on?
*speeds up*

clown cop> ayup...they corrupt ppl for no reason....and we need to find them... clowns like that give us a bad name....

oh really? *arches a brow* they corrupt them huh? like how?
clown cop> they turn them into evil clowns....

*eyes widen* i...see....

*the clowns in the bus start to grin* hehehheheeh....

heather> *rolls eyes and sighs* how long is this gonna take?
cali> oh quit whining....give Elisa some time...
heather> but it's taking too darn long!! gheez!!!

alex> they're probably eating doughnuts and drinking coffee....
vic> typical.....

*eats a doughnut and sips from a coffee cup*

that is AWFUL!!! that they would do such a thing.....

clown cop> *speaking in a mouthful of doughnut* i...knfow... fey're fo...efil..*he swallows*

*nods to the clown cop* wait a minute.....*spits out the coffee on the cop*

clown cop> HEY!!!! *he jerks back* and i just had this uniform washed!!!

THOSE CLOWNS ARE ON THE BUS!!!!!!!!! *drops the cup and doughnut and runs to the bus*

vic> *he watches the clowns in fear* um....excuse me mister clown? why are you holding that pie?
no...NO NO!!!!! PUT THAT PIE DOWN!!!!!!!!!! *a round of screaming explodes in the bus*

*rips the door open and sees the bus is covered in pie*

what the-?!!!
*the clowns laugh evilly* MWA HAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!!!!

*cali, heather, vic, and alex are now all turned into clowns*

AIIIEEEEE!!!!!!! *tugs on hair* NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! NOT THAT!!!!!!!

annoucer> *he hears all the screaming* hey!!!! *runs into the bus and lets out an ear piercing scream*

*alex stumbles up, in clown clothes, green hair and a painted face*

alex> hi Elisa!!! you want a pie?? *giggles insanely*
vic> *he grins* you wanna hear a joke?? huh? huh? huh? huh??! why did the chicken cross the road??!! to get to the other side!!!! BWA HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

heather> *sprays me with water*

EEEEEEEKK!!!!! QUIT THAT!!!!! *smacks heather*
heater> *tears well up in her eyes* *sniffs* okay....i'm sorry...
*she bursts into tears*

cali> *she just giggles insanely the whole time*

what has happened here???!!!!! *panics*

announcer> *holds onto self* that's what i'd like to know!!!

*suddenly hears a soft dripping noise* *looks down at announcer*
*a yellow liquid drops from his pants*
announcer> *he turns a bright red* oops.....

oh now that was manly of you announcer....*rolls eyes and pushes him back*

announcer> i couldn't help it!! they scared me!!!!

*shakes head* oh please....you and your bladder problems...

announcer> *twiddles his thumbs* next town we stop in...um...i'll get it taken care of....

GOOD... :P

*is suddenly tackle/pounced by an even more insane alex*

alex> c'mon Elisa!!! have a pie!!!! *holds the pie over face*

NOOOO!!!!! GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!!!! *struggles*

alex> you know you want to!!!! come to the clown side!!!! join us!!!

vic> *stands up using a darth vador voice* Elisa...i am your father...

*blinks* you are not!!!!

vic> oh yeah....

*babbit pops out of nowhere, bounds over and bites alex right smack dab on the butt*

alex> OOOWWWW!!!!! MY BUTT!!!!! *clutches arse and flies up two feet in the air and lands back down with a THUD*
*the pie flies up and sails down*

*stares at the pie in fear* *covers self* *screams in horror*

announcer> WATCH OUT ELISA!!!! *dives for the pie*

dun dun duuuuuuuuuuunnnnn......

will Elisa be turned into an insane clown by the magical clown pie?
will the announcer catch the pie in time??
is victor REALLY Elisa's father???!!!!
and where has babbit been hiding at?

stay tuned....

*shoots the T.V with gun and smiles to self*

i love that show....gives me my dose of insanity that i just can't live without....

(hrm...i know i could have done better than that....and it should have been a LITTLE longer...oh well...
my excuse...i'm REEEEALLY tired...so there. :P
but next time, i'll do better.. ^_~)

alex...i believe it's yer turn....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Palace of the Goddess ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Announcer 2.0 dives for the pie in a very dramatic pose *
* but Elisa grabs Heather and places her in front of it before any more damage can be done*

H\A: * all covered in pie* WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!?! *starts to cry *
* Elisa grabs A2.0, the Babbit & Ordenary Monkey and run like HELL*
* Evil clowns now have control of Vic, Cali, H\A & Alex and take over the bus and start to drive straight for their evil circus*

Alex: *starts to comb her green hair * Do u think I look better w/ my green hair down or up?

H\A: Maybe u should make some orange highlights...
Alex: What a great idea!! ^_^

* Vic is starting to get sick from all the girl talk*
* Cali goes over to him and starts talking about food*
* Vic suddenly runs to the bathroom*

H\A: Cali! What u say to Vic?
Cali: I dunno!! ~.^
Alex: *still looking at her hair* Maybe we should put some purple highlights in Vic’s hair? That’ll make him happy!!

Cali & H\A: YEAH!!!!

* back to the mighty cop Elisa* :Þ
Elisa: Ok... we’re the only ones who are not running around like evil clowns, right?
* Monkey nods eagerly*
Elisa: Thank u Ordenary Monkey... I was starting to miss that.
A2.0: we need a plan!.. what do we do? Huh? Huh? Huh?
*Babbit smacks A2.0*
Elisa: Thanks -_-

*back in the bus*
Alex: *knocks on the bathroom door* VIC! Come on out!!
H\A: YEAH! We just wanna play w/ your hair!!
Vic: NO! Go away!!
Cali: *brings an ax over and Alex & H\A simply stand back* ^_^

Elisa: OK! Since they’re evil clowns they’re probably going to the circus.
A2.0: but... but... I don’t wanna go!!!
Elisa: * takes his hand* *and smacks it* Behave now!! We’re going to that circus NOW!
* Babbit & Ordenary monkey are pushing A2.0*
A2.0: OK! OK! I’ll go!! But I’m not happy!

*the bus arrives to the circus where a purple higlighted Vic gets off*
Cali: The hardest part Vic was to just break the door down, but it was easy after that! :P
Alex: WOW! Cali that ax technic was so cool!
H\A: May I be your best friend now?
Cali: well,... i dunno... maybe :P

*evil clowns take the gang inside the circus where they fall into a trap and are now caged*

Alex: HEY! What’s the big idea!!
Cali: YEAH MAN!! Get us out!!!
H\A: I can’t be caged!!! Eeeekkkk!!!
Vic: -_- traped in a cage w/ 3 girls,... mmm, maybe this could be a good thing...
Alex: OH MY GAWD!! O_O I forgot my green nail polish in the bus!
H\A: oh, i have mine.
Alex: oh thanks!
Cali: Hey, can u do mine too?
H\A: sure! ^_^
Vic: Oh no!... now I’m trapped w/ 3 girls and inhaling toxic fumes from the nail polish??........... JUST SHOOT ME NOW!!!

Cali: such lack of patience Vic!
Alex: yeah, if all u wanted was your nails done first, all u had to do was ask...
H\A: * evil look* heeheehee!
Vic: O_o

*Elisa and the others get to the circus a whole hour later*
Elisa: Man! Anything could’ve happened by now!!
A2.0: I’m sorry! But I HAD to go!!
Elisa: For a guy who spent a whole DAY locked in the bathroom, u sure had to go a lot!!
* monkey nods eagerly*

*the lights of the circus are on and a show is taking place*
Elisa: man! The show has started! Those guys could be anywhere now...
Ok, we need to split up. Announcer, u take Babbit & Ordenary monkey and go look for Cali & Vic,I will look for Alex and Heather.

A2.0: why do i have to go w/ them?
Elisa: Just GO!
A2.0: ok ok!....

*the crowd is screaming and applauding to the great preformance of the circus*
A2.0: let’s look over here...
* they see a clowned faced Vic holding a whip and a big white tiger next to him*
A2.0: WHAT THE.....?!?!? Victor! Get away from that ugly tiger!!!
Cali: WHAT! Who u calling ugly?!?!?
Babbit: *flaps over to her and tickels her*
Cali: heeheee
Babbit: it’s her! ^_^

Vic: don’t u remember, she can morph into that... I think.
Cali: only when it is absolutly necesary
Vic: she didn’t want to take Alex’s job, so she changed.
Cali: well,.... Alex wanted it anyway! :Þ
A2.0: riiiight. OK, we need a way to entertain the audience while we escape.
* Ordenary Monkey and Babbit put on their tap shoes*
Cali, Vic, A2.0: huh? O_O

* Elisa is busy trying to move around the mob of screaming children*
* one of them kicks her and spills ice cream over her shoes*
Elisa: Oh, SHOOT!!!..... and my best shoes too!!!
*Elisa hear all the children laughting at a particular clown and decides to investigate*

Elisa: I think i will investigate that mysterous looking clown! :Þ
*Elisa can’t believe her eyes when she sees an over make-uped and silly dressed Heather*

H\A: HEY! Don’t laught at me!!! * starts to cry*
Elisa & all the children: ..... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHA!!!

Elisa: ok, ok... I’ll take u out.
Kid: HEY! U can’t take her! She’s our clown!
Elisa: soooo,... i can’t take her, can i?... * starts to take out her gun*
H\A: are u kids sure u want me to stay?
Kids: *shake their heads*
Elisa: ............... that’s more like it! OK, now... where’s Alex?
H\A: well, she took a job that allowed her to have a pretty dress. Cali refused it though, i dunno why....
Elisa: well,... let’s go find her!

*Alex is now wearing a pretty light blue leopard w/ very soft ballerina shoes*
Alex: I gotta do WHAT?!?!
Evil clown 1: go up on the tight rope!
Alex: but, but... I’ll fall! I’ll break my neck! Then where would my neckless be? My hair might get messed up! No! I wont do it!
E. Clown2: then why u agreed?!?!
Alex:...... it had a pretty dress........

*evil clowns push Alex all the way up the ladder and next to the tight rope *
*the cold wind blows Alex’s hair and she looks down at her audience*
Alex: they look so little...... oh my FREAKY GAWD!!!

*Elisa & H\A stare up to where Alex is now*
H\A: oh no..... now what..?
Elisa: i paid a ticket to get in here! I’m watching her fall!!! * sits along w/ the audience*
H\A: well,... can’t argue w/ that. *sits down next to her*

*Alex is being poked by the evil clowns who are pushing her to continue on the rope*
Evil Clown1: go on! Go on!!!
Alex: r u CRAZY?!??!
Evil Clown2: the audience is waitng for u!!! U don’t wish to dissapoint them, do u?
Alex: umh... well..I.... umh....
* Evil clowns pushed Alex out to the rope*

Elisa: Whata show! Whata show!!!
H\A: Elisa.... she could get hurt.....
Elisa: oh, u just spoiled the moment!.... * sighs* well, let’s rescue her. Say, i thought u two didn’t get along?
H\A: well, if she gets hurt, who would I fight with?
Elisa: umh, how about Cali?
H\A: maybe, but she sometimes scares me.
Elisa: yeah, me too.... :P
H\A: so we’ll rescue her then?
Elisa: sure! Why not.... if that makes u happy.

Alex: *is holding on to the rope and sees Elisa & Heather coming up * It’s about time u guys!!! What the heck took u so long!? Huh? Huh?
H\A: -_-
Elisa: u sure u don’t wanna try Cali for a while....
H\A: WHAT! After we climbed that huge ladder?!?!..... we’re getting her down even if it’s just for me to kill her once we’re safe!
Elisa: OK! ^_^ ................. Let the fight begin!!!

*A2.0, Cali & Vic are looking for the others when they over hear a small boy *
boy: hey, did u guys hear? There’s a cop and a weird-looking clown girl smacking 2 evil looking clowns! .......... oh, and the trapize girl can’t even cross the tight rope...

Vic: somehow.... don’t ask me how I know though.... i get the feeling that we should go that way...
Cali: are sure Victor?...
Vic: well, not really,.... but i think i might be right..
Cali: u sure about that Vic?....
Vic: well,... now I’m not sure..... but maybe we should just see....
Cali: are u positivly sure we should go all the way out there, it might not be them.....
Vic: well,... nope, not really let’s just go buy some cotton candy.
Cali: ok!!!
* A2.0 grabs Cali & Vic by the collar*
A2.0: Get your butts over there NOW!
*Cali & Vic are laughing like crazy * ^_^

*Elisa is busy smacking a clown*
H\A: OUCH! Elisa! It’s me!
Elisa: oh... sorry, u clowns all look alike.... :P
H\A: !_!

*the evil clowns take this chance to escape, but just as they were gonna make a run for it Cali and Vic jump them*

Alex: YEY! I’m saved! No thanks to u Heather!.... why u guys took so long! U still haven’t answered me!

H\A: ok! That’s it! *takes knife and cuts the rope*
Everyone: O_O

*Alex is now swinging like George, George, George of the Jungle.... WHATCH OUT FOR THAT.... Announcer?!?!?!/?! *

*Alex is now on top of A2.0 *
Alex: wow!!.... u saved me!!!
A2.0: a reflex really.....
Alex: HEY! Who’s paying your salary??!?!?!
A2.0: no one is actually!!!!!
Alex:................ oooooh.... well, u’re lucky it’s not me or I would’ve stopped a long time ago!!
A2.0: -_-

* Evil clowns smile and stare at us all*
E.clown1: HAHHAHA!!!... do u really think it’s just the 2 of us u have to deal with??
Elisa: what r u talking about?
E.clown2: why, we have lots of brothers of course, and they’re always looking for more clowns for our circus!
E.clown1: and we have a few of our cousins who r a bit mad at u....
Cali: huh? Who?
*knomes sudenly appear*
knome1: yeah, remember us?
Vic: ooohh........ you’re..... you’re.......... i don’t know who u are!! O-O
H\A: who the heck are you?!?!
Vic: yeah who are you??? O_O

* knomes are fuming*

*now everyone is locked up in a cage*
Elisa: well, really..... how they expect us to remember who they were! We had an on-going magicmarker writting Alex and then we went to the beach.... how do they expect us to remeber them!?!?
It’s just as unfair as school! They actually expect u to remember what they gave a whole 24 hrs before!!!

Cali: *painting her nails purple* yeah, it is rather unfair, isn’t it......
Vic: could u stop painting your nails......please!
Cali: well now really Victor, if all u wanted was to paint yours first then all u had to do was...
Vic: NO! NOOOOO!!! Forget it!!! NO!

H\A: it was an impulse Alex!!
H\A: i didn’t really think u might’ve gotten hurt!
H\A: u took out a gun and killed a lawyer out of the mere pleasure of it!!!
H\A: ha! Made u talk to me!!! ~_^
Alex: ....... rats!... well, I’m still angry!

A2.0: hey, how come u guys are not clowns anymore....
Vic: the clown-pie effect can be taken away by eating an evil substance! They made us eat it so we could perform in tonight’s show since they didn’t need any more clowns...

A2.0: oooh, and what evil substance was that?... a potion, some whichcraft??
H\A: it was.... it was.... *shuders * I can’t say it!!!
Vic: * pats Heather on the back* It’s ok Heather....
Alex: * deep breath* it was............... (dramatic pause)........... BROCCOLI!!!

Elisa & A2.0: * gasp*
H\A: *starts to cry*
Vic: it’s ok Heather, we’re here for you......

A2.0:... ok,,.... i have one more question....
Elisa: what?...
A2.0: where the heck are Babbit and Ordenary Monkey?!?!?!?!?!

*the inmense applause of the audience is heard everywhere as delicate red roses touch the feet of the now famous tap dancing duo: Babbit & the OrdenaryMonkey!*

E.Clown1: we could make u guys stars!!!
E.clown2: you’ll be famous!!!
* Babbit is siging autographs while Ordenary Monkey is nodding eagerly to everything the clowns say*

A2.0: OK! OK! That’s enough!!!
Will we ever get out of this cage?
Will Alex ever have a normal conversation w/ Heather?
____________ Heather: I said I was sorry!!
____________ Alex:........
What sort of glamorous future will the tap dancing duo of Babbit & The Ordenary Monkey have?
All this and more on our next RP!!! ^_^

Vic: Oh, great Elisa! Now you’re painting your nails purple!!!
Elisa: well now really Victor, if all u wanted was to paint yours first then all u had to do was...
Vic: * faints*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-X-I-T The Palace of the Goddess~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Alex Destine

===========Warning...Incoming RP!===Warning...Incoming RP!========
Heather: Well, the first thing we gotta do is get outta this cage...
Vic: Thank you for stating the OBVIOUS
Heather: *slaps Vic* So anyway, I got an idea!
Alex: Oh yeah? Well _I_ got a BETTER one!
Heather: Do not!
Alex: Do to!
Heather: Do NOT!
Alex: Do TO!
Heather: DO NOT!
Alex: Do TO, do TO, DO TO!!!
Elisa: *smacks Alex on head with nail polish bottle*
Alex: Why--why you--you got PURPLE POLISH on my PRETTY DRESS! AIEEE!!
*releases growl and pounces on Heather*
Heather: Hey! Ow--ELISA DID IT!!
Alex: Yeah, but I like her better!
*cat fight ensues*
*Cali pulls out popcorn*
Vic: I want some!
Elisa: Oh, may I join you?
Cali: Of course! *hands others popcorn* Hey, Announcer! You want some? It's a pretty good show!
*Heather and Alex still in cat fight*
A2.0: *fiddling with lock* No thanks, I'm busy!

===3 hours later===

*Alex and Heather have given up. They sit at opposite ends of the cage and glare at each other while joining the others eating popcorn and watching A2.0*
Alex: *whispers* What's he doing?!
Cali: I dunno, but I hope he finishes soon.
Vic: Yeah! I'm running outta popcorn!
Cali: Oh, here's some more *popcorn appears; gives it to Vic*
Vic: o_0 How do you do that?
Cali: You don't wanna know...

===5 hours later===

*Ordinary Monkey and Babbit stagger in. They've been out late discussing contract negotiations. The following conversation has been translated from it's original language*

Babbit: Huh, those clowns and knomes are really nice!
*Monkey nods eagerly*
Babbit: yeah, and what a deal! Half a mill a year, for TAP dancing! Suckers!
*Monkey nods eagerly*
Babbit: Hmm...but then there's the girls and Vic
*Monkey nods eagerly*
Babbit: Well, we ALWAYS have ta save their butts...
*Monkey nods eagerly*
Babbit: And what do they give us for it?! NADDA!
*Monkey nods eagerly*
Babbit: So...do we join the circus? Or stay with THOSE losers?
*points to cage where A2.0 is STILL fiddling with the lock. The others are asleep*
*Monkey nods eagerly*
Babbit: What--stay with the losers?
*Monkey nods eagerly*
Babbit: You know, sometimes I question your logic...
*Monkey nods eagerly*


*Girls and Vic awaken to an horrible cry*
Alex: Wha--what is it?!
Cali: Fire?!
Vic: Earthquake?!
Heather: Broccoli?! *eyes get that teary, anime look*
Elisa: Uh, guys, maybe you should see this...
*A2.0 is lying near the cage door, sobbing*
A2.0: I...worked...so...HARD!! *sobs*
Alex: Aww, don't cry...it'll take a few days, but we'll get outta here.
A2.0: No thanks to YOU. YOU don't have to go to the BATHROOM!!
*cage door squeaks open. Babbit and Ordinary Monkey stand there with a set of keys*
A2.0: Oh, THANK GOD!! *rushes to nearby porta potty*
Alex: *hugs Babbit* Oh, Babbit-wabbit, you came back to us! *then holds Babbit by scruff of neck* But you BIT me!!
*Babbit shrugs*
Heather: Well, she deserved it, didn't she, Ordinary Monkey?
*Monkey nods eagerly*
Alex: *growls*

A2.0 (muffeled, from inside porta potty)
-Now that Alex and Heather are talking, will they EVER stop fighting?
-How DOES Cali get popcorn outta thin air?
-Will the brave Announcer overcome his...'internal struggles'?
___________Elisa: You mean your BLADDER PROBLEM?
___________Others: *snicker*
___________A2.0: Oh, SHUT UP!!

=============RP Over.=================================

K, hello, Cali! I'm doing like Alex said (hi, Alex!) and sending this to both of ya! And see? I was nice to the babbit. That's cause I forgot what my evil scheme was! (Darn!) Ciao!

=Mission complete, ~H\A~
Keeper of Duo's Left Pinky Toe Nail Clipping.
"Just watch me--I'll become the God of Death once again!
But right now--I need some sleep."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Agent Cali in for Duty!*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

* The girls and Vic are finaly out of the cage, thanking and hugging Babbit and Ordianry Monkey for rescuing them when A2.0 runs out of the bathroom scraming his head off *


*All stare at A2.0*

Eli>...alright man, your taking this too far!
H/A> Yeah really!
*Cali stifles a giggle and makes the twirly round the ear international sign for crazy*
Vic> *smirks * internal strugles indeed...
A2.0> I’m not kidding!!! And I’m not crazy either! The toilet really talked to me!!!
Alex> Yeah right, what did it say then, huh?
Eli> uh, I’m sure we’d all like to hear all about A2.0 and the toilet’s very....deep conversation, but we have the think of a way to stop the evilness of this evil circus and get our fannys outta here before those clowns come back!
H/A> Thats right! What’ll we do?
Cali> Ah, dont worry my friends! Why, there are very few problems in life that cant be resolved with a suitable amount of explosives :P
*opens a little portal and starts pulling out sticks of dynamite and detinators while the rest of the bunch nod in agreement, seeing the logic of her words*
H/A> Wow Cal...your wise beyond your years...

Cali> *shrugs* I know! :P *slips on a stick of dynamite and falls on her @$$ * ....OW! *pouts *

Vic>....why does that always happen?
Alex> hmm? What?
Vic> After she does something half smart she always does or says something stupid!
Alex> Oh, well, ofcourse! She must be in balance with the cosmos and all! If it werent so, she might throgh the order of things off course and who knows what might happen then!!!!

* Everyone buisies themselves straping and sticking sticks of dynamite wherever they can before the clowns get back, A2.0 still mumbling bout talking toilets*

Cali> There! Done! * They now stand outside the circus tent, Cali with the detinator in hand* Now, Ordinary Monkey, did you make sure there were no inocent bystanders still in the tent?
* Monky nods eagerly* ...why dont I feel secure about that... :P
Eli> heh, no its OK, I checked too, its to early in the morning theres no one here but us clowns :P
Cali> Good!
Alex> Oh! Oh! I want to push the botton!!! Me!! I want to!!!
Cali....*sigh* Oh, alright, but just cuz its your Birthday!
Alex> YEY!!! *takes detinator and pushes the botton *
*Everyone watches with wide eyes and the circus blows up in a huge ball of flames*
Cali>OoooOooOOOooooo....pretty....* Monkey nods eagerly*
H/A> Cricus go Boom......
* All stare mezmorized for a while longer*
Eli> *sanps out of it * Well....OK! Lets go then?
.....OK! *everyone gets back on the bus *
* Elisa gets into the drivers seat and drives off*
*A2.0 rushes ahead to the bathroom *
Vic> Aw man!!!! He got there first! Now we all hafta wait a while longer before we can get rid of the clown gise!
Alex> OooOOoooOoOOooo A2.0 Has a date with his talking toilet!!!! Heeheeheee
* A2.0 runs back out afer a few mins* It talked to me again!!! It said it had a mission for you!!!
*All* HUH!?
Vic> uh...hey gals, where’d we put the stright jackett eh?
A2.0> * fumming* I”M NOT CRAZY!!! The toilet KNEW, in its vast wisdom, that you wouldnt belive, so it will send you a sign!

* suddenly all the man holes in the road ahead blow their lids and spout galons and galons of water*

Eli> HOLY CRAP! *skids to a hult *
H/A> Oh my gawd! He was telling the truth!
Cali> Woah...
Alex>.......OK! Whats the mission?

A2.0> The toilet said that, even tho it will be very hard and quit questionable, you must do what it comands for the good of humanity!!!
Cali> Right, right, whatever, what do we have to do?!
A2.0> Well, its a specific task for each:
Victor: You must dress in drag and wander about town for an hour, asking ppl to be your friend and be coquetish with all the guys you encounter...
Vic>.......WHAT?!!??! Thats the stupidest thing I’ve ever herd!!!
A2.0> SILENCE! I’m not done.....now...
Heather: You must eat 5 bowles of cooked brocolli and a side order of spinach...
* Heather gags and crys remembering her last encounter with brocolli*
Caliope: You must stand before a miror and hold a staring contest with yourself, no laughing, no talking, not GOOFY FACES!!
Cali>....*razzes* heh, EVERYONE knows thats not posible!...right?....
A2.0> Well, it is, and you must do it, for the good of mankind!!!
Next.... Alex: You must...wear a potato sack , no make up with a “Dont look at me it might hurt your eyes!!!” sign round her neck..*Alex gasps and trembles*
And finally... Elisa: You must....*takes deep brath * Listen to a Barny tape while watching an episode of Teletubbies!!!!
* Elisa is in shock and everyone comes to confort her*
H/A> Its OK Elisa, you’ll be OK....*pats her back*
Vic> * patting Eli’s back, who’s still in shock* ‘ey, wait a min, why do we hafta go along with this, huh?
Cali> Shyeah?! Why?
A2.0> uh....well gee I donno, lemme check...
*walks back into the batroom and shuts the door....wispering is herd and he comes back out*
The toilet said if you dont, you’ll never be able to.... “go” in peace, and it will make our jorney even more difficult with poping man holds in the road when we least expect them and the frecuent theft of toilet paper form our bathrooms will be law....

*All stare in fear *
Cali> .....common Vic, I’ll help you with your wig...
Vic> yeah thanx, we also need that potato sack for Alex...
Cali> right...Heather, I’ll cook you some brocolli in a sec...
* H/N weeps and nods while Elisa heads zombi like to the TV set*
Alex> Hey!!! * crys* Why does Vic get the pretty dress?!?! Why?!!?!?
Vic> * sighs*...

* An hour passes by and Drag Queen Victor, walks back in fuming mad*
H/A> * just finishing her last bowl of brocolli and about to puke* ....ug.....
A2.0> Hey Vic, what happened? No one wanted to be your friend? *snikers*
Vic> * glares* No! There was a guy hitting on me!!! He called me a cute girl!!!!
*fuming mad still, notices Cali still in front of the mirror, red in the face, about to blow* uh...hey Cal, you can stop now...
Cali> *explods into laughter* Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaah!!!! *points at herself in the mirror * Your so funny!!!! Funny lookin’!!!!
Ahahahahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!! :P
*Elisa wanders in humming the Barny song with a doppy look on her face*
Cali> ‘ey, where’s Alex?
Vic> * pulling off his wig and rubing make up off* Uh, shes sitting outside the bus crying as ppl walk by and point and laugh at her....
Cali>....Oh...Ok! I’m missing the fun! *runs out of the bus laghing hystericaly*

*Everyone once again on the bus hears a snikering...then a loud laughing from the bathroom. All peer in to see the toilet full of kiwi squad members laughing their lil kiwi fannys off*
Alex> huh? MY KIWIS!!!!
Eli> What is the meaning of all this?!?!!?
Cali> hey...didnt you guys get cramed in our battle with the green monster...thingies?
Kiwis> Well, not all of us go at the same time!!! Sheesh! After that we got bored and decided to pull a prank on you!!! Wasnt it funny!?!?!?!? Wasnt it?!!?!?!?
* A2.0 laughs a bit* Ha, haha, now that you mention it...*everyone glares at A2.0 and he shuts up...all glare at the kiwis now....*

H/A> ....that.....was NOT.....FUNNY!!!!!!
* all are very mad*
Alex> Well!!!! Such unsubordination twards your Kiwi Queen!!! I’ll have you all truned into salad for this!!!!
*kiwi’s get scared....then they get mad*
Kiwis> GAWD cant you take a joke?!!?!?!? We were only having a lil fun!!! Its really boring living here!!!
Alex> Oh posh, it cant be THAT boring!

Kiwis> Oh yeah!??!!? * a few kiwis grab Alex and start to pull her in, Alex grabs Elisa by the shirt, Elisa grabs Heathers arm, Heather grabs Cali by the hair (OW!!!) and Victor grabs Calis leg, but gets pulled in after anyways. A2.0 finds himself a lon, so he jumps in after. Babbit and Ordinary Monkey look at eachother*

Babbit> You’ve gotta be kiddiong me...I’m not jumpin’ into no toilet! Thats just grose, I say we stay here, what do you think?
*monkey nods eagerly*

*Mean while, our adveturers get dumped trough a portal and crash on the grownd with a loud THUMP *

* Collective* OW!!! * everyone is in a big pile of ppl*
Vic> Ow! I bumped my head!
Eli> Hey thats not your head Vic, thats my head!!! *pulls away*
Vic> oh...hehe sorry :P

*everyone ungangles themselves and get up. They take a look around*
H/A> Woah...this place is wierd...
Cali> uh...
Alex> Yeah, look at that tree upside down!
Cali> umm....
Eli> and everyone is walking backwards!
Cali>...eh, hey guys...
Vic> Yeah, and the sky is green and the grass is blue!
Alex>....Oh yeah, that too!

* the alternate bunny squad stares....we stare back....*

Vic> ....Ok, so....who are you ppl, huh?
Alternet Caliope> Oh, do pardone me, my how rude we are! We should all be so benevolent as to intruduce ourselves! My name is epoilaC, and these my associets call me ilaC. Might I introduce them to you as well? * we all stare and nod* Right then! This *points at alternate Alex* is xelA *xelA waves shyly and hides behind alternate Heather, to whom ilaC now points* This is rehtaeH, whom we all refer to as A/H.
*A/N conforts xelA*
xelA> Oh, they proabably dont like me...they hate me already...
A/H> No they wont xelA, you’re such a nice girl, thats why your my friend!

*we all stare at eachother* ....woah....freaky....
ilaC> Now, this *points at alternate Elisa* is asilE *asilE jumps and trembles out of fear after meeping*
This *points at alternate Victor* is my comrad rotciV, wich we refer to as ciV * ciV scawls and is generaly rude*
And finaly, but by all means not of lest importance, we have 0.2 A, our trusted and brave anouncer!!!
*0.2 A stikes a manly pose*

*we keep staring*

ilaC> ...well? Wont you be so kind as to reciprocate us with an outstanding introduction of your own?

*we all keep staring....*
Cali>....Wait a sec....Grup huddle!!!
*in the huddle*
H/A> OK, this is wierd, they’re all the exact oposit of us!
Cali> I know!!! That other cali hasnt fallen on her @$$ yet! Whats up with that?!
Vic> this IS freaky!
Alex> What should we do?!!?
A2.0> what ever it is....it’ll have to wait for our next RP!!!
*A2.0 gets anouncin’*
Will the group decide to introduce themselves to the Alternate Group?!
Will they be friends or enemies!?!?
Will we ever get back home!?!?!?
Will we ever spend more than 5 mins on that bus?!!?!?!?
Stay toones to find out on....THE BUNNY WARS!!!!!!!*choaks* * Coughs* * Coughs* sorry...

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Agent Cali signing out *static* :P *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

**************************abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z**************************

*Victor leaves the huddle after the girls start talking about nail polish and make-up (along with A2.0) and walks over to the alternate bunny squad*
Victor> Uhhh...hello. My name is Victor and those girls *gestures at the girls behind him* are my dear friends.
*points at Alex* Her name is Alex.
*Alex turns to look when she hears her name* *she notices the alternate bunny squad's attention is on her and tosses her hair, trying to look as cute as can be*
And next to her is Heather.
*Heather steps in front of Alex and waves to the alternate bunny squad*
Alex> Hey! *tries to move around Heather but Heather moves with her, staying in front of her*
And Elisa. *Elisa strikes a heroic pose, putting the alternate announcer, 0.2 A to shame*
And that's all of us! It's a pleasure to meet-- *gets cut off by Caliope as she grabs him*
Caliope> What about me?!
Victor> *blinks* Where'd you come from?..uhhh...What I meant was...*think up an excuse quickly* I thought you were still on the bus...yeah, that's it! I didn't know you came with us! *turns to the alternate squad* This is...uhh...*thinks*...Caliope! We call her Cali.
ilaC> It's a pleasure to meet all of you. *can't help but notice everyone gazing around in wonder at the oddities of this new world* Are you new here?
Heather> Yeah, we are...*continues looking at the green sky*
ilaC> Well then, we'd be honored if you'd allow us to show you around.
Cali> Alright! Sounds fun!
Alex> *steps out from behind Heather* Let's go to the mall! I wanna go shopping, I need a new dress!!! Mine's full of purple nail polish and Vic didn't give me his!
Heather> *steps in front of Alex again* Let's go!
*everyone started walking towards town, being led by the alternate bunny squad*

*soon they all entered the town* *it was a small town, like an old western town* *there were no cars to be seen, only horses and the occasional carriage*
Alex> What?! Where are all of the malls? The department stores? Where, I ask, WHERE?!?
Cali> *smacks Alex* Snap out of it, girl! You can get a new dress when we get home.
Alex> *sniffles*

*the alternate bunny squad leads everyone further into town*
ilaC> Alright, here's the inn. *points to a small, two story building off to the side of the dirt road* And there's the saloon. *points to the building next to it* What do you say we get you a room?
Elisa> We weren't planning on staying long...were we?
rehtaeH> Well, we'll get you one just in case you decide to stay for a little bit.
rotciV> Yeah, you're getting a room, so quit complaining.
Elisa> Alright...*blinks*

*everyone enters the inn*
Heather> *walks up to the desk where a jolly ol' plump man is sitting* Hello, we'd like a three suites for the night.
Clerk> I'm sorry, but I've only got two rooms.
Heather> Woah...you're that busy? Doesn't seem like you would be in a town like this.
Clerk> Nope, you're the first people that've stopped by in months. All I have is two rooms.
Heather> *blinks* Ok...then we'll take both. How much will that be?
Clerk> Well, there's five of ya, and two rooms, that would be...*notices the alternate bunny squad* That'll be free of charge!
*wipes his forehead with a hankerchief* Yep, free of charge, no charge for you. *twiddles his thumbs and flashes a nervous smile*
xelA>*quickly steps out before anybody can ask the clerk if he's alright* *quietly* I could show you your rooms if you'd like. *walks down the only hall, beckoning everyone to follow*

*xelA stops when she gets to the two rooms, which are right across from each other*
xelA> These are the two rooms you'll be sleeping in tonight.
Elisa> Have we even decided if we're staying the night?
xelA> *ignores the question and keeps talking* They're really cozy, I'm sure you'll love them. We'll be waiting in the lobby for you when you're done looking at them.

*everyone look at the rooms and meet back in the hall*
Alex> Man, I thought she said cozy. These rooms are tiny!
Caliope> Really! She should have said cramped!
Heather> How do they expect all six of us to fit in in two beds?!
Elisa> Six? *looks around and counts everyone* I only see five...where's A2.0?!
*everyone looks around for A2.0 briefly*
Victor> He's probably in the saloon already. Anyway, I think I should get this room and you four can share the other. I wouldn't want to make you girls feel uncomfortable. *grins*
Elisa> What?! No fair!!

*a ruckus is heard in the lobby before anyone else can say anything*
Victor> What was that?
Elisa> Let's check it out.
*everyone heads to the lobby where they see the clerk laying at the bottom of the stairs, bruised and looking beat up* *they all rush to the clerk*
Caliope> What happened to you?!
ilaC> *steps up to the group* He had a nasty fall down the stairs. They're kind of steep and he stumbled. He's been known to be kind of a klutz at times.
Victor> *whispers to Elisa* Sounds like Cali's kinda guy.
Elisa> *giggles*
Caliope> Hey! I heard that! *smacks Victor in the back of the head*
Victor> *chuckles and rubs the back of his head*
Heather> *helps the clerk to his feet and back to his chair behind the desk*
asilE> *pulls on ilaC's shirt sleeve and speaks quietly* Are we gonna go to the saloon soon? I'm getting bored...
ilaC> Patience, dear asilE. And yes, we are going soon. *speaks to everyone* Anyone up for going to the saloon? It's the last point of interest in the town.
*everyone exchange glances*
Victor> Sure, why not. We'll see if we find A2.0 there.

*everyone empties into the street and head toward the saloon* *lots of noise is heard coming from the saloon* *as everyone enters the saloon, it becomes very quiet* *everyone notices that the patrons of the saloon are all watching the alternate bunny squad and talking in quiet voices*

The man behind the counter> Uhh...what brings you here? *sweating nervously*
Heather> *blinks* Uhhh...guys? I have a weird feeling about these guys...there's something wrong with them...
Elisa> I know what you mean Heather...I do to.
*the other three all nod in agreement*
*everyone gets the feeling that the alternate bunny squad are the town bullies*

0.2 A> *walks up to the camera*
Are the members of the alternate bunny squad really evil like everyone thinks?!
*everyone looks amazed*
Caliope> How did he know we were thinking that..?
0.2 A> Or are they just misunderstood?!
Where is A2.0?! Has anything bad happened to him?!
*Victor crosses his fingers and hopes* Yes, yes, yes!
Exactly how long are they staying in town?! And will Victor get an entire room to himself?! Or will he be forced to share?!
And how are they going to get back home?! Will they ever get back home?! Or will they be stuck here forever?!
Exactly how many questions can I come up with?!
And--*gets cut off by a hard smack in the back of the head*
rotciV> What're you doing over there?! Get back here and quit with all that announcing nonsense!
0.2 A> Until our next RP...

*****************now I know my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me?!*****************

************************* I'm baaaaaaaaack! *******************
*the bunny squad is walking over the saloon and looking at everyone’s faces*

Cali: They look so scarred.
Eli: I know, but why?
Alex: It's all that ilaC's fault I tell ya!
Cali: and she was so cute too. ^_^

*Victor and Heather are looking around for A2.0*
Victor: Excuse me sir, have u seen a guy that for some reason always asks a bunch of questions at the end of each RP?
The Man: O_O
Heather: ok, let me try. *clears throat* WE KNOW YOU'VE KIDNAPPED HIM! GIVE HIM BACK!!
Victor: Unless you really like him...
Heather: Victor! -_-
Victor: gee, you think that worked better? :P
Heather: Leave me alone Victor!

asilE: *quietly* I see she’s not a ppl person.
xelA: why? Why most I be so ugly?!
A/H: *pats xelA’s head* there there honey, you’re not ugly. ^_^
ilaC: they’re talking too much with the citizens, that’s not good.
rotciV: Want me to kill’em!! ^.^
ilaC: Nooooo. Control yourself!

*Meanwhile Alex, Cali and Elisa are trying to talk to someone so they can find out what’s going on with the other Bunny Squad*
Alex: No one wants to talk to us!
Cali: We have to find someone that wont run away..
Eli: I got it! The Bar tender! He can’t run away, he HAS to gives us drinks! ^_^ (I’m so smart!)
Cali & Alex: Yes you are Elisa! ^_^

*they walk over and Alex tries first *
Alex: Hey there big boy,… I was wondering if you’ll give me a Piña Colada, pretty plz!
Bartender: Umh, ok.
Alex: oh! Thank you! You’re so nice and big and strong! ^_^
Cali & Eli: -_-
Cali: I’m going to kill myself!
Eli: I’ll go with you…
Alex: Oh, thank you sir, by the way… would you tell me what’s happening around here? I’m new and all, hee-hee! Like, what’s happening between you and that Bunny Squad over there?
Bartender: Umh, sorry. Can’t talk right now, working! Go away!
Alex: O_O I feel so used! You just wanted to serve me my drink, didn’t you!!
Bartender: Well, yeah…
Alex: and he admits it too!! Why, if I didn’t like this Piña Colada, I’d throw it to ya!
*Alex goes back w/ her friends *
Alex: Did my best! ^_^
Eli: you were just thirsty and wanted the drink.
Alex: *^_^* oh my Elisa! The things you say…
Cali: I’ll try now!

*Cali walkis over to the Bartender *
Cali: Ok, come here… *whispers* I have a friend called Washington who says you’ll tell us everything we need to know!
Bartender: -_-
Cali: ok, I’ve got a COUPLE of Washington’s! How’s that!?
Bartender: -_-
Cali: Come on!! So I used all my money! Gimme me a break!
Bartender: -_-
Eli: That’s it!
*Elisa jumps over the table and grabs the Bartender by the shirt and starts to shake him madly*
Eli: Tell us what we want to know!!!! NOW!!!
Alex: Eli, dear.. he can’t answer u if u choke him!
Bartender: ok! OK! I’ll tell ya!
*the girls get close *
Bartender: ok, you see that other Bunny Squad over there? Well, they’re evil! They’ve trapped us and have us as their slaves. The only way we can be free is if we had the key to the Almighty Toilet and escape!
The girls: O_O

*Elisa grabs Cali and Alex by the hand and runs to find Heather & Victor*
Alex: I KNEW IT!!
Cali: Shut up Alex! We have to run away!
Eli: No! we have to find the others and help those poor ppl!
Alex: I like Cali’s idea better!
Eli: But I’m a cop! I can’t leave them as slaves!
Cali: Oh well,…. Might as well… I was bored anyway..

*they find Victor and Heather talking w/ ilE and xelA*
Heather: So u see xelA, that’s why you’re not ugly. If the other Alex is ugly and things in this world are backwards, it means that you’re really pretty!
xelA: I am! *^_^*
Victor: yes you are!
Heather: that’s right, oh look here she is now. I’ll show you. *points at Alex * Look at those narrowed eyes, at that red face, at the smoke coming out of her ears… oh wait, I better go! ~.^
*Heather runs toward the Hotel and up to their room*
Alex: wait till I get my hands on you! *she runs after Heather *
*Eli grabs Victor and head off toward the Hotel as well*
ilE: Hey, where are you going?
Elisa: Umh, to sleep for a while… yeah, we’ll be back later!
xelA: ok…. U heard that ilE, I’m pretty!
ilE: yes you are.
xelA: they were just lying to me! Weren’t they!!
ilE: maybe…
*A/H pats xelA’s head *
ilaC: they know too much…
rotciV: can I kill them, now?
ilaC: NO! Stop asking!

*back at the Hotel *
Victor: I get the bed!
Alex: You’re not getting a whole bed to yourself!
H/A: if ugly Alex says you’re not getting a bed to yourself then it most be true!
Alex: Shut up Heather!
H/A: :P
Alex: :P
Victor: So I see the bed’s mine?
Alex & Heather: NO!

*Elisa and Cali are quietly looking over plans to steal the key from the other Bunny Squad *
Eli: So you and I break in and steal the key back while Alex and Heather distract the others with a circus show and Victor kills his counterpart and the other Announcer! Then we escape on the Hot air Balloon that our Announcer will have ready for us and then we’ll…
Victor: oh Elisa, we couldn’t find him.
Eli: Damn! Well, there goes my plan. Any ideas Cali?
Cali: well,… we need to find A2.0 so,…
Victor: Why? WHY?!?!?!
*all stare at Victor *
Victor: oh FINE!
Cali: *ahem* So Heather, you have to go around and try to find him again. Eli and Victor have to try to get all the innocent ppl out of here incase things get ugly…
Heather: like Alex. :P
Alex: Shut up!! *throws a pillow at her *
H/A: :P
Cali: *AHEM* and Alex and I will take the key back from the evil Bunny Squad! ok?
Eli: Ok. Hey you’re rather good at this! ^_^
Cali: why thank you!
Victor: *whispers to Alex and Heather * Watch her now, she’ll fall any minute!
Cali: OUCH!
Victor: -_-

*So everyone goes to do what they’ve been told. Cali and Alex are going to the Saloon where the Evil Bunny Squad are staying *
Cali: ok, you know what u have to do right?
Alex: yeah, but why me!?
Cali: because! This is what u do best! ^_^
*Alex has to distract rotciV, who’s watching the door to the Evil Squad’s room while cali goes in by the window and steals the key *

Alex: Umh, hi.
rotciV: Who goes there?!?!
Alex: eeek! It’s me! Don’t do that!
rotciV: oh, go away!
Alex: but I’m bored!
rotciV: So go away!
Alex: but what am I to do?
rotciV: I don’t care just go away!
Alex: -_-

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile~~~~~~
*Cali is climbing the wall toward the evil Squad’s window *
Cali: almost there… almost.
xelA: hi

rotciV: what was that?!?!
Alex: umh, I…. AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! It was me!
rotciV: but u didn’t scream right now!
Alex: sure I did! U just didn’t notice!
rotciV: -_- Go away!!!…. please!

Cali: What r u doing here!
xelA: umh, I live here.
Cali: oh yeah… honey listen. I need your help ok?
xelA: ok!
Cali: Do u know where a key to the Almighty Toilet or something like that is?
xelA: oh yes! ilE has it!
Cali: ok! And where is ilE?
xelA: she went to talk to some kiwis! Or so she says…
Cali: O_O

Alex: and that’s how my first tooth came out!
rotciV: Go. Away. Now!
Alex: but I want to share my life story with you! Tell me something about yourself!
rotciV: I was born and I’ll die, but my death wont be cause by your endless babbling so GO AWAY!
Alex: oh my GAWD! That was the longest sentence you’ve come up with! Very good!

Eli: I can’t believe it Victor. All the towns ppl decided to help us, that was so brave of them. ^_^
Victor: yeah, but Eli, why did they have all those guns ready?
Eli: A good town is always prepared!
Victor: for what?! The third World War!?
*Heather came up to them running *
Heather: I couldn’t find him.
Victor: oh well, we tried!
Eli: Maybe the Evil Squad took him!
Heather: O.O oh no!
Victor: Oh noooo….. *moking Heather*

*Back to the Saloon*
Alex: So that’s why poor xelA thinks she’s ugly.
rotciV: I know, everyone keeps telling her that she’s not, but she keep whining about it. Only A/H can calm her down.
Alex: Why can’t Heather be nicer to me!? Can I swith them!?
rotciV: umh no. xelA needs A/H more, don’t u think?
Alex: oh alright… oh rotciV! Look at how pretty your nails are now!
rotciV: Wow! You were right Alex, purple does look good on me!
Alex: told ya! ^_^
ilaC: …… whaa…
A/H: told ya they were a bad influence.
rotciV: AAAAHHH!!…. what are you doing here!!!
A/H & ilaC: -_-
rotciV: oh that’s right… u both live here.
ilaC: what is going on?! The towns ppl are throwing a revolution, I can’t find ilE and I saw xelA running along with Cali toward the Almighty Toilet!
Alex: HA! Your evil plans are finished! We know that you’re really evil and that u had all those ppl as your slaves!
A/H: What are u talking about?
Alex: The Bartender told us everything!
rotciV: and u believed him?
Alex: umh?
ilaC: Alex! Those town ppl ARE the evil ones! The want to use the Almighty Toilet to travel through dimensions and make war with everyone!
Alex:….ooooohhh…. oops!

*Meanwhile Cali and xelA were almost to the Almighty Toilet*
Cali: Ok, so ilaC gave the key to ilE so that no one could steal it?
xelA: yep!
Cali: that was smart. -_-
xelA: but u don’t understand, ilE would never give the key to anyone other then ilaC, so we knew it was safe with her.
Cali: oh my GAWD! Look at the size of that whirlpool!
xelA: that’s the Almighty Toilet! You see that panel over there, u push the red button and it flushes you toward another dimension! That’s how u guys came here!
Cali: wow! Hey…. Who’s that over there chanting?

*Cali and xleA get closer only to see the A2.0 and ilE sitting down in a circle with a bunch of kiwis while chanting to old Nordic songs *
Cali: SO HERE YOU’VE BEEN!!! WE’VE BEEN SO WORRIED!!!! Specially Victor. :P
A2.0: why do I doubt that… I’m sorry I was away. But the Kiwis have choosen me as their leader and I cannot abandon them!
xelA: why are you here ilE?
ilE: cause these nice kiwis are my friends, and they wanted the key. ^_^ I only lent it to them for a little while…

*A2.0 stands up and heads toward the camera *
ilE: where is he going?
Cali: oh! We’re out of time already?… guess he’s going to make the announcements.

A2.0: Will Alex get here on time to prevent our Bunny Squad from liberating an evil heard of towns ppl?
Will Elisa Heather and Victor figure out the towns ppl evil plans before it’s too late?
Where are those mischievous kiwis that stole the key from ilE?
Will the kiwis turn out to be worst then the towns ppl?
You will find out on our next RP!!

*0.2A comes running toward A2.0 scremaing *
0.2A: that’s my job now! You left!
A2.0: But I’m back now, give me back the mike!!!
0.2A: NO!
A2.0: Kiwis! ATTACK!
*0.2A is being attacked by the Announcer’s followers*
A2.0: HA! ^_^
Cali: *shakes her head * I have a headache…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heehee!! ^.^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Alex Destine

*In the Almighty Chamber of the Almighty Toilet, Cali, ilE, and A2.0 standby eating popcorn as 0.2A gets pummeled by ferocious kiwis*

ilE: *eating popcorn* Is this a custom from your dimension, to munch solemnly on popcorn while watching a man fight for his life?
Cali: Nah, just a running gag.
A2.0: *jumping around* Yes, yes, my pretties! Go for the jugular! BWAHAHAHA!
*the squealing of the kiwis becomes painfully loud*
Cali: *takes some popcorn* Oh, geez, that had to hurt.
ilE: But...why don't you use Rasinettes?
Cali: Um, question.
ilE: Yes?
Cali: What happens if, say, the key gets flushed down the almighty toilet and no one is with it?
ilE: Why, it's gets all wet, silly!
Cali: Oh, that's all? I figured that without a mind to control the key it would drift aimlessly from dimension to dimension until the end of time.
ilE: 0_o
Cali: Or maybe I've been watching too many cartoons...
ilE: ...where do you KEEP the popcorn?
Cali: You'd be better off if you didn't know.


*Back at the Saloon...*
ilaC: ...and that was when we dedicated our lives, to forever protect the key to the Almighty Toilet and keep other dimensions from experiencing the torment of this world!
Alex: Really? We formed our Bunny Squad to kill evil purple rabbits. But we killed 'em all, so now we ride around in a van and make fun of the Announcer.
xelA: You don't even have a purpose?!!
A/H: See, xelA? Even your SOUL is prettier!
Alex: Stop calling me ugly! *strikes dramatic pose* I'm Alex, the most beautiful girl with pretty dresses that hath ever traversed this dimension!
xelA: But--if she's beautiful--then, then I'm--UGLY! WAHHHHHH!!
A/H: Hush, sweetie. *Hands xelA tissue* *glares at Alex* Now look what you've done!
Alex: Why can't ONE of you Heathers like me?! WAHHHH!!
A/H: *hands umbrellas to others* Here. We might need these...


*Meanwhile, somewhere in the center of the town...*
*Victor, Elisa, and H\A are driving a tank toward the saloon to capture their evil counterparts. Townspeople follow the tank with oozies, AK47s, and pitchforks*

Victor: Woohoo!! Isn't this tank AWESOME?!
Elisa: I thought you were worried that the townspeople had such weapons!
Victor: That was BEFORE they let me use 'em!! Woohoo!
Heather: Saloon approaching, 10 o'clock!
Victor: Huh? I thought it was already 3:30...
H\A: -_-
Elisa: *fwaps Victor*


*Fifteen minutes later...rotciV, ilaC, and A/H are dressed in rain gear. Alex and xelA are still bawling. The saloon is flooded.*
rotciV: You SURE I can't k---
ilaC and A/H: YES!!
rotciV: *mumbles* ...stupid 'no-killing-of-bunny-squad-members-from-other-dimensions' rule...*brightens* Hey! Can I kill xelA then?
ilaC: Lemme clarify the rule: 'no-killing-of-bunny-squad-members-from-ANY-dimension'!! Got it?!
A/H: Does anyone need more umbrellas? And I've got some extra slickers in the back...
Alex and xelA: WAHHHHHHH!!!
ilaC: -_- I have a headache...


*In the Almighty Chamber...*
*0.2A is tied roast-pig style to a spit while the kiwis perform a tribal dance*
ilE: Well, show's over!
Cali: But, aren't they gonna eat him or something?
ilE: They don't have mouths.
Cali: Good point.

A2.0: Will Victor, Heather and Elisa figure out who's on what side?
Will Alex finally be accepted despite her envy-inducing prettiness?
Will we ever find out where the popcorn comes from?
Will the kiwis proceed to further torment my counterpart? (Boy, I hope so!)
Find out, in our next RP!

*Kiwi comes and steals A2.0's microphone.*
A2.0: Hey! C'mere, you! Give that back!
*chases kiwi around the Almighty Chamber as we fade to black...*