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10/62/99 Fall

Damn where the hell has time gone I can't believe it's already fall and it's gettin pretty damn cold outside. The f*ckin Millenium park (aka YTV Park or Shaw Millenium Park located in downtown calgary) is still being worked on! teh damn thign was supposed to be done about a month ago! THe damn city workers who get paid by the hour are racking up the bucks because this park won't be open til next Spring of 2001. Other than that Dave Skillen has reportedly gone "missin" well not really but neither I or any of teh 403 skate crew from Lethbridge Alberta have heard from him since teh DV8.
In other news C.O.P is going to open at November 11, although no one really expects them to make this date. We people in teh NW of Calgary expect it will be open to board at on November 23 and teh halfpipe and snowboard park will be open around mid December, cept that won't stop us from makin kickers and such. If ya ever at COP just look for a bunch of 14 yr olds hiking the halfpipe and 2 of them with Red "Ambassador" (people who work at COP have ot where em) pinnies. That will be us.
Back to Aggro Skatin news The Gravity games are goin on and teh 3rd week just finished. The games are held every Sunday for teh fall, I duno when this will end but their are very similar to teh X-Games but not as competative and more fun. I think Shane Yost came in 1st place for halfpipe and the Yasutuko brother from Japan came in 4 and 6. Now I"m goin out cya all
8/12/99 Summer

The CAT has coem and gone leavin some mad and some happy as hell. I wasn't there because I was on vacation during the tiem but the team from lethbridge (the 403) has told me that they came a bit ahead of teh pack, while in teh top 12 but still mad because Thomas from Canmore came ahead of them. Thomas from Canmore is a 14 yr old kid who skates at a skatepark prertty well every day of his life and has been skatin for quite a few years and is lookin into sponsorship. Hell he is good and much props go out to him, but damnit it's annoyin when he's that good, anyway. The Millenium skatepark for Calgary is coming along very well and is supposed to be done by september 30. I have the blueprints for this, but unfortunately I am not able to put them up on my page. But I can send them to you if you're interested.
The DV8 is set for September 11 and 12 at downtown Calgary. Alas our "underground" sport will not be there, only skateboarders, skiers (eeww) and snowboarders (yea). with a huge man made 1/4 pipe for the winter sports it is suspected that this event will raise around $150,000 in revenue, from bands and from tickets being sold. I don't know which bands will be playin but most likely it will be some bands who aren't quite pro yet but are and up and comin band. If you have any news, pics of yourself or suggwestions email me at,

5/31/99 Spring

Sounds like the CAT is coming to Calgary and Edmonton on July 24 and 25. Also there will be a small competition as usuall at the Calgary Stampede, it's sponsored by RB and all ya gotta do is sign up or talk with the guy running it. Mixed reports are coming out when Millenium Park, A $500 000 skatepark being built in Calgary Alberta Canada. Some say it will be opened and built this summer, others say it will be next summer. I'll keep ya posted. During the last month of July and the first month of August I'm gonna be in B.C around Vancouver, Kelowna and maybe Kamloops. Another skater might be with me so email us ( and we can skate.
7/7/99 Summer

the Millenium Park is being built already and I have personally seen the blueprints for it. Many bowls, 1/4 pipes and a fwe 1/2 pipes. Including a full pipe. Reports say that Millenium Skatepakr may be the biggest in Western Canada.
Confirmed reports now that the CAT has been going succesful thus far, the Cat will be at the following cities on the following dates. Halifax June 11-13, Montreal July 7-11, Regina July 16-18, London July 23-25, Vancouver June 23-27, Winnipeg July 9-11, Calgary July 23-25 (Wal-Mart in the SE), Edmonton July 30-Aug 1, Toronto Sept 2-4
The 401 has been fucked!!! sorry folks as you though that puttin metal pegs on teh Red Rail (most famous rail in Western Canada) was bad enough they had to do teh same to the 401!!!. The bench now has cement blocks every foot or so and teh curb has a metal fence on it. This is not lookin good folks.
The DV8 is coming to Calgary! I dunno what it stands for but it's being hosted by Molson Canadian beer and wil be held on September 11-13. reports say that there will be a huge 1/4 pipe for Snowboarders foer big air, and 1 vert pipe for Aggro Skating/BMXin/skateboarding. Also they will setup a street course (ala X-GAMES). To top it off they will have more than 5 bands playing there too. This event is being hosted at Olympic Plaza downtown across teh street from City Hall.