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Savage's Aggro Page:Millenium Park

Calgary Millenium Skatepark

The Calgary Millenium Park is slated to be opened to the public in the Spring ot 2000. Previously it was supposed to be open in August of 1999 but the awful weather and drainage problems plauges the city workers. Also since the skatepark is being built of cement the city is building drainage pipes under each and every jump so after a heavy rainstorm and the sun comes out just wait 10 mins and you'll be able to skate again.
Within the Park will be of course the skatepark, a overhead catwalk (I think, but it's not for sure) basketball courts and a consession stand. The Skatepark will be made of cement and speculation at this point is that teh city will hire a team to spray paint it with symbols and pictures because it would be better to have the least bit of control over teh paint that will eventually go on. Just think about it, a mile of cement just sittin there of cousre somebody would come by and tag it. This way the city can do it.
According to my sources also you can be sure that the park won't be screwd and be some kiddy thing, The park will be an "Olympic" size (whatever you consider olympic, just guess it means great jumps and height on em) and ther will be 3 main sections to the park. A beginner section that has a halfpipe and other small things. The Intermediate will also have a halfipe some funboxes a quarter pipe and more. The advance will half a halfpipe and a FULL PIPE!!!! including more 1/4 pipes a snake run (kinda like a bowl that goes on for a bit) and more. Right now I don't have teh skatepark plans with me but when I get the plans back I will tell you all exactly what goes where and all that.