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My name is Tammy and I'm from Alabama.
I am 28 years old,and have been married for 12 years.
My husband Steve and I have 2 daughters and 1 son .
Ashley is 12 and in the 7th grade this year.
Katie is 3 and Jackson is 4 months old!!!

My husband Steve,works for Sam's
He has been working there for almost 11 years.
I'm a SAHM

I have 4 really close friends who are very special to me....

Carol, Who lives just down the road from me,and have known for several years.
She is just GREAT!!!!!

Crystal is from Wisconsin,
We met almost 3 years ago online.
We have became really close within the last year,
talking every night,all night.
We have definately had our share of late nights,
we even watched the sun come up a time or two!!! I hope to meet
her and her family this summer.
Thanks for always being there for me.

Andrea who I also met online is from Missouri.
I enjoy the time we spend chatting.

Now comes April.We met through BabyCenter.
We were both due in March.But our babies had other plans.
She had Ben in February and I had Jackson in April.
Neither of us had a March baby :)
We are planning to meet in October at the beach :)
We both live in Alabama but about 8 hours away from each other :(

I feel special to know each one of you.
I love you all!!!! =o)

When I am not online,I enjoy being with my family
and spending time with friends.
I've just started to make candles,
so check back soon for my candle page :)
I like to write poems and read. ( When I'm not online~~~heehee.)

Well guess that is enough about me.(probably more
than you wanted to know.....LOL )

My Birthday is October 10 :)

~My Awards~ ~Awards and Gifts~
~My Beanies~ ~Family Pictures~
~My Recipes~ ~My Pooh Page~
~My Precious Moments~ ~My Country Home~
~Send A Card~ ~My Poems~
~My Mother in law~ ~Katie's Page~
~About Me~ ~Birthday Page~

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My name is Tammy ,
and I am a gal with a great


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Last updated:August14,2001