Christians United Press, September 2002, Page 1
Volume III, Issue IX                     ON THE WEB:                     September 2002
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4

There is No Limit to
What God Can Do!!

     Whatever you do, don’t limit God when you pray. Ask the Lord to ‘stir your faith’ to receive and believe His every promise. Jesus uses amazing things to unfold His plan and purpose, including floating ax heads and talking donkeys. Pastor Kenny McClinton in Ireland sent me a wonderful message he had written to this same effect. I’m rewriting due to allotted space but wanted to share with you some of his thoughts and scriptures confirming our limitless Jesus. These are just a few examples of what God can do, will do if we stand on His word and walk in His image. I pray these encourage you to pray with faith, trusting our living- loving Savior to answer regardless of how dim the circumstances seem to be.
God Bless you faithfully,
     jan hicks
The following are excerpts from Pastor Kenny’s study:

      “Make strong those feeble knees, rejoice, for God delights to use the weak of the world to bring much glory to His Holy Name. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! "And He said unto me, ‘My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
      A Left-handed man: Being left-handed has frequently been considered throughout history as a sign of inferiority, a characteristic of human and social weakness; something to be looked upon as odd or abnormal in the eyes of many. However, in the Book of Judges Chapter 3:12-30, we find that the Lord sees fit to choose the left handed man, Ehud, as His instrument in the deliverance of Israel from their oppressors. "...Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord

looketh on the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7b)
     An Ox Goad: An ox goad can be any piece of broken stick, a withered branch of a tree; a piece of material useless for anything else except, perhaps, for burning in the fire. However, empowered and directed by the Lord God, Shamgar, the son of Anath slew six hundred Philistine enemies of the Lord with just such an otherwise weak and useless thing. The swords and spears of the world were no match that day against the might of a puny, yet God-ordained, ox goad in the hand of God’s servant. (Judges 3:31)
     A Nail in a Woman’s Hand: A single nail is not the greatest of instruments when one is engaged in a work of carpentry - many such nails are required to securely bind two pieces of wood together. "...two are better than one, and a threefold cord is not easily broken..." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-14) Similarly, the world has not been kind in its comments reference to womankind’s efforts at hammering nails into wood. There are and have been exceptions, of course, but generally speaking as carpenters, the world has not rated women highly. Yet, visit again the great Book of Judges, Chapter 5:24-31, and marvel at how God chose Jael, the wife of Hebar, to slay and so defeat the evil king Sisera. In her hand was a long tent peg, or nail. In her other hand there was a lowly workman’s hammer. Yet, directed by God, these weak instruments were used mightily as Divine tools of Israel’s deliverance. "For with God, nothing shall be impossible!" (Luke 1:37)
     Lamps, Pitchers and Trumpets: Judges chapter 7: depicts how the Lord used the weakest of vessels - a pitcher or large clay pot; a musical instrument, and a mere household lamp; to defeat a powerful alignment of Midionites and Amalekites whose numbers are likened unto "...grasshoppers for multitude...",

and their camels, "...without number, as the sands of the sea for multitude." (Judges 7:12) These weak vessels are a type of the Christian instruments used of the Lord continually throughout the ages. We Christians have the treasure of Christ, " earthen vessels..." (2 Corinthians 4:7)
     The Lord God whom we seek to serve has not changed one iota, He is, "...Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) Let us give glory to His altogether lovely Name? Hallelujah! What a Saviour! What a Lord God! Amen.
     In conclusion, therefore, we are assured here this day by God’s own Word, that He shall use even the very weakest of His Blood-bought people as mighty instruments to fulfill His Eternal purpose. "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the lord of Hosts." (Zechariah 4:6b) "For, without Me ye can do NOTHING!" (John 15:5b) Therefore, with the renewed knowledge of the above examples from God’s Word, let us go forth in the victory of Christ to win victories for Him. For, although we are so often discouraged by the feelings of our gross infirmities, we are confident that the Lord shall more than compensate for our every weakness, and by His Spirit use the very lest of us to confound the powers of evil. One man/woman with the Lord God is in the majority! Praise and all glory to His Holy and Almighty loving Name! Amen.”

Pastor Kenny McClinton BA
Ulster/American Christian Fellowship.
You may email Pastor Kenny at:
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