Christians United Press, November 2002, Page 1
Volume III, Issue XI                     ON THE WEB:                     November 2002
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4
Highlights of the Behind The Veil Conference
By: jan hicks

"After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down;
and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:" Acts 15:16 [KJV]

Our October, “Behind the Veil” Conference in Foley, Al. was a wonderful experience in reminding us how little time most of us spend in true worship to the King, Jesus Christ.

Oscar and Zeb bowing in prayer

Lila Terhune and Don Channell shared with us teachings on worship and prayer, how to incorporate them into tabernacle worship. We had an opportunity to experience worship without interruption on Friday night.

Thursday, the first night of the conference, Don Channell led us in

Don Channell

beautiful praise and worship as we came into one accord to hear the word that Lila Terhune was to present.

Lila with her many travels and her heart for the nations was able to enlighten us about the different cultures and their needs. This understanding was a great help as we stand in the gap for those around the world. Friday morning Don gave us the vision of true tabernacle

Lila Terhune

worship as he shared what each piece of furniture in the tabernacle meant and how they foreshadowed the worship we are suppose to be experiencing today. He shared about the five fold ministry, and about the restoration of the apostolic ministry for the equipping of the saints. He taught on the functions of the five fold ministry, how they need to be restored in the church and how balance needs to return. Lila then reinforced what Don said sharing that God’s design is that worship and intercession are married together, that the blending of the two will help bring in a tremendous response in the body of Christ. Lila prayed over Baldwin County calling it a beautiful jewel, with a redemptive purpose stating God wanted to unfold the county like

Jan Hicks

a beautiful blossom, with the fragrance of Baldwin County to go out all around the globe. So much was shared in those three sessions, I don’t have the room to write about it nor did I remember it all. I listened to the taped teachings today where I heard so much that I had missed the first time. I was blessed all over again. 2002 ‘Behind the Veil’ Conference tapes are available upon request. We have already discussed that this conference was the ‘breaking ground’ of future conferences to come. Look in future issues for the date and location of our spring and fall conference for 2003.

Karen Jones

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