Christians United Press, July 2003, Page 1
Volume IV, Issue VII                     ON THE WEB:                     July 2003
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4
The Father's Heart
by: Jan Hicks

Jan, Dee, and Brenda
Jan Hicks, Dee Vaught, and Brenda Stuart

     “Okay if you are Father, give me a flesh heart’…at that moment I placed both my hands across my chest and felt the lump in my breast shrink, actually decrease. I had been diagnosed with breast cancer, had radiation therapy, but the enemy tried to instill fear in me by causing one of those glands to get lumpy making me think the cancer returned. God showed me that fleshy heart and that HE is there, HE really does love me! J.R.” “Absolutely Phenomenal. C.L.”, “I was delivered instantly from so many wounds from my childhood. L.T.” “I am no longer in condemnation of things that happened to me. A.S.” “This conference has been a life changing experience. C.W.” “This course is the best thing that has happened to me, I’ve been healed. S.M.” “I truly recommend this course to Pastors, Leaders, family members and others that desire to be free and remain that way. B.B.” “What Freedom. S.L.”
      These are a few excerpts of the many, many testimonies I received from the inner healing course, Solutions, which I taught in Charlotte, N.C. I can’t tell you what an honor it was to represent Christ during this seminar. Countenances changed from day one to day three. The Holy Spirit ministered to hearts, healed wounds of the past and present. Many recognized their sinful responses to these wounds, they repented, renounced before the Lord and received more healing as they were released from their captivity and bondage. There was nothing to do but be vessels, or conduits for the Holy Spirit to work through. It was awesome to see Jesus in complete control and ‘man’ out of the way.
      This is not a seminar you attend, go home, say it was good and then do nothing with it.

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Impacted by Solutions
by: Dee Vaught

     Impact was made at Impact Church in Charlotte, North Carolina when Jan Hicks presented the Solutions workshop. Cathy Brock, Apostle Don and Pastor Leesa Hughes hosted this workshop for Impact Church. Thank you church for this opportunity.
      Solutions is a 12 week program created by Barbara Stephens of Abundant Life Ministries on healing the wounded heart. Jan, a certified teacher of this course, compacted it into 14 hours of powerful teachings with visuals. The Holy Spirit has touched lives and healed many hearts through Solutions. Luke 4:18 is the model for Solutions. Jesus said, "the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."

     There are many sincere Christians who are hurting and do not understand why they cannot maintain victory in their daily walk with the Lord. For the most part, the church has not known how to help these people and they may have sustained further wounding. 'Solutions' can help.
      The Solutions workshop will show how to identify the root cause of emotional pain, find the root cause of repeated painful patterns in our lives and shows how to deal with those patterns. After each teaching, pen, paper and tissue was issued. The people sat down, separated from each other, to write the hurts the Holy Spirit brought to mind while very soothing instrumental music

Dee Vaught

played. As each person put their hand on the Father's hand on their heart, prayer was uplifted on their behalf. A sample prayer would be, “Father, I come in the name of Jesus and lift up these wounded hearts. I ask you to heal these hearts. Pour the oil and wine into those areas that are hurting and separated from You. Where they have believed a lie, where they have experienced shame, where they have hidden themselves from You, please touch these wounded hearts and let them know that You are committed to their total healing. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen”
      After writing what the Lord gave them and allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to their hearts through prayer, then the people went forward to place what they had written through a paper shredder as joyful music played. There was great rejoicing as release came to each heart. This was repeated at each session upon ministering to the areas of wounding. Some topics were: How Our Fathers Can Wound Us- we get our first picture of Father God from our earthly fathers, How Our Mother Can Wound Us- Our first picture of ourselves comes from our mother, Abusive Wounding-Abusive discipline, verbal, spiritual, emotional, or sexual.

Wounding + Sinful Response
= Captivity

      They then learned that wounding plus sinful response leads to captivity. Some sinful responses are dishonor, judgments, and roots of bitterness - bitter root expectancies,

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