The War of a Lifetime

Chapter I: A Venomous Beginning

The time was prominent. The stench of battle and the thirst for blood hung in the crisp air. The third Tournament in Damage's Cave was coming, and everyone was training hard for it. Most kompetitors occupying the thriving Cave were not new or inexperienced, and nearly all had kompeted before in previous Tournaments. New members were not popping up at the thousands, or hundreds, or even tens for that matter, only by a very slim few. One new member, who seldom remained in the Cave, was known as Viscera, a ruthless, genocidal Raptorian with powers far greater than most kombatants. However, he remained a rogue and did not kompete in the Tournament to come. He believed this form of entertainment was very immature and unproductive for such a powerful group of fighters and warriors.

Soon after Viscera's entrance into the Cave, another powerful warrior arrived. This one was a member of a race similar to the Raptorians, only more human in appearance and language, and immensely weaker in strength. This man was member to a race eliminated from the universe, the only one among a handful of his fellow race left in existence, and not purposely. He was out kompeting for his race, representing them in a Tournament far more brutal than anything Damage's Cave had ever conjured up. He came in search of Viscera, joining up with two popular fighters in the Cave in his quest to perform genocide upon the Raptorians, for vengeance. Thunderblood, one of his allies, also had a problem with a Raptorian, one by the name of Night Demon.

Thunderblood, along with the majority of the occupants in Damage's Cave was a member of a famous klan's Hierarchy, a klan known by the title as the Red Dragon. This klan was currently one of the only productive klans surviving in the world, along with the Alin Kuei and several other smaller, lesser known klans. The Red Dragon was indeed extremely powerful, and always looking for new members, whether they were considered weak or powerful. This may have been one of the few drawbacks of the klan-not only that they recruited unpopular, weak members, that they also recruited members that never really have seen any spark of a war in their lifetime. However, this powerful group had many other advantages that allowed them to remain among the popular.

Later on, Thunderblood was to kompete in the Tournament, and was desperately seeking out a partner to fight alongside him. Anaconda, given the name for his slight reptilian appearance, was also seeking out someone to kompete for the Tournament's tempting rewards. The two came across one another quickly, became friends, and kompeted for many matches to come, dominating numerous opponents.

As the Tournament neared its end, Thunderblood and his newfound friend Anaconda were to kompete against a man known by the alias of Flame, and another known as Roadkill. The match was bloody, both sides engaging in near-death blows, bone-breaking kombos, and body-bruising special attacks, but in the end, Thunderblood and Anaconda earned the command to "FINISH THEM!!"

Thunderblood, showing respect for his opponent, only because he was a fellow member of the Red Dragon, performed a mercy. Anaconda on the other hand continued to do as he was commanded. He killed his opponent with such disgust that no one really could believe what they had witnessed, especially the powerful Red Dragon leader, Smog. Smog, in total disbelief by what he had just witnessed, being the death of Roadkill, one of his most trusted advisors, became extremely angry at Anaconda, and threatened him with the eternal torment of becoming a cybernetic ninja. Anaconda, worried for his own wellbeing, fled the Red Dragon before he could be captured and fell into silence and secrecy, watching his back at all times.

Smog, though he searched tirelessly for many days, which quickly fell into weeks, soon halted his search for Anaconda, but not entirely, just for the time being.

Among other things, Thunderblood was rewarded for his victory as Tournament champion with several things, but mainly a special weapon, which he called Death Galore, and a Blood Gem that was to be placed inside the Death Galore, a double-bladed chainsaw, for added power. He also was given another fatality, which he used to dedicate his power to the immortal Blood God in a most dreadful manner. His partner was also rewarded with the same thing, but he rarely competed after being marked for death by the Red Dragon. His rewards were similar, only he was granted with a Snake Gem, of similar powers as the Blood Gem, and he dedicated a fatality of his own to his God, the Snake God. It may have been sickening as well, but it was nothing new to the Cave.

Venom, earning popularity and a good reputation far quicker than anyone ever had in the Cave, was asked personally to sign an alliance to the Red Dragon. It offered great benefits, including his protection as long as he proved loyal to the Red Dragon, and perhaps a high rank. Venom signed, but was denied the benefit as a high-ranking member, but this did not bother him the least. He remained around his fellow klan members for a short time, quickly leaving to pursue his own life's vows.

After his brief disappearance, Venom resurfaced, this time in the Red Dragon. He surprised Smog, but Smog greeted him with an offer. This offer was if Venom ever came in physical contact with Anaconda, who was previously marked a traitor, then Venom had full permission to murder him. If he accomplished this, then he would become one of the Red Dragon's leading bodyguards. Venom did not refuse this offer, but he also did not accept it. He gave Smog a vow that if he came in physical contact with Anaconda, then he would report his whereabouts to the Red Dragon. Smog, satisfied with Venom's reformed offer, kept his reward, and increased the bounty on Anaconda's head to several other Red Dragon members, all ranked low.

Just weeks later, Venom came in contact with Anaconda. Anaconda, obviously scared to death, and for all the right reasons, cowered like a scared puppy. Venom, showing his remorseful side, promised Anaconda he would not kill him or report him to the Red Dragon…at least not any time soon. Anaconda, extremely grateful for Venom's understanding, promised he would protect Venom under any circumstances and Venom vowed the same. Both later became good friends, and Venom never did report Anaconda's whereabouts to the Red Dragon, and even began to lose contact with his ally Smog, not out of hate or anger, just out of his scarce appearances in the klan. However, unknown to both of them was they were being watched, watched by one of the Red Dragon's covert spies, a spy by the name of Charmeleon.

Charmeleon reported back to the Red Dragon, informing Smog that Venom had formed an alliance with Anaconda, and Smog informed every one of his fellow advisors. Charmeleon, for his troubles, was supposed to be given a spot among the Hierarchy, but the selfish Smog gave him an even lower rank, a rank as just a petty fighter. Charmeleon, angered by his leader's lies, left the klan for good, never to return again.

Smog, noticing Charmeleon's absence, never minded it. He had the information he needed, and the pathetic Raptorian wasn't that important to begin with. Smog called Venom to speak with him personally about his betrayal to the Red Dragon, but his advisors informed him that he was no where near the Red Dragon headquarters.

Little did they know, Venom was out pursuing his own destiny, bringing up from the dust temples and buildings to house an entire klan, a klan he dedicated to his fallen race. The Pit Vipers was what it was called, given the name by Venom for personal reasons. Venom returned to Damage's Cave, recruiting members first to his Hierarchy-Thunderblood, Nukum, and Anaconda-and then several of his own royal guards, one in particular by the name of Phantom. Smog was also asked, by Venom, mind you, to join the Pit Vipers, but refused to do so because of Venom's alliance with Anaconda.

This grudge towards Anaconda later passed, softening to almost a mere speck in Smog's mind, and he began to form a liking for Venom and his "Pit Vipers." He sent several of his strongest fighters to this newly forming klan, only knowing in his mind that this weak rookie klan would fall out of existence soon enough, and the Red Dragon would live on to still be the strongest klan.

Days passed, and then weeks fell into months, and the Pit Vipers were gaining members, at one time, by the hour. The Pit Vipers earned the rightful slogan "The Most Venomous Klan in the World" for their quick beginnings, and even had a strong alliance with another powerful klan, this one by the title as the Alin Kuei, a band of rogue Lin Kuei warriors.

The Alin Kuei were far more powerful than nearly anything Venom had seen, and he was proud of how they handled things. They held Training Matches, as did Venom, but no Tournaments, which Venom had also given the klan. Vertigo, the Alin Kuei's strong and honorable leader, also formed a liking towards the Pit Vipers, sending his top God of War, Vortex, and one of his best doctors, Scorch, to join the klan and perhaps give them some help when they needed it. Venom, thankful for his ally klan's gratefulness, showing his appreciation by joining up with the Alin Kuei himself, hanging around twice as much as he did for the Red Dragon.

During his lengthy stay at the Alin Kuei, Venom took a chance to kompete. He was to kompete against Omega, one of the most popular kompetitors in the Alin Kuei. The battle was vicious, Venom remaining the defender throughout the majority of the match; that is, until he filled the air with his toxic breath. Omega choked for air, slowly coming to a recovery, and becoming preoccupied with also trying to defend himself. Venom, though he retained a worthy fight, lost the match. Omega considered Venom a more than worthy opponent, complementing Venom greatly. After this loss, his only loss ever, he returned to the Red Dragon.

Smog, becoming jealous of Venom's growing popularity, personally confronted Venom and spoke with him. Covering his jealousy with Venom's betrayal, Smog ordered Venom to leave the Red Dragon, just because of his friendship with Anaconda. Venom, predicting this would soon become a problem, decided he deserved this. He left the Red Dragon for good; however, he was later asked to join a few of his closest friends in an event held in Thunderblood's old home world, Cenetal.

After a long, tiring ship ride to the island where the event was to take place, Venom was led to his room. The day after, he was to kompete against the Cave ruler, Damage. Venom was obviously angered by something prior to the match, and took his anger out on Damage the instant the match began. In the early events of the match, Venom was dominated by Damage's quickness, but later on eliminated all signs of Damage's quickness by literally beating him to a pulp. Venom's speed was far more than anything Damage could handle, and his strength was surprising. It could have been that Damage was a little rusty on his own fighting skills due to his long time out of battle as a result of having the Cave to watch over. But that was put aside, because Damage never even touched Venom after the quick ninja gained the upper hand.

Thunderblood noticed Venom's nearly flawless victory in his first match ever in the Cenetal Events, and asked Venom to join the Ministry of Blood, an even more powerful group of only the most elite warriors in existence. Smog was surprisingly not a member, and to top it all off, he never even knew or heard of the Ministry of Blood, only because of its very strict rule about its secrecy. Members who defied this rule were to lose their membership forever, and killed.

Venom obeyed this rule, never to speak of the elite band of warriors anywhere at anytime. He formed a secret alliance with the Ministry, its members vowing to protect the Pit Vipers under any circumstances. The problem was the majority of other members were also loyal members of the Red Dragon.

Smog began to wonder if the Red Dragon were drifting apart, and believed this to be the result of the Pit Vipers pulling them apart. He saw every loyal member of his klan extending their services to the Pit Vipers, slightly increasing the Pit Vipers' power. Anger overcame him. Hatred boiled in his veins. Jealousy was now at its innermost extremities, and it was burning throughout his mind like a raging inferno in a dry wheat field…

Next Chapter: "Jealousy Turns to Hatred"