The Thunderblood Saga

The Search for Python

Chapter 3: "A New Home"

~~~Thunderblood's Cave~~~

Thunderblood walked outside his cave. He took a deep breath and looked around the beautiful valley. He began walking towards the nearby village. In the village, it was very busy. People were franticly running around trying to get thing. Workers were having hard a hard time trying to what the people needed. Thunderblood spotted a blacksmith shop where only a one person was working. The man was very tired and couldn't concentrate on what he was doing. Thunderblood knew this was what Thunderblood could do as a job.

"Excuse me", said Thunderblood, "I just moved here and I'm in need of a job."

"Really", replied the worker, "Well good. I'm in need of a worker. What's your name, kid?"

"My name," asked Thunderblood, "My name is Thunderblood."

"Well Thunderblood," replied the man, do you think you can handle the job of a blacksmith?"

"Yes I can," replied Thunderblood, "I made the sword my brother py-."  Thunderblood stopped as he remembered what Raiden said about how Thunderblood couldn't say anything about his brother or how he came here.

"Sorry I can't say that. I'll take the job."

"Good," replied the man, "You can start now. Oh and kid, call me Jake."

Thunderblood smiled and he grabbed his first sword and began fixing it.

~~~Three weeks later~~~

"Yo Thunderblood" called Jake, "I really appreciate you working overtime for me this week."

"No problem Jake," replied Thunderblood, "It gave me something to do." Jake left Thunderblood alone to do his job. Thunderblood grabbed the last pile of axes and began sharpening them. When he was down, He locked up the shop and he began walking home. The cold night winds ran across Thunderblood's neck. It gave him a chill and he began to shiver. Thunderblood heard a scream come from a cave and Thunderblood ran to it. Thunderblood saw an assassin about to decapitate a young girl with a dagger. Thunderblood immediately dove on the assassin. The dagger flew out of her hand and it flew across to the other side of the cave. The assassin kicked Thunderblood in the stomach and he flew to the ground. The assassin got up and began walking towards Thunderblood. Thunderblood swept the assassin and got up. Thunderblood stood above the assassin and picked her up. The assassin pretended to be stunned and hooked Thunderblood in the jaw. Thunderblood stepped back and held his jaw. The assassin ran at Thunderblood and punched in the forehead. Thunderblood became very dizzy. Thunderblood began seeing things and he saw the assassin turn into Kuanmicin. Thunderblood ran at the assassin and punched her in the stomach. The assassin flew back and fell to the ground. The assassin grabbed her dagger and ran from the cave. Thunderblood sat down and he wasn't dizzy anymore.

"Thank you," Thunderblood looked around not knowing who said it and he realized it was the girl being attacked.

"What's your name", asked Thunderblood as he helped the girl up.

"Alexia", she replied.

"My name is Thunderblood", Thunderblood said, "That's all I can really say to you about me."

"What are you some spy or something", Alexia asked, "Well anyway I really appreciate that you helped me. I didn't know that an assassin would come after me." Thunderblood sat there and listened about how she wanted revenge against the Lin Kuei for killing her father and brother. Alexia became tired and fell asleep sitting on her chair. Thunderblood grabbed a blanket and put on her. Then he left.

~~~Thunderblood's Cave~~~

Thunderblood was very tired. He walked into his bedroom and laid down on his bed. He began to fall asleep when he heard something come from outside and walk into his cave. Thunderblood got up and grabbed his shield. He had it ready in a fighting stance waiting for the person to enter his bedroom. The man entered and jumped back to the sight of Thunderblood.

"Whoa Thunderblood take it easy", said the man. Thunderblood lowered his shield as he recognized the voice of Raiden.

"What do want Raiden", asked Thunderblood.

"Well you did a good deed tonight helping that girl", replied Raiden,

"I'm also here to let you know that you're ready for your fight."

"What fight", Thunderblood asked.

"The one I told you about earlier," replied Raiden, " But there are a few things you must remember during your fight. First, always be on your guard, this person is one of the deadliest fighters there are. Second, stay focused, the slightest error could mean death. And third, above all things, control your anger. Those things are the key parts in this fight." Raiden opened a portal before Thunderblood. "Good luck my friend, and remember what I said", Raiden said as Thunderblood grabbed his shield and ran through the portal.