The Younger Years

A Young Dream- Part 1

~~~The Cenetal Caves~~~

“Are you sure you know where you’re going”, questioned a young boy.

“Of course I do”, replied the boy’s older brother, “I come down here all the time.” The two young
boys made their way through several paths dug in the cave’s rock. They came to the ending. The both of them took down rocks that made a wall to the outside. When they were finally done they witnessed the beautiful gardens that were behind the Cenetal Palace. The two made their way out of the cave and ran behind the bushes.

“Is it safe yet”, asked the younger brother.

“Yes”, replied the older one as the two young boys took off their hooded robes. The two were
Python and Thunderblood. Python had been inside the palace walls before but his younger brother
Thunderblood had never had. The beauty of the gardens mesmerized Thunderblood.

“Is this the thing you spoke about”, asked Thunderblood, “You know our dream?”

“No”, replied Python as he was looking for guards in the garden, “I’ll show you what that is in a
few minutes. But first we have to get inside the palace. Just stay quiet and keep close to me.” The brothers sneaked around the garden until they came to a small door hidden in the bushes that led inside the palace. Python knocked on it two times.

“Who is it”, asked a man behind the door. Python thought to himself quietly as he was
remembering the password.

“Now why would you ask that question to a child trying to have some fun.” said Python. There
was silence for a bit, then the door opened. Python and Thunderblood ran inside.

“Hello again, Python”, said the man.

“Hi Jimmy” replied Python; “This is my little brother Thunderblood. Thunderblood, this is Jimmy

“Oh so this is the little man Python has been telling me about”, said Jimmy, “I’ve heard a lot about
you young one. Are you ready to see what the big thing your older brother has been talking about?”

“Yeah Jimmy”, replied Thunderblood as the three made their way down the hallway to a noisy
arena. Thunderblood was amazed at was happening. Two warriors were fighting in a circle. Crowds were
cheering loudly. Many people held money in their hands as bets were placed.

“What’s going on”, asked Thunderblood, “Are they mad at each other or something?”

“No”, answered Python, “Many people fight for fun or to prove themselves worthy enough to fight
in a big tournament far away called Mortal Kombat. This is what our dream is.”

“Wow”, said Thunderblood, “But I could never do that.”

“Yes you will”, said Python, “Jimmy here is training me to fight like that and he also is teaching
me how to use special powers that we have inside us. He will also be training and teaching you too soon.”

“Cool”, said Thunderblood, “Thanks, Jimmy”

“No problem, kid”, replied Jimmy.

Oh by the way Jimmy”, said Python as he turned away from Thunderblood to Jimmy. Neither
Python nor Jimmy noticed Thunderblood walk away to check out what else was going on. Thunderblood made his way through more halls. He stopped at one room because he heard a young girl his age humming a song. He walked in the room to see lots of toys on the ground. He couldn’t find the young girl until he heard a young sweet voice.

“Hi”, said the little girl, “What’s your name?”

“Thunderblood”, replied Thunderblood, “What’s yours?”

“Princess Sara”, said the girl, “And this place is my palace. You wanna play?”

“Sure”, said Thunderblood as the two picked up some wooden horses. After a bit they both heard
someone coming down the halls.

“We better hide”, said the princess, “You aren’t supposed to be in here.” The two hid behind the
curtains. They thought they were fine until someone grabbed Thunderblood’s shoulder and pulled him out.

“There you are little one. We were looking for you,” said a familiar voice Thunderblood

“I’m sorry, Jimmy”, replied Thunderblood, “I was curious about this place.”

“Well your lucky we found you and that the princess wasn’t in here”, said Jimmy, “She would of
told on you and all of us would be in trouble.”

“No I wouldn’t, Thunderblood’s my friend”, yelled the princess as she jumped out of the curtains
to Thunderblood, Python, and Jimmy, “Uh oh. I blew my cover again.”

“Princess Sara”, approached Jimmy, “What are you doing here without a guard?”

“I sneaked away to play”, replied the princess, “I was tired of watching boring plays that my
daddy likes. So I came down here.”

“Well you better get back soon or the guards will worry”, said Jimmy.

“Ok”, replied the princess as she skipped and hummed down he halls to the Palace Theater.

“Well”, said Jimmy, “The fights are over and now we can began your training.” A few minutes
later the three found themselves on the fighting ground of the empty arena. Jimmy was teaching
Thunderblood how to use the special powers he was told about earlier while Python watched from a seat

“Keep focused, young one”, said Jimmy, “Put out all other thoughts and pull all attention to your
mind.” Thunderblood did what he told and he felt more power flowing through his body. Pretty soon pink swirls of energy could be seen swirling around Thunderblood’s hands. Thunderblood got excited and let go of his concentration. Then the power stopped flowing.

“What happened”, questioned Thunderblood.

“You lost your concentration”, answered Jimmy, “Don’t worry we’ve all done it before. Just stay
focused and do as you were before.” Thunderblood listened and began again. Again he felt the power flowing through his body and the pink energy came back. Then all of the pink energy formed into a liquid ball that floated in the air right in front of Thunderblood. Thunderblood opened his eyes and witnessed his accomplishment.

“Now force all of the power forward to a target”, said Jimmy, “Try that empty glass on that bench.” Thunderblood took a deep breath and then with all of his strength he pushed the liquid ball
forward. It flew fast until it made contact with the glass. The glass shattered as the pink liquid evaporated in the air.

“I did it”, yelled Thunderblood in excitement. Python was clapping in the background and Jimmy
stood smiling.

“Great job, young one”, in time you will learn more moves like that as also different forms of
martial arts.”

“Cool”, said Thunderblood, “Thanks Jimmy.” Just then horns could be heard far away.

“Uh oh”, said Jimmy, “Times up. I have to report for guard duty. You both are learning well.
Come back at your usual time, Python, and bring your brother too. For now you must get going.”

“Ok”, said Python, “and thank you for teaching my brother.” The two ran down the hall to the
door they first came in at. Outside, the sun was just setting. The garden was empty so the boys exit was easy.” They came to the caves and got in. They both put up the stones that formed the wall. They picked up he torches they had when they came. Then they ran through the tunnels to the entrance that they first came. It was hidden in the cliffs near the beach. They hid their torches and picked up the fishing gear they brought to use as a diversion for their parents. They walked slowly to their house. By this time they got there, it was dark out. They left the poles outside the door. They walked in to find their mother and father cooking dinner.

“Welcome my sons”, said their mother, “How was fishing? You were gone along time.”

“We stayed longer because both of us hadn’t caught one fish”, answered Python, “Even still we
didn’t catch one.”

“Odd, I always catch plenty of fish down there”, said their father, “Maybe I should come down
with you boys and help next time.”

“No”, quickly said Python, “We wanna do it ourselves.”

“Ok”, said their father, “Whatever you want. But now go wash up for dinner.” The two boys ran
upstairs to their washroom.

“Why did we lie to Mom and Dad”, questioned Thunderblood.

“We have to”, replied Python, “Mom and Dad don’t like the fighting and we would be in big trouble if they found out. So from now on I’ll just talk for the both of us if they ask.”

“Ok”, said Thunderblood as he finished drying his hands.

~~~Ten years later- Cenetal Palace fighting arena~~~

Thunderblood and Python were both trained well in many forms of martial arts and both had full
control of their special powers. Python was 22 years old while Thunderblood was 18. Jimmy was getting
too old and was getting weak. He could hardly demonstrate moves for the boys any more. He would have
to tell them. Thunderblood still kept friends with Princess Sara who was the same age as Thunderblood.
They two had a love for each other but couldn’t really share it with anybody. They only met in the room
where they first met each other.  The princess would sneak down while Thunderblood was given breaks
from Jimmy. But all of that changed one day. Thunderblood had asked for a break to go see the princess,
but when he arrived he found his love lying on the ground bleeding badly. He ran and knelt down to her.

“Thunderblood”, stuttered the princess, “He is here still here.”

“Who is still here”, asked Thunderblood. But he got no response. The princess eyes closed slowly
as she let out her last breath. Thunderblood let her body down slowly. He rose and stared at his love. Then suddenly he heard the sound of steel on the ground. Out of the shadows walked a figure in all black garments. His whole body was covered in black except for his face, which had two tattoos of blood dripping down on his cheek. In his hand was a black and brown leather handle, which was attached to a green steel sword. The man rose his sword at Thunderblood. He stood there for a bit but then slowly walked over to Thunderblood. But then the mysterious man ran out the nearby window and vanished due to the sounds of Jimmy and Python running down the hall.

“What happened”, asked Python.

“Silent Death was what happened”, said Jimmy.

“Who is Silent Death”, questioned Python.

“Silent Death was my first master”, replied Jimmy, “I never saw anybody who fought or killed
like him. He is very quiet and skillful. Notice none of us heard him. He is very mysterious and a much better fighter then I am.”

“Mysterious or not”, said Thunderblood, “I’m going to find him.”

“No”, yelled Jimmy, “You aren’t ready you wouldn’t stand a chance against him.” Just then they
heard the guards yelling and running through the halls.

“Go”, said Jimmy, “Run home. I’ll take care of this. Don’t come back again. You both have learned everything I could teach you.” Thunderblood and Python did what they we’re told. They ran as fast as they could through the hall, into the garden, and through the caves. Back in the playroom, the guards were arresting Jimmy.

“What are you doing”, said Jimmy, “I’m not the killer. You got the wrong guy.”

“Yeah right”, said one of the guards, “You are covered in her blood and you are the only one here.
You are the killer. And the penalty is death.” Some guards dragged Jimmy away to the dungeon while the rest took Princess Sara’s body away.

~~~A few weeks later~~~

Thunderblood was eating his breakfast with his mother. She was reading the newspaper.

“Oh good”, said the mother, “They hanged the man who killed the princess.”

“Really, mom”, asked Thunderblood, “Who was it.”

“Jimmy Davidson”, said the mother, “He was a guard at the palace. I wonder why he did it.”
Thunderblood dropped his fork and ran upstairs.”

“What is it, son”, asked the mother. A few seconds later Python came in the door with the mail.

“Hi”, said the mother, “Do you know what’s wrong with Thunderblood?”

“No”, replied Python, “I’ll go talk to him.” Python put down the mail and took a letter upstairs that
was addressed to him and Thunderblood. He walked in to find his brother lying down on his bed. Python opened the letter and read it to himself.

“Yo brother”, said Python, “Read this.” Python threw the letter next to Thunderblood.
Thunderblood sat up and began to read the letter.

“So”, said Thunderblood, “Our first fights. Next week in the Northwest section.” Thunderblood
grabbed some money out of his drawer and walked out the room.

“Where you going”, asked Python.

“I have to get a weapon if I’m going to fight”, said Thunderblood as he walked down the steps and
then out the front door to the streets.