The Thunderblood Saga:
The Search for Python

Chapter 1: "Python's Agony"

~~~Thunderblood's House~~~

"But you can't go, Python," yelled Thunderblood as his older brother was getting ready for the first Mortal Kombat tournament.

"I have to bro." said Python, "If I want to succeed in life, this is it. Besides the letter said only the best warriors are welcome, and now I can prove myself to the world that I am a good warrior.

"YOU'RE GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!", yelled Thunderblood.

"Listen. I know what kind of people that are entering this thing, People with ten arms, raptors, and who knows what else. Besides, Bloodfest is going with me."

"Bloodfest?!?!", said Thunderblood, "How can you trust that guy?!?!"

"He's my best friend", replied Python, "I believe I can."

"Alright, go", said Thunderblood, "But just keep your eye on him, ok?"

"Ok.", said Python as he grabbed his bags and went down to his carriage where Bloodfest and the driver were waiting. Thunderblood watched him leave as he thought it could be the last time that he saw his brother. Now he was alone for the first time in his life.

~~~Three weeks later~~~

"FINISH HIM", cried Shoa Kahn as Python stood over his opponent. Python lifted his foot and brought it down crushing his opponent's head. Everyone cheered.

"Good job man", said Bloodfest, "That's your fifth win in a row."

"Thanks", answered Python as he was breathing heavily. "But anybody could have done the same. Come on lets go eat I'm hungry."

"You got it man", said Bloodfest, "I'll be right there I have to go get my stuff that I left in the gym. I'll catch up to you."

" Ok", replied Python, "I'll be in the dining room."

~~~The Gym~~~

Bloodfest entered the dark, empty gym. He tried to remember where he put his bag. He found it and began to pick it up when he heard a voice call to him.

"You know that Python guy is a good fighter." said the voice.

"Yeah", said Bloodfest "That guy 's my best friend."

"Then it would be a shame if he would die for some reason wouldn't it", said the voice.

"What do you mean", asked Bloodfest.

"Allow me to introduce myself", said the voice. A thunderous sound was heard and the torches lit up in the gym. A ninja appeared in front of Bloodfest wearing a blood-red suit with no mask showing a gray head with no hair and green eyes.

"My name Kuanmicin", said the voice, "My father is Shinnok, an elder god."

"I know him," said Bloodfest.

"Good then you know not to betray his son." said Kuanmicin.

"Why would I betray you if I haven't agreed to a deal yet," said Bloodfest.

"I'll make you deal," said Kuanmicin, "I will grant you immortality in exchange for killing Python.

"Kill Python why?!?!," yelled Bloodfest.

"He is a threat to my father." said Kuanmicin, "Besides you wouldn't want to say no to the request of an elder god would you?"

"No", said Bloodfest, "But as long as I have your promise that I'll get immortality."

"I promise," said Kuanmicin. With that Bloodfest grabbed his bag and left. When he was gone a bright light appeared and Shinnok was standing behind his son.

"Did he agree?", asked Shinnok.

"Yes, my father," said Kuanmicin, "He fell right into our trap."

~~~Later that night~~~

"Man that was dinner", said Python as he and Bloodfest were walking over the bridge to their rooms.

"That's good, because it's gonna be your last," said Bloodfest.

"What did you say?", asked Python.

"Nothing," said Bloodfest. Python began walking again and Bloodfest stayed behind him. Bloodfest drew his knife and shoved into Python's back. Python slowly turned around and fell to his knees and looked up at Bloodfest.

"How could you?", said python in pain as he slowly fell to the ground and died. Bloodfest threw Python's body into the raging river below him. Bloodfest saw the body float down the river. Bloodfest left and proceeded towards the gym. Off in the distance was Raiden watching Bloodfest walk away.

"It is time", whispered Raiden as he vanished with a bright light

~~~The Gym~~~

"Kuanmicin, I summon you", hollered Bloodfest as he stood in the gym.

"You have done well, warrior", said Kuanmicin as he appeared in front of Bloodfest.

"Yes I have now my wish for my immortality", said Bloodfest.

"I'm afraid I can't grant you that", said Kuanmicin, "I just used you get rid of Python."

"We had a deal", yelled Bloodfest. "Yes a deal which I intended in breaking", said Kuanmicin.
"YOU ASSHOLE", screamed Bloodfest as he started to charge at Kuanmicin. Kuanmicin threw a green fireball at Bloodfest who suddenly blew up. Kuanmicin turned around where a portal opened and took it home to his home in the Netherealm.

~~~Thunderblood's house~~~

Thunderblood sat at his desk writing in his journal.

"Is that the only thing you talk to in this house now, young warrior", said Raiden as he appeared behind Thunderblood.

"What do you want Thundergod?", asked Thunderblood as he recognized the voice and turned around. "I'm here to tell that your brother Python was killed by Kuanmicin", said Raiden.

"What?!?!", yelled Thunderblood as he grabbed his shield and ran out the door.

"Where are you going", asked Raiden.

"To find Kuanmicin", said Thunderblood as he ran through the streets.