The Thunderblood Saga

~~~The Shadows of Power~~~

Chapter 2: The Beginning of the End

The streets of Cenetal are deserted. Evening is approaching as a red and orange sky lights the city. A light breeze moves through the streets sending dust and leaves moving about. The winds then begin to pick up as a swirling energy field begins to form. A blue portal then cuts the air as Thunderblood and his allies come walking out of it. Twist and Strike have their clubs drawn as they are preparing for any raptors to be in the area. Everyone looks around to see what their surroundings are like. They all then look up to the Cenetal Palace upon its massive hill.

"Most likely all of the Night Demons are located in the Palace", says Thunderblood, "We all shall make our way to the palace where we will approach the raptors. Agreed?" Everyone nods their heads to Thunderblood as the seven warriors make their way to the palace.

~~~Cenetal Palace Dining Room~~~

Meat and flesh flies through the air as several raptors devour flesh. Night Demon is at the head of the table sinking his razor teeth into a leg of a body.

"You know", says Night Demon, "ThesSse Cenetal folk to make one deliciousSs meal." Night Demon throws another leg to a red skinned raptor at the other end of the table.

"YesSs, MaunatariansSs are quite tasSsty", says Viscera, "I can’t remember when I ate sSso good. I’m beginning to think thisSs isSs why you took over Cenetal."

"I’m beginning to think that that asSs well", but I’ve already told you, "As the only raptor race sSspawned from the Netherealm, we had to relocate to a much sSsafer environment. And Cenetal is the perfect place. The only city on the only planet located in thisSs realm. And we all owe it to the bitch of a queen in the cage above usSs. You, look hungry, SSsheeta. How about a nice MAUNTARIAN LEG?" Night Demon throws the leg he is eating against the cage above the table which has Sheeta enclosed inside. She is trembling in fear and she is severely beaten and cut. All the raptors below laughed at the sight that took place above them. As Night Demon picks up another piece of meat to eat a blue raptor runs into the room calling for his master’s attention.

"SSsir, sSsir", cries out the blue raptor, "IntrudersSs are approaching the palace." Night Demon puts his food down and stands up as the raptor reaches him.

"Who are theSse intrudorsSs of oursSs", asks Night Demon.

"It is Thunderblood and eight other warriorsSs", says the raptor.

"ARRGGGGHHHHHHH" yells Night Demon as he slices his talon through the neck of the blue raptor, "ThisSs isSs all I need. Position sSsome raptorsSs around the palace. Allow him to come to me. I will finally deal with him." All the raptors at the table get up and run out of the room. Viscera comes over to Night Demon.

"I am sSsure Venom is with them", says Viscera to Night Demon, "Let me deal with him, I know what to do."

"Good", says Night Demon, "Remember to sSstick to the plan." Viscera then leaves the room and Night Demon climbs on top of the table. He then walks over to the cage and unlocks the door. He climbs up and gets in the cage with Sheeta. He gets on one knee and looks her in the face.

"LooksSs like your husSsband is home", says Night Demon, "You may or may not sSsee his death. I sSshall sSsee what will happen to you." Night Demon then drags Sheeta out of the cage onto the floor below. He then takes her out of the room leaving the area deserted.

~~~Palace Gates~~~

The seven warriors quickly make their way behind buildings until they reach the palace wall where they await for the instructions by Thunderblood. Thunderblood quickly slides his head past the wall to see the main courtyard of the palace. He then brings his head back to talk to his fellow friends.

"The courtyard is empty", says Thunderblood, "we can make a clean run up to the palace gate where we will then go into the palace from the main entrance. From there we will decide what to do." Everyone nods and they all get up in front of the gates. Edge goes to open them but they are locked.

"Allow me to take care of that", says Python as he pulls his double bladed ax out. He then with one swipe cuts the lock and chains and the gates swing open. The seven men then begin climbing up the hill to the palace, all looking around for any attack that could be made.

"This seems too quiet if u ask me", says Element as they reach the doors to the palace. There is then a rustling in the bushed right near by. All of the warriors turn their attention to it waiting to see if anything will come out. After several seconds Python and Fog emerge out of the bush. All of the fighters then let their guard down as they are releaved to see their fellow friends.

"Python, what has happened here", asks Thunderblood

"After you left, Night Demon and the Raptors annexed the city", says Fog, "Everyone tried to stop them but was unsuccessful."

"Where is Smog", questions Edge.

"I don’t know", responds Fog, "He and I were going into the palace to see what was going on and we got separated. I found Python in the Palace gardens this morning."

"Where are my people", asks Thunderblood.

"They are down at the caves", says Python, "Some raptors are holding them hostage down there."

"I see", says Thunderblood as he thinks what to do.

"We should split up so that we can cover more ground", suggests Fog, "and we can also send fighters to get your people. I know where in the palace where all the raptors would be."

"Good idea, Fog", says Thunderblood, "We shall split up. Fog, you will lead Python and Nukem through the palace lower floors to the gardens where the caves end. Twist and Strike, you two will go down to the beach where you will approach the caves from the southern entrance. The two groups will then meet in the middle rescuing my people. As for Edge, Venom, Blades, Element, and myself, we will go through the rest of the palace searching for Night Demon and any other raptors. We will then meet each other is the palace thrown room when everything is safe. Good luck to us all." Everyone then agrees and Twist and Strike run to the beaches while everyone else enters the palace. They come to find the rotting corpse of the giant gatekeeper which once stood guard at the palace doors. They then reach the thrown room where the two groups depart from each other going their separate ways. Fog leads Python and Nukem down hall to the left while the remaining warriors climb one of the large step cases to floors above. Fog leads the two other warriors through the deserted halls in the lower floors of the palace. They are surprised to find that no one is in them at the time. They inspect each room to see in any raptor creature lurks in them. Meanwhile the others are doing the same thing as well in the upper floors of the palace. They then come upon a large corridor where they here something.

"Do you here that", asks Element.

"I don’t hear it but I sure do smell it", says Venom.

"Be alert", says Thunderblood as the five warriors take guard. They all examine the room looking for anything to come out of the shadows. A single drop raptor drool falls on Venom’s shoulder.

"THEY’RE ABOVE US", yells Venom as a group of fifteen raptors jump down from the ceiling. The fighters then engage in battle as the raptors begin attacking. Edge begins swipe away at a set of raptors with his sword. The two raptors dodge the blade and try to make cuts on Edge but his suit is too strong to cut through. They both then sweep him to the floor and begin kicking at him. Across the room, Venom and Blades are fighting six raptors each fighter trying to attack the raptors but struggling due to the outnumbering. In another corner Thunderblood is being attacked by a group of four raptors. He stands cornered against the wall defending himself by blocking the attacks made by the raptors. He is cut above the shoulder and is trying to free himself from the four attackers. On the other side of room is Element is battling with three other raptors. He is able to withdraw his sword and is able to cut one of the raptor in half. The two other raptors push him into the wall though. Venom is able to take out his talons and he shoves them through the necks of two of the raptors attacking him. Blades is thrown to the ground by the four other raptors attacking him. Venom goes to take his talons back when one of the four raptors goes after him. The raptor is about to strike its claws into Venom’s back when a mysterious cut appears through the raptor’s chest. Venom looks up to the raptor screaming in pain and try to figure out what just happened. The two raptors still attacking Element knock him to the ground and run over to attack Venom. However before they reach him, their heads are mysteriously cut off. Venom is still confused at what is going on, but then realizes what is happening when Edge takes off his invisibility. Element gets up and goes over to help Thunderblood. The two fighters then begin to fight the four raptors as the remaining five raptors fight the team of Edge, Blades, and Venom. Two of the raptors pick up Edge and throw across the room. The mass of Edge’s suit throws him through the wall into the next room. The five raptors then run through the hole with Venom and Blades following them. The four other raptors then lure Thunderblood and Element down the hall. Edge, Venom, Blades are now fighting the five raptors in the small dining room on that floor. Blades is thrown through a table and three raptors begin kicking him on the ground. Venom is across the room taking on the two other raptors. Edge then begins to get up from the fall he had through the wall. He picks up his sword and throws it across the room which flies through the head of one of the raptors attacking Blades. The two other raptors run over and begin fighting Edge. Edge manages to hook one raptor in the head but is gets roundhouse kicked in the gut by the other raptor. Blades gets up and runs over to the raptors fighting Venom. Blades snaps the neck of one raptor. The other raptor turns to Blades, but his life is ended as a talon is sent through his head by Venom. Venom then throws the other talon across the room and it strikes the head of one of the raptors fighting Edge. Edge is then able to strike his sword through the neck of the last raptor.

Meanwhile, while this is happening Thunderblood and Element are following two raptors down the hall of the palace. They managed to slay the two other raptors that they were also following. Each of the four kombatants tempt to each other to strike. They end up in the room near the large glass doors that lead to the giant balcony of the Palace. One of the raptors tries his luck by running at Thunderblood and Element. Thunderblood manages to fling his shield up into the Raptors jaw while Element cut through the raptors torso with his sword. The remaining raptor then flees by diving through one of the glass windows out onto the large balcony. He then runs to the edge of the balcony. He turns around to face the two warriors but as he does Element’s sword cuts through the air and into the chest of the raptor. The raptor collapses backward in pain and flips over the railing of the balcony and makes a deadly descent to ground which is a numerous amount of floors below.

~~~The Cenetal Gardens~~~

Fog leads Python and Nukem around the garden in search of any raptors. The body of the fallen raptor from above lands some yards away from the three. Nukem and Python then go over to see how what it is. The examine the sword in the chest of the dead raptor.

"This is Element’s sword", says Nukem, "the raptors aren’t out here there in the upper floors of the palace. Fog we’re in the wrong place." With Nukem saying this Fog kicks Nukem in the head and knocks him over on the ground. Python jumps up and tries to attack Fog but gets hooked in the jaw. Nukem and Python roll back to regroup themselves. Fog starts to slowly circle the two in his fighting stance.

"You seemed surprised you two", says Fog.

"What are you doing, Fog", asks Python.

"Just as you wouldn’t betray your younger brother", comments Fog, "it works the same way with me."

~~~Upper Floors Dining Room~~~

Venom, Edge, and Blades are regrouping themselves after just finishing off the raptors. The three catch their breath back and start deciding on what to do now.

"We should try and find Thunderblood", says Blades.

"I agree", says Edge, "We shouldn’t make any more moves to find Night Demon without my Father."

"Well before you do that you’re gonna have to sSsurvive" cries out Viscera as he makes his way through a door in the room facing the three warriors."

"Viscera", says Venom, "You are behind this too aren’t you, you raptor scum?"
"Well that is true", answers Viscera, "But we wouldn’t been able to obtain the city without the help of a certain individual." With Viscera saying this another figure in brown fighting fatigues comes forth from the door that Viscera did.

"Surprised to see who’s really behind this", comments Smog, "You look a little stunned at the fact that I betrayed you all."

"What the hell are you doing", asks Edge, "You were a close ally with my father."

"In order to maintain supreme power with the Red Dragon", says Smog, "I had to form and alliance with the Night Demons. I agreed to give them Cenetal while they agreed to help me to bring down the Pit Vipers. And once my friend Viscera heard about me wanting to bring down you, Venom, he couldn’t resist. So you see, it’s all too easy. And now you three cowards will feel the wrath of the true power of the Red Dragon." Smog and Viscera then charge at the three other fighters as they begin to engage in battle.

~~~Cenetal Palace Balcony~~~

Thunderblood and Element catch their breath as they look at the railing at which the raptor fell off. A voice is then heard in the corner of the balcony. The two warriors look over to see Sheeta collapsed in the corner. Thunderblood yells out her name and the two run over to help her. Thunderblood kneels down and comforts her head on his hand.

"Sheeta", cries out Thunderblood, "I am so releaved to find you alive here. How where you able to get out here on the balcony on your own?" Sheeta then slowly begins to talk a very silent dialogue with her husband.

"I’m not sure", answers Sheeta, "I remember being with Night Demon in the Dining Room. He was taking me out of the cage I was in and he began to lead me down the hall. The next thing I knew was I saw the raptor fly through the glass right here and you two emerged out."

"That doesn’t matter now", says Thunderblood, "You are with me again and I will get you to safety. Are you able to walk my love?" Sheeta nods yes as Thunderblood and Element help her up to her feet. The three then walk slowly to the doors when suddenly a blood red lighting bolt emerges from the sky and cuts through the chest of Sheeta. She lets out a terrifying scream as the other two are flown back across the balcony. The red bolt begins to discinigrate Sheeta’s body as Thunderblood gets up to run for his wife. As he reaches her the last part of finger tips turns to ashes as it is blown away in the wind. The energy spawned bolt flies back up to the origin where it came from. Thunderblood falls to his knees in sadness where his wife stood her last. Element stands there no knowing what to do. Trickles of blood then begin to pour down the glass windows near them and they then turn into a river of blood which flows down the glass onto the deck creating a pool of blood. Element looks up to see where the blood is coming from and a quick jolt of lighting flies through the air and strikes Element in the head where he is thrown across the balcony extremely dazed where he is not able to get up. Thunderblood rises to see what caused it and sees a black skinned raptor standing on the small balcony above them. In his hand his Thunderblood’s stolen blood gem.

"Kind of ironic isSsn’t it, Thunderblood", says Night Demon, "I mean if you look at it my way. The wife of the holder of the Blood gem is sSslain the sSsame way the holder hasSs killed sSso many othersSs. Your preciousSs weapon is the end result of you own wife."

"YOU WILL DIE THE SAME FATE YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH", yells Thunderblood in anger.

"Ah temper temper there, Thunderblood", says Night Demon, "You will sSsoon join her." Night Demon then jumps onto the balcony below sending blood spaltering in every direction. "And now warrior, we sSshall fight our last, in your wife’sSs own blood."

~~~Cenetal Gardens~~~

Nukem and Python have been engaging in battle with Fog for awhile with the tide of the fight being changed between both sides. Fog manages to dropkick both fighters in the jaw. Nukem and Python jump up at the same time but Fog is able to punch both fighters in the chest. Nukem charges, but Fog is able to arm drag his adversary across the garden. Nukem lands on the ground near the area where his maces with dropped earlier. Python and Fog then begin to exchange punches. Fog jumps up and knees Python in the face and he falls back. Fog lands on the ground waiting for any movement by Python. Python slowly gets up and sees Nukem running at Fog. Fog turns his body slightly to notice Nukem coming at him, but when he turns back Python runs up and grabs Fog’s body. Python then carries his body to the running Nukem who in return swings his club at Fog. The strength of the blows decapitates Fog sending his head flying across the garden. Nukem and Python then let their bodies recuperate. They then notice the river of blood from the balcony begin to stream down the side of the palace wall. They both then run back to the palace where they go to meet Thunderblood.

~~~Upper Floors Dining Room~~~

Viscera and Venom try attacking each other but each know each other too well to have any moves be made. Edge and Blades are on the other side of the room attacking Smog. Smog is on a defensive blocking any attacks made by Edge and Blades. He makes a jumping roundhouse which connects with Blades head who falls to the ground from the blow. Edge then tries to jab Smog’s back, but Smog catches Edge’s shoulders behind him and flips him over his head across the room where Edge’s body smashes through a table. Smog then walks over to Venom and Viscera. Viscera backs off from fighting and Venom gets confused by this. Viscera makes an evil grin and Venom turns around quickly only to receive a hook in the nose from Smog. Venom then flies back into Viscera who in return punches him. Venom then goes back into Smog who repeats punching him. This continues for a few seconds until Smog is speared across the room by Blades. Smog gets up and manages to block any other attack made by Blades and then high kicks Blades in the jaw who falls back in pain. Smog goes to attack the fallen Blades but it stopped when he is mysteriously hit in the head. Smog steps trying to figure out what has happened. He then is hit in the head again mysteriously by something that isn’t there. He keeps being hit there several times until he is able to grab a hold of something in the air. He takes one good pull and manages to rip the helmet of Edge’s suit off to reveal his whole body.

"Clever little boy", comments Smog as he uses the helmet to strike Edge across the face sending blood all over the place. Smog throws the helmet aside and goes over and kicks Edge in head. Smog repeatedly does this until he is swept off his feet by Blades. On the other side of the room Venom has Viscera cornered and is releasing a barrage of punches and kicks. Viscera manages to dig his claws into Venom’s shoulder who yells out is pain. Venom grabs a hold of the raptor’s hand and makes a giant snap with cuts off part of the claw from the hand. Viscera pulls away and lets out a loud raptor shriek as Venom pulls the claw out of his shoulder. Viscera then gets a rage of anger built up and he drives his shoulder into Venom’s chest. Venom falls back with Viscera falling on him. Viscera goes to strike Venom on the ground but is stopped when Smog’s body is thrown into his. Smog and Viscera then jump and run out of the hole in the wall that was made earlier. Venom, Edge, and Blades then run out the same way chasing the two warriors through the halls.

~~~Cenetal Palace Balcony~~~

Thunderblood and Night Demon give each other a blank stare with no one moving a muscle. Thunderblood has his Shield drawn at one side of his body waiting for a move made by Night Demon. Night Demon has the blood gem clutched in his one hand also waiting for a move made by the other. The blood continues to fall from the upper balcony to the deck below which seems like it is an endless waterfall that has no stopping. The sun is about to set in Cenetal and the sky is an reddish-orange color and winds are moving by slightly. Element remains at the one end of the balcony still unconscious. All is quiet as the two warriors face each other. Night Demon makes the first move by sending an electric bolt of energy from the Blood Gem at Thunderblood. Thunderblood rolls out of the way and kneels in a defensive stance waiting for Night Demon’s next move. Night Demon again tries sending a bolt of energy at Thunderblood but he makes another roll out of the way. Night Demon then makes a quick shot of lighting again and Thunderblood goes to block the shot with his shield. The strength of the bolt sends the shield flying from Thunderblood’s grip to the other side of the balcony. Night Demon again tries to hit Thunderblood with the gem’s electricity but Thunderblood rolls out of the way. While he is avoiding the bolts he manages to pull energy in from the air and forms it into a red liquid. After another dodge, Thunderblood sends the energy-spawned ball at Night Demon. The ball doesn’t make complete contact with him but manages to send the Blood Gem into the air and onto the ground beyond Night Demon. Night Demon goes to dive on it but is tackled from behind by Thunderblood. Night Demon manages to flip Thunderblood off and tries to go for the blood gem again but gets swept by Thunderblood. Night Demon arms falls on the gem and it begins to roll in the direction of the railing. Thunderblood tries to dive on it but Night Demon grabs his leg in mid air and pulls him down. Thunderblood falls to the deck to see the Blood Gem roll off the balcony to the deck seven stories below. Both warriors flip themselves up to battle each other once again.

"Even that fall could you", says Night Demon, "Let usSs finisSsh this once as plain old fightersSs." Night Demon runs at Thunderblood and the two begin to exchange several blows. Most of the punches and kicks are blocked by each gets their respectable hits in. Night Demon manages to connect with an uppercut which leads to him low kicking Thunderblood in his side. Thunderblood drops to ground but flips back up and manages to kick Night Demon in the chest. Night Demon goes for sweep but Thunderblood manages to jump over it and kick Night Demon in the head. As Thunderblood comes down to the ground, Night Demon grabs Thunderblood’s leg and pulls him to the ground. Night Demon goes to kick him but Thunderblood is able to block it. Night Demon then stick his claw into Thunderblood’s closest leg. Thunderblood pulls back in pain. Night Demon jumps back up and continues by kicking Thunderblood rapidly on the ground. Thunderblood manages to push Night Demon back with his legs. Thunderblood jumps back up but is dropkicked through one of the windows on the balcony. Thunderblood falls to the glass filled carpet inside as Night Demon walks into the room. Thunderblood kicks back up onto his legs as Night Demon charges at him. Thunderblood dodges to the side and sends Night Demon into a table which breaks into dozens of pieces. Night Demon jumps back up and spears Thunderblood into the wall. The two fall down from the blast. They both slowly get back up where Thunderblood is able to grab of Night Demon’s arm and throws him across the room. Thunderblood gets up and he tackles Night Demon again sending himself and the raptor through another window out onto the blood filled deck again. Night Demon gets up first and jumps and drops his knee into Thunderblood’s stomach. Thunderblood lets out a cry of pain and begins to start coughing. Night Demon gets up and catches his breath. Thunderblood then slowly gets up but as he does he is speared by Night Demon through another window back into the room inside. Thunderblood lands on the ground hard and the wind is knocked out of him. Night Demon gets up slowly in pain as small pieces of glass stick out of his black raptor skin. He goes over and picks up a long jagged piece of glass from one of the broken windows. He then slowly walks over to Thunderblood.

"SSs it all comesSs down to thisSs", says Night Demon, "After all that that hasSs happened. It endsSs thisSs way." Night Demon than raises the piece of glass above him as Thunderblood looks up at him dazed and unable to make any move. Night Demon then goes to strike the blade at Thunderblood but is stopped when Thunderblood’s shield hits him in the back of the head. He turns to see what happened and sees Element running at him. Night Demon grabs the shield on the ground and begins to run at Element himself. Element tries to attack him, but Night Demon is able to strike Element upside the head with the shield. He then continues to strike Element in the head repeatedly with the shield. Element gets dazed again and then is knocked out when Night Demon head butts him in the head. He then drops the shield and turns back to where Thunderblood was. But as he does he is tackled again by Thunderblood and the two fly through another window. Both land in the blood filled pool outside again. Both are covered in glass and blood and are exhausted from the fight. They try getting up very slowly. Night Demon opens his eyes to see Thunderblood reaching out and punching Night Demon. Night Demon head falls to the ground as Thunderblood gets up to his feet and walks over to the beaten raptor. Night Demon looks up at Thunderblood in madness. Night Demon starts cursing and yelling as Thunderblood kneels down beside him. He places his hands on the raptor’s chest as energy begins to draw energy out from his body. After he is finished he is silent.

"Go ahead you asshole", says Night Demon, "electrocute me. Finish me off. You have won." Thunderblood looks into the eyes of enemy.

"I won’t electrocute you", says Thunderblood, "I took your remaining energy to do this." Thunderblood then raises the piece of glass Night Demon had earlier and thrusts it into Night Demon’s chest. Night Demon lets out an extremely painful scream as blood begins to run from the gash in his wounds. Thunderblood walks over and picks up his shield. He walks back over to Night Demon and looks down at him. Night Demon takes one last look at his enemy as Thunderblood drives one of the spikes on his shield into Night Demon’s head ending his life. Thunderblood then drops the shield and falls to his knees in tiredness.

~~~Cenetal Thrown Room~~~

Python and Nukem run through the giant room only to be knocked to the side by Smog and Viscera. Venom who is still chasing them with Edge and Blades yell for Nukem and Python to chase them also. The five warriors hunt their two enemies through the hallways until they come to the palace garden. Viscera opens a portal in the middle of the garden as the five fighters come out into the garden to see Smog and Viscera jump through the portal. The five catch their breath and start to get a little mad at themselves for not catching them. They then turn their attention to noise being made by the bushed near the cave walls. A large group of about 30 raptors come out of one the cave entrances. The five warriors step back a little getting ready to face their outnumbering opponent. However their problem is turned good when an army of Cenetal civilians led by Twist and Strike come through all the cave entrances and take out all of the raptors with any kind of weapon they have. The five fighters then embrace Twist and Strike and the rest of the Mauntarians as they have claimed victory over their enemy. Venom, Edge, Blades, and Nukem then leave the gardens and enter the palace to find Thunderblood and Element. They spilt up into two teams and search the upper floors of the palace. After several minutes, Edge and Blades arrive at the room where the fight between Thunderblood and Night Demon took place. They see Night Demon’s body in the pool of blood and Element sitting against the wall staring out at the sunset. He is still weak from the earlier blows. Edge and Blades run over and kneel down to Element.
"Element what happened", asks Edge.

"Your father killed Night Demon, I believe", replied Element, "I was unconscious for awhile and didn’t see much."

"Where is my father", asks Edge.

"I don’t know", answers Element, "As I was coming back to I saw your father remove his shield from Night Demon’s face and then walk off. I yelled out to him but I didn’t get any response from him. That was the last I saw of him." Edge doesn’t make an answer but just looks away.

"Come on let’s get you out of here", says Blades as he helps Element to his feet and begins to help walk him out of the room. Edge walks out onto the balcony and looks down at Night Demon’s body. He then looks out over the city and watches the sun set over the ocean.

Next Chapter:
"A Second Chance"