The Thunderblood Saga
~~~The Shadows of Power~~~

Chapter One: Defiance and Disappearance

"What do you mean they got her", questioned Smog.

"I’ve already told you," replied Thunderblood, "After your match with Flair was over I was given the message from Night Demon from a bloody and beaten servant. It said specifically that they had her and he was using her as ransom for the Cenetal thrown."

The scene was moments after the December Titles event. Thunderblood called for an emergency meeting of his closest friends about the abduction of Thunderblood’s wife, Sheeta. The several people there we’re discussing what could be done and what should be done.

"We don’t even know the exact location of the Raptors, let alone the strategy to attack them", comments Smog as he wipes his face with a towel from the result of his match.

"What other option is open to us though, Smog", says Element to the statement made by Smog, "That may be the case but we really don’t have any other choice. We’ve helped Thunderblood many times with dealing the Night Demons and we all know that they are an extreme pain in the ass. We have to finish this now regardless of what the circumstances is."

"Element is right", says Python, "The time to strike is NOW."

"I’m telling you", replies Smog, "This little campaign will result in nothing and will just make the Raptors even more mad."

"We will strike", Says Venom as he walks in the room, "We have the resources and the fighters to do so. Plus with the spies we have been sending throughout the realms we have been able to get many sources on the whereabouts of the Night Demons."

Smog rolls his eyes at the sight of Venom. He leans over to Fog his listening to what Venom has to say.

"How much more do I have to endure with this guy", comments Smog, "He’s an insult to us all. He has nothing to offer and he is a worthless fighter. And let’s not even mention the Pit Vipers. That clan is just a cry for attention and it has no order."

"True that may be now", replies Fog, "But you must give the clan time. And besides, it’s the fasted growing clan that anyone has even seen and half of those members are currently Red Dragon members as well."

"That’s what really strikes me", says Smog, "Those members should give full alegiance to me-, I mean to the Red Dragon alone. And Thunderblood is one of them. Don’t get me wrong. I completely respect the man, he’s one of the Red Dragon’s best fighters, but he gives honor to the Pit Vipers as well. Now with the situation with Sheeta being held hostage I’m not sure how the clans will have an impact upon TB."

"Well considering the current situation and the fact that we just finished a Titles event, I think we should all retire for the evening", says Thunderblood as he stands up and addresses everyone in the room, "Some of us may be tired and distressed. All of you are free to do what you wish. As for me, I will return to my quarters to think. Thank you all."

Thunderblood walks out of the room with Edge following behind him. Venom gets out of his chair and walks over to the window viewing the stands of Cenetal Stadium. The remaining people are leaving for the exits. Element is about to leave the room when he turns back to see Smog and Venom being the last people in the room.

"Are you going to come to celebrate with us, Venom", questions Element.

"No, not this time", answers Venom, "I’m not really in the mood to celebrate."

"Ok", says Element, "See you later."

Venom turns back to the window as Element exits the room. Smog finishes packing some things into his bags. He then gets up and walks over to Venom at the window.

"Do you really think that this situation will bring honor and respect to your clan?" ask Smog.
"When was I in this thing for my clan", replies Venom, "Thunderblood is a close friend of mine and I’m willing to do what ever is necessary to help him."

"Don’t give me that bullshit," comments Smog, "I know exactly your just helping him for attention for yourself and your clan. The Pit Vipers are just a simple clone off of what I created in the Red Dragon."

"I thought the Red Dragon was made up between you, Thunderblood, and a few other fighters."
"They were there to help, everything ever done for that clan was by me."

"Funny I thought different. Well just to let you that the current situation is just me helping a friend."
Venom makes his last remark and then exits the room with Smog glaring him. Venom shuts the door behind him and Smog looks down at the stadium.

"Something has to be done to stop the Pit Vipers", Smog says to himself, "I can’t have their little uprising continue. The Red Dragon must move on as the sole power. But what should be done? What has to be done?"

~~~Cenetal Palace~~~

Thunderblood and Edge are walking up the throne room staircase to Thunderblood’s bedroom. Two servants walk behind them waiting for any service called on by either of the two.

"What will be done, Father", asks Edge.

"I’m not quite sure", replies Thunderblood, "Sheeta is your mother and you hate Night Demon as much as I do, but I feel that maybe what some say is that we must wait for out attack."

"This dilemma we have is driving our closest allies apart", says Edge, "You saw what happened earlier. Smog and Venom are practically at each others throats and I’m not sure what will happen next."

"That’s where the side of attacking as soon as we can comes in. But we must not concentrate on that right now. The situation of your missing mother is our main concern", says Thunderblood.

Thunderblood and Edge reach the door of Thunderblood’s room. As soon as the door is open a scream in heard around the hall. The four look down and see a dark figure pass by the hall.

"Now what", says Thunderblood, "You two, go down and see what happened and get everyone else to check the palace for that figure. And summon for Twist and Strike to my room for guard."

Thunderblood and Edge walk in to the room and close the door behind them. Thunderblood walks over to his chest and begins to undress. Edge sits down in a chair and begins to take off his boots. As they both do this, Edge hears a sound come from a corner of the room.

"I’ll tell you my son" says Thunderblood, "My life has had many sorrows, but never had-"

"Shhh", says Edge, "Theres someone in here."

Thunderblood listens to what Edge has to say and opens up his chest and takes out Vampire Shield. He gets into a stance and analyzes the room. Edge stands up and slowly slides his sword off his back. They both begin to walk around the room. Suddenly a masked figure runs out and dropkicks Thunderblood to the ground. Edge runs over to attack the man but the attacker senses him and roundhouse kicks him in the jaw. Both Edge and Thunderblood get up at the same time, but the masked man jumps up and manages to kick both of the fighters in the face. The doors of the room bust open as Twist and Strike run in. The attacker sees them as begins to run at them. As the two brothers begin to attack, the figure rolls behind the two and makes an escape out the door.

"Twist, Strike, follow him", yells Thunderblood as he begins to get up. Thunderblood walks over to put his shield away.

"What was that, Father", asks Edge.

"I’m not sure", says Thunderblood," Too many things are happening. I don’t-"

Thunderblood stops and looks down at his chest.

"What", wonders Edge, "What is it?"

Thunderblood pulls out his belt and examines it.

"The Blood Gem is missing", says Thunderblood, "That’s it. Evacuate the palace. We are leaving for further protection of my people and for the planning of our attack. And when we get there call for Blades."

"Blades, father" asks Edge, "Where are we going to go?"

"We are going to Damage’s Cave," says Thunderblood as he gathers his final belongings into a bag.

~~~Damage’s Cave~~~

A few guards pry open the huge wooden doors covered in dust which leads to Damage’s Cave. Thunderblood and Nukem walk into the completely dark cave. Nukems lights two torches and hands one to Thunderblood. The two men walk more into the cave followed by the hundreds of people following behind them. They come across more torches on the wall. They decide to light them for more light and once they do all the torches in the cave mysteriously light up in one giant chain reaction. They all travel down the entrance hallway into the throne room. Once they reach it Thunderblood jumps up onto the aged throne which Damage once sat on.

"Everybody if I can have your attention", yells Thunderblood, "Thank you. Welcome back to Damage’s Cave. For all of you who don’t about this place, this is where it all started for tournaments and fights outside the actual Mortal Kombat tournament itself. These caves will be our home for the time being until we figure out what to do about the Night Demons. You are all free to do what you wish in the cave for now. The guards of the palace will serve you the same way here. If you wish to leave the cave please inform someone of authority so we don’t have any confusion. I’m sure we are all hungry so in an hour I will have food prepared in the Dining Hall which is to the hall to your left if my memory serves me right. As for your rooms, I’m afraid they will be more compact and desolate than that of the palace. Four people to a room. Please be orderly about this people, I want everything to be settled quickly." Thunderblood then hops off the throne and walks away through a hall as the hundreds of people leave to do what they wish. Strike runs up to Thunderblood as he is walking.

"Sir, we located Damage’s old quarters and we will prepare it for you", says Strike.

"I don’t wish luxories right now", says Thunderblood, "for now just set me up a room where you, your brother, my son, and myself can stay for the time being. Allow someone else to gain the room."

"As you wish, my lord," says Strike.

"And Strike", whispers Thunderblood, "make it quiet. There will be a lot of chaos if everyone finds out about it. Give it to someone who wish to give it to." Strike smiles and walks off as Thunderblood continues a path to a room.

~~~Damage’s Quarters~~~

The silence of the room is broken as Diamond flops into the giant bed getting comfortable. Blades is on the other side putting his bags on a smaller bed.

"You know Strike," comments Diamond, " You made a good choice on who got this room. For years I always wanted this bed when my brother was here." Strike makes a smirk as turns to Blades.

"Blades", whispers Strike, "Thunderblood wishes to see as soon as possible. It’s urgent."
"I’ll go now", answers Blades as he puts his bags down and walks out of the room with Strike. Diamond pays no attention as he has already fallen asleep.

~~~Thunderblood’s room~~~

Thunderblood, Edge, and Twist are unpacking a few bags in their room.

"I hope I made the right decision", says Thunderblood, "you know about leaving Cenetal in hands of the governors."

"Oh I forgot to tell you, Father", says Edge, "Smog came to me as we were leaving and decided to stay and keep control while we were gone."

"Odd", says Thunderblood, "He usually stays at my side in times of crisis. But I trust him enough to keep order." There’s a knock on the door as Strike and Blades walk into the room.

"Ah Blades", says Thunderblood, "We need to talk. Could we have some privacy?"

"Father", ponders Edge.

"Edge, please", says Thunderblood, "I need to talk to Blades in private." Edge complies as well does Twist and Strike. The three leave the room and Thunderblood takes a seat on a bed.

"Come, Blades", says Thunderblood, "Sit. Let us talk for awhile."

"You called for me, Thunderblood", says Blades as he sits on the bed across from Thunderblood.

"Let us talk", says Thunderblood, "You had a good win the other day against Anaconda in the Doomsday Championship. That is one ruthless match and I congratulate you."

"Thank you, Thunderblood", says Blades, "But why did you really call me here? This is an odd time to talk about that."

"You’re right, Blades", says Thunderblood, "The real reason for me calling you is because I need your service. You are one the best assassians I’ve ever seen. Possibly the best. You are also extremely good at locating your target. That’s why I call on you. I have a job which just requires you to find the location of Night Demon and his clan of raptors. Not killing him."

"This is the first assignment I’ve ever had that didn’t require actual killing, but I accept", answers Blades.

"Good, thank you", replies Thunderblood, "I’ll have my brother Python accompany you. You may leave when you are ready."

"I shall leave tonight", says Blades.

"There’s no rush into this", says Thunderblood, "The Night Demons are a brutal tribe of warriors and they have very keen senses. But if you wish to leave tonight you may do so." Thunderblood and Blades get up and shake hands. "Thank you for excepting this job. I wish you luck." Blades then leaves the room and he goes to prepare for his travel. Thunderblood signals the outside servant for Python so that Thunderblood can inform him of his mission.

~~~Four days later. Damage’s Cave Dining Hall~~~

Thunderblood and his most trusted friends are meeting in the room to discuss the current situation.

"Still no communication with Smog or anybody from Cenetal", says Element, "It’s like someone or something is preventing that from happening. Every messenger we send doesn’t return."

"Element is right", says Nukem, "It’s like someone was expecting us to do that."

"We need to return and see what’s happening", says Venom.

"I want to wait", says Thunderblood, "I wish to take care of the Night Demons first. We will wait for Blades and my brother to return."

"That could take weeks", comments Edge, "Maybe even months. We just don’t know when the two will get back." As Edge is done speaking the door busts open and Blades runs into the room.

"Blades", Thunderblood cries, "Where is my brother? What news do you bring?"

"We found the Night Demons", says Blades catching his breath, "They have taken over Cenetal. Sheeta is with them. Python stayed back to investigate some more."

"Where is Smog", asks Thunderblood.

"I’m not sure", answers Blades, "We tried to locate him but nothing came up."

"Ok. We will strike now", Thunderblood says, "I ask for volunteers to aid me in the attack." At that moment Edge, Element, Venom, Nukem, Twist, and Strike stand up."

"I will also help", says Blades, "I can help with what is going on currently in Cenetal."

"Ok", Thunderblood says", We leave as soon as possible. Twist, go inform Anaconda and Diamond that will be in charge while we are gone. Everyone else go get ready to leave. We will meet outside the cave in twenty minutes." With that everyone in the room goes to get anything done that needs to be done.

Next Chapter: "The Beginning of the End"