New Additions

"Welcome to the headquarters," Thunderblood commented as he, Nukum, and Titan reached a large valley in the mountains. The HQ was a large stone building, seeming somewhat more modern than Damage's Cave. The entrance to the building were 2 double doors made of steel. They had a small computer device on them.

Thunderblood entered various numbers into the pad and the doors slip open, revealing a long hallway. After walking it, the 3 came to a more spacious room, similar to that of Damage's Cave. This room was more high tech than elegant, however. There were many hallways connected to this room, which Thunderblood had called the Core.

Thunderblood then began a tour of the building, showing Nukum and Titan their staying rooms, the dining hall, the training area, the combat area, the war room, and the simulation room-a place where members could combat enemies which were computer simulated. All in all, Smog must have some wallet to finance a clan of this magnitude. It was first class in every way.

"So what do you think of the place," Thunderblood asked when the tour had finished. They were now seated in the lobby.

"Pretty nice," Nukum admired.

"By the way, Smog's set up a state of the art medical facility here; they can fix up your arm in 2 weeks at the most," Thunderblood said. This was also impressive, compared to the 6 weeks it would have taken if he had stayed at the Cave. Nukum knew that he would like it here.

3 weeks and 5 days later: "So, what gives," Titan asked Smog in the dimmed War Room.

"I have your first assignment," Smog replied from his chair at the end of the long table. Thunderblood sat to his right and Fog to his left. Further down the table were Nukum, Titan, Element (he had lost his next fight but not killed), and a mysterious man known as Flair. Kyle had mentioned him when they had first met but Nukum never mentioned Kyle to him. All listened attentively. "We have a small threat in the area. A band of rebel raptors have taken control of a small Red Dragon outpost 30 miles from here," Smog stated.

Fog cut in, "These raptors have killed 4 clansmen and are currently holding 3 more. They are threatening to kill them as well if we do not give them their demands".

"Which are?" Element questioned.

"They want me dead," Smog said, seeming not at all worried. "But I have strong confidence that my life is not endangered with you on the mission".

"Thunderblood," Fog said. "You are in command. I want you to take as many raptors alive as possible".

Thunderblood nodded in agreement.

"We will be awaiting your return. Good luck," Smog concluded.

With that, the 5 men arose from their seats and took the elevator back up to the main floor.

3 hours later, 1:42 am: Flair returned quietly to the small patch of brush.

"We got about 15 raptors, from what I saw. There are 6 sure ones guarding the outside, 3 move back and forth, and the other 4 are inside," he said.

"Nice work, Flair," Thunderblood said, and then began his plan,"I want to have a full attack from the front. Once all immediate threats have been overcome, I want Nukum, Element and myself to enter the outpost. Titan and Flair wait outside in case any escape," he finished.

The two nodded, although clearly disappointed with their assignments. Nukum, however, was excited about his.

"Get ready," Thunderblood commanded. All of the ninja dressed men arose and waited for Thunderblood's command.

"Let's go now," he said at last and the 5 men emerged from their hiding place 50 feet from the outpost. 3 visible raptors noticed them. They called for help. The ninjas ran at full speed toward them. Element reached his first and threw an initial punch into his ribs. It hissed with pain.

Nukum and Titan double-teamed another. Nukum kicked it hard in its jaw and it staggered back. Titan positioned himself behind it and picked it up. Using his enormous might, he chunked it away.

"Nice throw," Nukum commented.

Thunderblood had removed his chain-saw and was brutally cutting through his raptor foe. After he had removed one arm, another attacked him from behind, causing him to drop his weapon. The first raptor immediately sunk its vicious teeth into Thunderblood's arm. He cried out in pain and fell to the ground. The 2 raptors taunted and kicked him around on the ground. Suddenly, a horrible scream ripped through the air. Thunderblood looked up to see one of the raptors fall to the ground. In its back stuck a huge ax. Thunderblood saw his chance as the second raptor looked at his fallen foe. He outstrectched his foot and swung it around. It hit the raptor in the back of its leg and it crumpled to the ground. Thunderblood jumped to his feet and pulled the ax out from the dead raptor's back. He lifted it high and struck down on the other fallen raptor, slicing right through its head. A strange substance, which was probably its brains spilled out from the cracked skull.

"OK, NUKUM AND ELEMENT. LETS GO," TB called out once he had killed the raptor. Nukum, who was engaged in a heavy fist fight managed to pull off a Magnetic Beam attack, which allowed him to leave the fight. Element had just got finished performing a BBQ fatality with his sword and he immediately raced toward the outpost. Thunderblood led the way inside the dark building.

Titan was clawed across the face. His cheek spurted with blood and he cried out his pain. The raptor then leapt on top of him and threw him to the ground.

"Time to die, human," it hissed as it opened its wide jaws.

The raptor was then shot off Titan's body by a huge ball of flame. The raptor immediately caught on fire and screamed with pain as it flew through the air. After landing, its body sizzled and burned as it cried out for the last time. Flair stood about 20 feet away, hands glowing from the fire ball he had created.

"Thanks a lot," Titan muttered and arose to his feet.

"Any time," Flair replied.

Inside the outpost was a small, wooden staircase and a single hall. It was much more run down than the main HQ. Thunderblood stopped at the stairs when he heard hissing from the hall.

"You two, check it out," he ordered Element and Nukum. They both nodded in agreement and then slowly crept down the hall.

The hall had a dim light at the end of it, which was from a candle. The hissing sounded like two raptors conversing. They were obviously not aware of the battle outside.

"Are we to kill them yet?" one raptor asked.

"Not until we are ordered," the other said. "But they do look delicious," it added. They both laughed evilly. "We shall wait for the order, remember the mission," it said.

Nukum stopped Element and held up 2 fingers with his hands. Element nodded to agree. Nukum edged closer to the entrance and peeked around the door. There were 2 raptors speaking beside a large cage, which contained the 3 hostages. Nukum turned back to Element and told him. He nodded again.

"Shhhh," one of the raptor said suddenly. "I smell something," it said. The other sniffed as well. "We are not alone here," one said.

"Use wind," Nukum whispered to Element.

He raised one of his hands to the ceiling and closed his eyes. With his free hand, he pointed into the room. A gust of wind suddenly burst from it and swept into the room. Nukum glanced over to see both raptors lying on the ground. He rushed in the room with Element close behind him. The raptors quickly got back on their feet.

"Kill them," one raptor said. Nukum wasn't sure if he meant him and Element or the hostages. The other raptor open its mouth and bite off a hostage's arm. He cried out in agony. Element removed his sword and stuck it directly into the raptor's heart. It died after 10 seconds of pain. Nukum punched the other across the face and threw him back to the ground. Element raised his sword and swung it down on the raptor's neck. Its blood spurted all over the ground. Element picked up its head and bagged it.

"Need a souvenir," he said with a laugh.

"Your sick," Nukum returned the joke. He then unlocked the large cage and freed the hostages. Element removed a small bag from his vest and took out some bandages, which he wrapped around the wounded hostage's half-arm.

"You stay here," Nukum told them. Then he and Element left the room to search for Thunderblood.

Meanwhile, Thunderblood had reached the second and top floor. He stayed very alert but to his sense of sound, there was nothing around. At the top of the stairs was another single hallway with a room at the end. He was currently unaware that all hostages had been saved; or that a number of 3 raptors had not been killed (Titan and Flair had killed 5 that had tried to escape the building). All he knew was there was something up here that he needed to kill. The floor creaked beneath him and he cursed silently.

The room at the end of the hall was dark. It had once been a computer stationed but all the machines were down or broken. As far as he could see, the large room was empty of any threat. He stepped inside just to be sure. It was a sure mistake. As soon as he had stepped in, a door that he didn't even know was there closed behind him. He spun around and met a hard kick in his jaw. A raptor had been hiding on the loft above the entrance. He hissed with delight as Thunderblood fell onto his back.

It and another raptor jumped off of the loft and beside the fallen Thunderblood. He cried out as a raptor stuck its sharp claws into his chest. The raptor twisted his claw around and then pulled it out violently. It came out covered in blood.

"Hello, human," another raptor hissed. The voice had come from the shadows on the small loft. "I hope to make your death as painful as possible," it added.

Thunderblood wanted to fight back but every time he flinched, one of the raptors kicked him harshly. All he could do was wait to be finished.

Nukum and Element were back at the staircase.

"I'm going to get the other 2," Nukum stated as they were about to climb the stairs.


"Don't worry, I'll be fast. We may need as much help as we can get," Nukum said.

Element didn't fight back. As Nukum turned and ran back down the hall, he climbed the stairs to await the others.

"Titan, get over here," Nukum yelled to his brother, who had walked slightly around the building, searching for any entrances.

Flair reached Nukum before Titan.

"What's up?" he asked, out of breath.

"We got the hostages but may need help upstairs. TB's gone alone and I figure there could be around 5 raptors up there," Nukum said as fast as he could.

"Maybe not that many. We killed 5 while you were inside," Titan said when he reached them.

"I don't give a crap about the math," Nukum said, annoyed with his brother's remark. "Now come with me".

He led them back into the post and up the stairs, where Element was waiting.

"The door down there is closed, I can hear voices, though," he said. "Hissing, I should say".

"OK, lets go," Nukum said.

Back in the computer station, Thunderblood was being tortured by the 2 raptors, who took great pleasure in doing so. He had massive cuts along his legs, arms, chest, and face for not giving the Red Dragon HQ's location to them. The raptor leader, who was still hidden in the shadows, was taking a long time to finish him off.

"I will ask you until you bleed to death," he continued. By now, he was fully aware of the rescue of the other hostages. He began to stride back and forth above on the loft, probably nervously. Thunderblood still kept his mouth closed. He was very close to losing too much blood.

And then it happened faster than the raptors could react. There was a loud pound on the door. It bent inward but stayed put. This called for one more punch by Titan. On the second contact, it flew open into one of the raptors. It knocked it back into the wall, killing it. Immediately after the doorway was clear, another fireball sped into the room, hitting the second raptor in its stomach. It was wounded but still living. The 4 ninjas rushed into the room at once. Nukum performed a Radiation move on the wounded raptor, which knocked it out.

The other 3 helped Thunderblood to his feet, Element offering additional bandages for his many wounds. They were all unaware of the leader raptor above them on the loft. It cocked its head back and spat a large wad a acid, hitting the unsuspecting Titan in the back. The acid tore through his clothes and skin and he screamed for help. Everyone turned their attention up to the raptor. Nukum only had time to catch a slight glance at it before it camouflaged itself. This made everyone in the room very aware.

"Listen for its slightest sounds," Thunderblood offered.

They thought they heard something when Element was thrown to the ground by nothing. He rolled on the floor, grabbing at something that wasn't even there. It was the invisible raptor. Large gashes on his stomach appeared out of nowhere and he fought back with kicks and punches. Titan came to his assistance and tried to grab at the air that he seemed to be attacking.

"I got it," he said and his grip tightened on the invisible raptor. "I think I'll crush it to death," he commented and began to squeeze. The raptor was heard hissing in pain and Titan through it to the ground. It took its shape back, now badly beaten and bloody.

It was a horrible looking creature with a large snout and blood red skin. Its eyes were like a snake's and full of evil.

"You humans," he said from its place on the ground. "You cannot stop what is bound to come". After those words, it spat up more acid in the face of Nukum. It jumped to its feet and ran out of the room.

"Follow it," Thunderblood said. Flair and Element had already set off after it.

Nukum grabbed his eyes in pain. He cursed unnecessarily from the pain he felt. Titan stayed with him as Thunderblood followed after Flair and Element.

Flair and Element exited the building back into the night air. The raptor already had good distance in front of them, and it was running into the forest. The 2 men followed. The raptor had great speed and slowly gained more distance ahead of them.

They came to a small clearing where they saw the raptor standing and smiling. As if he was waiting them to rush into him. They emerged and readied to attack.

"Surrender or we will kill you," Element attempted.

The raptor hissed with delight. Then it raised its hands and a portal formed behind him. Before the two Red Dragon had time to realize he was escaping, the raptor did a back-flip into the portal and it closed immediately behind it. Thunderblood rushed through the brush.

"Where is it," he asked, totally out of breath. Not to mention the fact that he was still bleeding from many un-bandaged wounds.

"It escaped through a portal," Flair said with anger in its voice.

"Damnit. Smog won't like this," Thunderblood said.

"We still have the other raptor knocked out. Let's take him back to base and question it," Element suggested. Flair nodded at this.

Red Dragon Base, 6:32 am: "Who is your leader, raptor?" Fog questioned the raptor.

It sat in a metal chair with its hands and feet chained to it. It also had a lose muzzle on it, allowing it to talk but preventing it from attacking. By now, it had stopped attempting escape.

"Answer me," Fog persisted, now angry.

From behind a glass window to the side, Smog and Thunderblood stood, viewing the interrogation. The raptor had so far said nothing except what the leader had said: Humans could not stop what had to come. By now, Thunderblood had gone through the Red Dragon medical care but insisted to be present at the interview.

"We will spare you if we get answers," Fog tried.

The raptor flinches slightly but remained quiet. Fog stared at him hard, waiting for some sort of answer, which didn't come. He sighed and then stated, "Kill him".

A cloaked man entered the room carrying a giant ax. The raptor's eyes grew wide with fear. Fog hoped for an answer. Then the raptor hissed, "Viscera will kill you all". With those words, the executioner threw his ax through the raptors neck, decapitating it. Its head rolled onto the ground and blood poured out.

"Idiot," Fog exclaimed to the executioner. "He was talking!". The executioner said nothing and left.

"What did he say," Smog voice asked over an intercom.

"The name Viscera. That could have been their leader," Fog said.

"Come outside, we can talk," Smog said and cut the link.

Fog exited the interrogation room and took a seat in the room from which Smog and Thunderblood had been viewing. They sat as well.

"We have no remaining prisoners and the leader has escaped. You really screwed this up, Thunderblood," Fog said with annoyance. Thunderblood sat quietly.

"Silence, Fog! Thunderblood and his team did what we asked for. Our base and clansmen were rescued," Smog defended. He was silent for a moment, thinking. "Who is Viscera," he asked.

"I don't have a clue. We could run it by the Lin Kuei, see if they know anything. Word has it that there is a lot of unrest in Outworld right now. Bands of raptors are rebelling against Shao Kahn and some are seeking power here," Fog said.

Smog considered all of this. "I will send a messenger to the Lin Kuei sometime this week," he said. Then he turned to Thunderblood. "I'm promoting your entire team on an excellent job," he said. "You are dismissed".

Thunderblood rose, bowed, and exited the room.

Next Chapter: "Brothers"