Chapter I: Arrival at the Cave

It was around 11:30 pm. The sky was moonlit and faint clouds hovered in the sky. There had been a light rain since the morning, and it hadn't stopped but hadn't worsened either. The water was clam, for the most part, as the small, old boat sailed. Nukum was never the type to get sea sick, or air sick, or sick of anything, for that matter. He layed on a wooden bench outside his cabin, star gazing; reflecting on the past. And the future. What awaited him in the settlement known to few as Damage's Cave. He knew that it was a tournament held for skilled fighters, but he also knew that he was a rookie. He still wasn't sure what he was even doing on the boat, but something had told him that the choice would be one which would deside his fate, and he couldn't shake that thought. So he had decided to accept the offer made by Diamond 3 weeks ago. Who the hell was Diamond? Why didn't Damage himself do the asking? Still, he really had nothing better to do. And this would be a good opprotunity to make a statement, while still stay hidden from the Lin Kuei. They were sure to have assassins out for him. He still considered himself lucky he even escaped their automating plans for him, but he had and he was glad. He wondered where his brothers were at that time and then shuddered when he thought of Ricky and Luke. They were dead, and that was that. Phil was probably dead too. But Nukum wasn't, and that said something about destiny.

The tension of the next day was building, although he probably wouldn't fight. He was unsure of what he was in for. Nukum couldn't sleep in his cabin. Around 4 in the morning, he once again exited to the outside deck and took a seat on the bench. The sun was barely visible, although the skyline was becoming a faint yellow. There was another man outside as well; sitting on the nearest bench to the right. He looked at Nukum as he sat down but said nothing for about 5 minutes.

"You a fighter", he asked. He had a slightly southern accent, but spoke with total confidence and pride.

"Yeah", Nukum replied.

"Me too. My name's Kyle", he said.

"Kevin", Nukum replied.

"Are you new", Kyle asked. He meant new to Mortal Kombat fighting.

"I was a member of the Lin Kuei for 2 years. But I got out about 4 months ago", Nukum told Kyle. He decided that it was alright to let him know about being apart of the Lin Kuei, as long as he didn't find out his old codename. That would be dangerous.

"Lin Kuei. They are killers", Kyle said. "You ever get any good assignments", he asked.

"Sometimes. Their main assassin, Sub Zero, usually got all the good missions", Nukum said. He didn't mind, though. He would regret it not if he had done anything important which would have helped his enemy clan.

"Sub Zero's fought in a tournament I was in, he won it", Kyle said.

"You get spared", Nukum asked, wondering why Kyle was still alive after a Mortal Kombat tournament.

"Yes I did. Was fighting a friend of mine, Flair, and he didn't kill me", Kyle said.

Nukum smiled at this. In the tournament, the only goal was to kill and win. There really was no mercy. It was good that strong friendships still held strong in the heat of kombat. Nukum pushed away the thought that he would be defeated in the tournament.

More fighters were on the outside deck around 6. Some had totally nervous looks in their faces while others looked sure. Nukum tried to look calm (although he was becoming stressed) as he walked by other fighters. Kyle walked along side him, cigarette in his mouth, and greeted some of the fighters, whom he must have already known. Nukum, on the other hand, didn't recognize one of them. He had expected to see a Lin Kuei contestant, since the clan usually sent fighters to win and expand their glory. He hadn't, though.

"Hey Kev", Kyle said to Nukum. "See that man", he asked, pointing at a man around 20.

"Yeah", Nukum said.

"That's Phantom, he's son of Shinnok, the god", Kyle said.

Nukum knew the name, Shinnok. Apparently, the Lin Kuei had taken a job for Shinnok. They had, of coarse, sent Sub Zero on the mission. Nukum remembered that Sub Zero had a change of heart and defeated Shinnok when he realized he was being used. But whatever had happened, Nukum knew Shinnok was an evil god. "Is Phantom like his father", Nukum asked.

"No, he hates his father. In fact, his quest in life is to stop Shinnok from taking Earth Realm", Kyle said.

"But he is a god, right", Nukum asked.

"Yep, that's why he looks so young. He's actually a lot older", Kyle informed him.

Phantom sat on another bench and was reading a fairly large size book.

"Do you know him", Nukum asked.

"Yeah, we are pretty good friends. He was given me some advice on fighting and stuff. He's also told me about life as a god and the elder gods and all that", Kyle stated. "I'll introduce you to him, come with me", he said.

Kyle led Nukum to Phantom, who looked up when the arrived. "Hey RK", he said when he saw them. He a deeper voice and monst men. It was also raspy but powerful. Nukum wondered what RK meant.

"Hey. This is a friend of mine, Kevin...what's the rest", Kyle asked, never getting Nukum's last name.
"I'd rather not say", Nukum replied. He didn't really want any possible Lin Kuei fighters hearing that Kevin Paize was around. That would mean even more trouble for him on what was supposed to be a vacation. He laughed at that thought.

"Whatever. Anyway, this is Phantom", Kyle told him.

Nukum and Phantom shook hands. Phantom had the look of a fighter who had been everywhere, experienced all scenerios, and feared nothing. It made Nukum slightly uneasy. He was realizing just how much of a rookie he actually was. If he had only known that this tournament was more experienced than the others, he would have stayed back at his apartment in Oakland and just prayed that the Lin Kuei didn't bust down his door and kill him.

"Hello, Kevin. What name do you go by as you fight", Phantom asked him.

"I go by Nukum. It was that name that the Lin", then he stopped, realizing what he said. "I mean...", he tried to cover but it was no use. Now Phantom and Kyle knew that he was once a part of the Lin Kuei, and codenamed Nukum.

Phantom smiled, looking like he understood. "Don't worry about it, there are no Lin Kuei fighters aboard this ship", he said.

Nukum was stunned but releaved. "How did you know", he asked.

"I am a god, am I not", Phantom said. "Anyway, Damage hates the Lin Kuei as well, they have tried to kill him many times for becoming to powerful. He allows no Lin Kuei fighters".

"Then why was I invited", Nukum asked.

"Probably because he knows you are an enemy of the clan as well, and it would be no harm to have you fight in his tournament. You must be very skilled to have been selected, though", he finished.

This statement added some confidence into Nukum's self-esteem. And what he needed now most was more self-esteem.

The boats suddenly jolted, and Nukum looked over to realize that they had reached their destination. From what he could see, there were large mountains in the distant. They had docked on a sandy beach, with a thick forest behind it. The forest was filled with exotic plants and foreign creatures. Kyle patted Nukum on the shoulder.

"We need to unpack, come with me", Kyle said, leading Nukum back down the deck to where their cabins were. Nukum felt the tension building once more as he grabbed his bag and then unloaded off the ship. He knew that there would be danger ahead.

Next Chapter: "The First Tournament Begins"