Nightmare Alley

Death and Betrayal

Warning: (This chapter contains graphic adult/sexual material, and strong language. This chapter is not suitable for younger audiences/and or if you are offended by such content, I advise you to leave now. I cannot and will not be held responsible if your are caught reading this. If you have complaints, you know my e-mail.)

The battle was over. The battlefield was drenched in the blood of the warriors, both Nomadic and Human. The sky began to darken, night had fallen like a sheet upon the realm. Whispers could be heard, was it the cries of the dead?

The wind blew harshly, and thunder crackled as rain poured like wine from a tipped over cup. A bolt of lightning hit the branch of a black rooted tree. It crashed to the ground, shedding some light on a certain corpse. The eye loomed, and gazed at death. Breath came out of the being. A hand clutched a wound, as blood never ending seeped out. Whimpers and moans echoed slightly in the air as the warrior tried his best to get up.

To no avail, he knew his end at come. He could hear death’s footsteps at the door. He breathed deeper, and he wasn’t able to get as much oxygen. He ripped his mask off, inhaling the air around him. He rolled on his back, and said:

“I have failed you father.” The warrior coughed in momentum.

Then, the thunder ceased, and the clouds rolled away swiftly, and the stars lit the graveyard. It was a cloaked figure, and as the rain poured on, the warrior threw out his hand, begging for help. The figure loomed over his head, and blue energy swirled from his palm. The light pierced into the body of the individual, and his mortal wound healed.

The warrior got up, and shook the dust off of him. He looked into the eyes of the figure, and they were not human. It hissed like a snake.

The figure raised his arms into the air, and the wind picked up once more. The figure started an incantation. The clouds blackened, and a skull formed in the midst of the sky. Thunder crackled, as bolts lighted the skeletal figure, and it laughed. The skull hit the ground in a fury, and all those slain, being of both races, arose, all but one.

The figure, has revealed itself as a Necrolyte. It went over to the only body that had not decomposed. This meant the being was still alive. It had a spear rammed in its neck and out it’s mouth.

The Denizen started by yanking out the spear, and healing the wound in the throat, and mouth. He raised the warrior into the air, and healed the massive wound found by the rib cage, and abdomen. The warrior was thrown to the ground, being the dog that it was, and arose.

The one known as Predator let out the mightiest of war cries, and the undead yelled into the thunderous fury of the night.

“Master, the Nomads have made their way to your father’s Citadel, he has let them pass.”

“He has a purpose. I trust him.” Arch said, walking into the wastelands. The undead turned to him, and awaited orders.

“The battle failed human, and if I must I will kill you to gain my wage.” Predator said.

“Calm now, Nomad. Let Baraka be damned for this. He will surely die, I swear. By my own hands, this I promise.”

“Your prick must’ve fallen off, human. He’ll see his death, but by me. Get in my way, and I will destroy you also.”

Predator went on his way, and seeped into the night.

“Shall I kill him master?” The Denizen said.

“Leave him alone. He have more important things to take care of.” Arch smiled evilly.

The Mounds:

Warning: (This is the beginning of the adult content, if you are mature enough to grasp the situations of what is happening, read on visitor. If you are too young for this then leave now, and/or offended by such interactions.)

Whimpers echoed in the caverns. Silently at first, until it became a moan. Finally the voice of a female screamed in pleasure and arousal. This female was a half Nomad/human, named Terra. She was the servant of Ner’bane, commander of the wolf riders of the Nomads. She worked for him since she was a young girl. And now at the age of 19 has he begun to grasp her beauty. Six small bone spikes came out of her forehead, and her teeth were razor sharp. Her eyes were blood red, and all the Nomad males could do was stare at her voluptuous body.

Her breasts were rounded and full fruited. The Nomads worshipped her like a goddess for her beauty. No Nomad dared touch her, for the price would have been death. One Nomad learned this the hard way.

Ner’bane suspected someone working with the Edenians since the beginning. He suspected Terra, since she had got out much. He even suspected her of having sexual relations with Extermination Squad Leader Arch. She was a horny individual, and Ner’bane knew through her (and his) pleasure, would he learn the truth.

He cupped one hand around her left breast, and he pulled his face closer to her figure. He grasped her nipple with his pointed teeth, and pulled on it a bit. She yelled in pain, but it was a kind of pain she enjoyed. He then cupped her full breast, and started bite on it as if her were eating a piece of meat. Then he let go for awhile.

Her body swayed back and forth, as they continued. Ner’bane took hold of her swaying breasts, and took hold of them in his hands. Terra put her hands on his, and opened her eyes. She smiled as a small sign that she enjoyed herself. She rolled on her side as they finished. She slid her hand down to her wet crotch, and swirled her fingers inside. She took them out after a few seconds, and moved her dripping fingers to her awaiting tongue, and she moaned once more. She had her other hand grasped her right breast. She lifted the lab of skin up to her face, licking the hardened nipple. “Your bitch wants another fuck, master.” Terra stood on her knees. “What the hell? Let’s get my sister in here and we’ll put on a show for you, if you know what I mean.” She giggled in an innocent mannered. “You know I want it up the ass.” She hissed slightly. “How ‘bout this: want me to swallow you?” She said, putting her face on his lap. Ner’bane became both aroused and annoyed.

Ner’bane hissed as he took hold of her naked body, and he began to speak. “Terra, the humans are growing weak, and when Edenia belongs to out kind again, we’ll be together for all time.”

“True. I can’t wait until the war is over.” Terra said, guiding his hands to her thighs.

“But the war cannot be won until every fraction of problems is dealt with. A traitor is among the mists of the tribes. And I must find out, for our sake.” After Ner’bane said this, Terra became uneasy.

“You.” Ner’bane extracted his right blade a bit, as he pushed her down to the stone bed. He held her forcefully, and she tried to get away, but she was no match in brute strength against him. “No, wait master! I give you pleasure.” Terra pleaded.

“True. But your sister is a much better fuck, anyway!” At that moment, all of the caverns were filled with a horrible scream. The closest Nomad to the chamber couldn’t reach it until minutes later.

Ten minutes later:
A Nomad rushed into Ner’s chamber, and found him in full battle armor. “Get rid of this trash for me.” Ner’bane said, putting on a glove. The warrior looked at the dead carcass of the once beautiful Terra. The Nomad’s stomach began to wrench itself over, and he curled into a corner and vomited.

An hour later:
The Nomad warrior came up to Ner’bane, and presented who he was. “The remnants have been disposed of, sir.” “Good. Bring out the wolf-riders, and the brute forces. Word has come for us to go.” Ner said.

“Sir!” The Nomad rushed away.

Terra’s sister, code-named Hellscream (being named as how she screams in bed), came to Ner’bane’s side. “Has that bitch traitor been taken care of?” HS said. “Yes, love. She is no longer a threat to us.” Ner’bane said, grabbing both of her ass-cheeks. He moved his hands up to her breasts, and tore her garments off. “There was a proposal your sister wanted to make, but since she’s not here, I’m going to have to take it upon you.” Ner’bane said.

“Naughty, naughty.” HS said. She kneeled down on the rocky ground, as she circled her face around his crotch.

Ner’bane growled slightly in pleasure, as he held both hands behind her head. “Nice, bitch. Continue.” She looked up at him, and she immediately closed them, and began to enjoy what she was doing. Ner’bane laughed, as he pushed deep inside of her. He took hold of her sweet breasts, and enjoyed every minute of it.

Later that afternoon:
Ner’bane rallied his troops as they were about to storm what was left of Outworld, and finally end their crusade by destroying Sindel’s Castle. HS came behind, wearing nothing but a gilded bra that barely supported her breasts, and battle shreds of a Nomadic warrior skirt for battle. “Want another one before we leave?” She giggled.

Ner laughed, and snarled slightly. “After slaying all of the pathetic humans, we’ll fuck all we want.” Ner said. “That a promise?” HS giggled again.

Ner’bane waited until the sun completely set. He then unleashed a war cry, that even the dark wolves howled to. The waves of the brutes went first, then the wolf riders. Hellscream pushed up her breasts on Ner in a “hello” manner, and swirled her tongue inside his mouth. Judgment was about to pass upon the Edenians like a hot wind, may the spirits protect them.