Chapter Seven: Crusade of Darkness

The morning sun rose over the dead plain as several figures loomed about the Wastelands. Creatures could be heard snarling and laughing. Those were the Nomads, and such animals only had one thing on their minds: taking back their land. And they will eradicate all those who oppose them.

The Ednenians marched their way to the battlefield, and they showed no fear on their faces. Arch led the way, Predator being right by him. The squads were anxious, and also excited. For some newly trained Kombatents, this would be their first fight, possibly their last.

Baraka wore no shroud he wasn’t worried. Baraka looked around at the Nomads. They were disorganized, but he was confident. He didn’t care who would die, just as long as the war would be theirs. The Nomads couldn’t wait, the crusade of darkness was at hand. Edenia would fall by the blade.

Arch withdrew his frag slugs, and fired in the air, signaling all to fight. Baraka let out a war cry, which reached the highest of the temporal plane, and maybe even farther. All Nomads raised their right arms, and did the same. They ran across the Wasteland, sword meeting blade. Eye meeting eye, and blood meeting blood.

Hatred soared to new heights, as the battle reigned. A young Nomad engaged in Kombat with a careless high class Necrolyte. He swung his blades wildly, referring to the Nomadic move called “blade fury”. The Necrolyte flew across a small patch of dirt, and landed in a puddle of mud. The young Nomad, being driven by bloodlust, jumped in, and hacked away, blade meeting flesh. The brown mud puddle soon turned to a crimson color, and the Nomad arose, victorious. He had several scratches on his rock hard body, but nothing that would endanger him. He let out a harsh cry, for he made his first kill. An Edenian Knight (called Knights of the skulls) rode right behind the young warrior. With his war hammer in hand, he swung, crushing the Nomads skull, (now you know how they got their name).

A low class soldier saw an opening, and ran towards Baraka. He yawned at the sight of the pitiful human, and let him have his strike. He rammed his sword right through Baraka’s abdomen. Suddenly, the soldier floated in mid-air. A red light emitted from the gem, and it shot out, completely desiccating his carcass. Baraka took out the sword with ease, and his wound healed instantly.

Arch looked at the onslaught, and he bided his time. He would fight only Baraka. Several Nomads came after him, but Predator saw to it that they’d never approach anyone again. Predator was bored, and if this was all there was, he knew the reward would probably be nothing but a pile of shit.

Predator had his own plans. If all this would only give him nothing in gain, he would kill Baetal and take all he has. Arch never fully trusted Predator, but he knew he was one of the best assassins out there. And he knew he could get the job done.

The battle raged on, with both sides giving each other terrible blows. A Dark Paladin and a Warlock surrounded a large Nomadic Warrior, and were able to quickly subdue it. A Necrolyte destroyed the Nomad with a bolt of blue lightning, and raised him from the dead by using his magiks.

Several Nomads tried to escape the battle and head straight for Edenia territory. A Warlock made a closing shield around the battlefield, killing those Nomads instantly. Baraka began questioning his klans, and he decided it was time to get into the fight.

A Dark Paladin walked into Baraka’s path, and welcomed the challenge. This one wouldn’t be as easy as the soldier, this Paladin has great strength and magicks. The Paladin made the first move, tearing a chunk of flesh out of Baraka with his sickle. Baraka was thrown down, surprised by his attack. Baraka began to feel pain, and blood gushed from his wound. It began to heal, but way to slowly. The Paladin didn’t hold back, as he used his sickle to sweep Baraka off his feet. He jumped right by him, and he raised his weapon high above his head. He let it down in a fury of hatred, and it hit target. He lifted Baraka up with his sickle. The Nomad just hung off the edge of the blade, only a few breaths escaping his mouth.

Baraka pushed himself off the blade, cutting his hands in the process. He fell to the ground, the Paladin ready for round two. His wound, this time even worse didn’t heal at all. Baraka was able to breathe again, and he attacked the warrior in a furious force. He stuck both blades inside the Paladins abdomen, both of them reaching right out his back. He let the warrior slip in deeper, killing him a slow manner.

He tore his blades out the sides of his torso, tearing him in half. Blood splattered onto Baraka’s face, and he wore it like a great mark of war. His wound still wouldn’t heal, and he immediately knew he drained the gem while killing the soldier.

Baraka would have to rely on his own abilities now. He calmly walked to where Arch was standing. Arch had his arms folded, and he just kept a fierce look. Baraka stood right up to Arch, and being taller, he had somewhat of an advantage. He drooled a bit, the liquid hitting Arch’s mask. He wiped it off, and he gleamed into Baraka’s eyes. “This war is mine bitch.” Arch said in a low voice, almost as if he was whispering.

Predator withdrew his blades, ready to fight Baraka. Arch told him to stay where he was, and so he did. Baraka laughed at Arch, “So confident are you, human? Then let’s see if you can match wits with a true Warrior!”

Arch looked up at Baraka and when he did, all he saw was a pitiful, proud fool. Arch laughed a bit under his mask, and told Baraka to begin. Baraka tried a low swipe with his left blade, having Arch just jump over it. Arch landing, and using the force he did so, he kipped up planting a reverse spin kick on Baraka. Baraka’s head snapped back, some blood spurting out of his mouth.

He took this advantage, and he cracked some ribs in Baraka’s torso with his metal arm. Baraka cringed in pain, as his wounds were still not healed. Arch finished with a roundhouse kick to Baraka’s jaw, knocking him down.

Baraka became furious, and he lunged at Arch, snarling like a wild dog. He managed to do a bit damage, but Arch just thought that: ‘If that’s the best that you can do, consider you ass mine!’

Arch slammed his knee into Baraka’s stomach, knocking more than just air out of him. He then raised hit fist, and he knocked Predator down by slamming his fist into his skull. Baraka became pissed, and he lunged up, with both blades wielded out. He managed to slice right into Arch’s face.

Arch screamed in pain, as the left part of his face fell numb. “You son of a…” Arch began to say, until Baraka knocked him down with his leg. Baraka began to beat him again and again. Arch yelled after each blow, being severely weakened after each hit. Predator invited himself into the frag, only to be sliced in his throat by Predator. Arch slammed his feet into Baraka’s chest, knocking him back a bit.

Baraka slammed both blades into Arch’s torso, Arch dying slowly. “This is where we say GOODBYE!!!!!” Baraka said, shooting double sparks into Arch’s abdomen. The force threw him about a good 30 yards. His front and back were opened up, and there was no chance of him surviving.

Baraka turned back, only to see Predator in his way. Baraka pushed him to the side, and continued walking. Predator slammed his body into Baraka’s shoulder, ripping it from the joint. Baraka yelled in furious detail, his body hitting the ground with a thud. Baraka kipped up, his left arm dangling off its socket. Then, the gem began to glow, and every wound healed, including his arm. Baraka laughed at Predator, and a beam shot out of the gem, hitting Predator square in the chest.

Baraka began to walk away, until he saw Predator get up. Predator threw his spear at his so-called “daddy”, and it ripped into Baraka’s arm, and it came out through his back and chest. Baraka just tugged on the cord, having Predator fly right into an awaiting fist. Predator ripped out the cord, and he stuck it right into Predator’s throat wound, and he yanked it out of his mouth. Predator began to choke, and he coughed up blood. Baraka kneeled to the ground, and performed the infamous “blade fury” technique. Flesh and blood rained down on both kombatents, and as Baraka finished, he performed his tornado move, ripping Predator’s abdomen open. Predator was thrown back to the ground. He clutched his wound, trying to keep his organs form spilling out. Baraka jumped at Predator, and with two swipes of his blades, he opened Pred’s stomach wide open. Predator’s guts hung out of his stomach, and there was nothing he could do. Baraka went back to the battle, and he saw most were soldiers were obliterated. He commanded his horde to destroy the remaining warriors, and after a short while, they did. He had those severely wounded killed, and he had the rest of his klans move out. Edenia’s downfall was at hand. Kahn’s Castle laid waste first, containing most of the Denizens. But they took a safer route, where there was only one obstacle: Baetal’s Citadel.

To Be Continued...