Chapter Three: Ruthless Ambition

PV Temple, Medic Room:
Predator woke up to see several doctors and nurses on station. Without even thinking, the Nomad lunged up, and sliced one of the nurse’s arms off.

Predator stabbed one of the doctors, and finally realized where he was. Venom stood at the doorstep, and motioned to take the injured to another room.

“I’ve never expected more or less of you Predator. You never follow code, and you show no regard for other members. What were you thinking when you had no mercy for that child and her mother?”

“That brat I don’t give a shit for. That bitch sure had a hell of a rack though.” Predator snickered through his gruff voice.

Venom slammed his fist into Predator’s jaw. He wiped the blood off his chin like nothing happened, and blinked. “I am truly sorry you have never become one of us. I today relieve you as a ranked member of the Pit Vipers.”

Predator looked at Venom weirdly. “Feh.” Predator chuckled.

“I don’t need to be here.” Predator released his blade just half an inch from Venom’s face.

“Big mistake. What you did now could be attempted murder on the Klan Ruler.”

Predator hissed, and he hurled his arm into the air, as if he was to slice at Venom. But something forcefully held him back. He was suddenly lifted off the ground, and was thrown against a wall. Then again, and again, and several times more. The one called Mystic was there. Mystic used his telekinesis to lift Predator off the ground once more. Out of nowhere a reverse atomic wave blast hit Predator center on his back, that sent him hurling right by Mystic.

“Bad move.” Predator quickly lunged up, and jabbed his blade into Mystic’s stomach. Mystic stood in agony for a moment until he plunged to the ground. Predator took his blade up and again, and stabbed Mystic not once, not twice, but three times. He saw Venom coming with his weapon, and did a reverse spin kick, which snapped Venom’s head up.

Predator quickly rose up and moved as quickly as he could Venom got back up after several seconds, and saw several of the royal doctors help him up. “Tell the members to barricade all entrances.”

The doctors saw Venom leave, and they attended to Mystic.

Predator went to the nearest exist, only to see it locked and barricaded with bars.

“Shit!” Predator said. He turned around only to see Venom there.

“Let’s see you back yourself up now fucker.” Venom went into a battle stance.

Predator did nothing but smile from ear to ear. He extracted both blades, and lunged at Venom only to be uppercutted in the stomach, followed by being kneed in the groin. Predator held his balls, only to be knocked down by an unforeseen upper kick by Venom.

Predator bided his time as Venom got right by him, and he kicked his way up, slamming both feet in Venom’s rib cages.

Venom was a phased a bit, but was able to catch an coming kick from Predator. He twisted it, having Predator slam to the ground hard! Venom took Predator by one leg, and lifted him up. He swung wildly, and threw Predator outside to the courtyard through a window.

Venom jumped out, and drop kicked Predator in the head, adding confusion to the Nomad’s head.
Venom rammed his fists into his abdomen three times, and finally kicked him in the chest. The force sent him flying into one of the barrier walls.

Some of the members, and those who just lived there were astonished to see Venom in their presence.They all bowed in unison in respect to the Klan leader.

“Now that’s how you fight.” Venom said.

Venom arranged to have Predator punished.

Predator had bumps around his face, and dry blood on his chin, and around his mouth. “Today, the assassin known as Predator has attempted to murder you leader today, and has severely injured a fellow member of the Klan.” Klan Ruler Nukem said.

Predator was bound with technological restraints on his arms. He snarled at the crowd, and laughed at the Klan Rulers.

The young woman who Predator nearly raped stood in front of him, but did not say anything.
“Being fucked by me would have been the ride of your life lady.” She said nothing, but only slapped Predator hard in the face.

She had her child with her, and she kicked Predator in the shins. Predator chuckled. The crowd laughed and said how cute she was. And some said she would grow up to be an excellent fighter.

The crowd soon quieted down as Thunderblood spoke. “Predator will be punished by being sent into a void portal, taking him wherever it might lead him.

“That all?” Predator said.

“Any last words Predator?” Blades asked.

“Yeah, you can all go screw yourselves in a dark corner.”

“Open the damn portal already. Let’s get this asshole out of here.” Tai said to a nearby guard.

“I can’t believe Venom’s letting this jerkoff this easy.” Mr.MK said.

Predator was booted in the portal by a guard.

“I hope this portal takes you to hell.” That guard said.

To Be Continued...